Why Buy The 1959 Penfolds Grange Bin 46 “Hidden Grange” And Its Not To Drink It!!! – Alternative Investments

Penfold Grange 1959, Bin 46 is developing to be one of the Australian wine heavyweights with asking prices increasing and demand still high.
What is it that makes this such a fascinating Shiraz amoung a brotherhood of Australian wine classics in the Penfold Grange Family?
Its the third of the hidden series, The bin 46 range

Below are the 3 Hidden Granges with their lower and upper prices from http://www.wickman.net.au/Grange_Prices.aspx#.VJQn2f94Ks
that were made in limited numbers due to them being “Unauthorised Granges”

Penfolds Bin 113 Grange Hermitage 1957 Bottle $8,100 $10,200 First of the hidden Granges
Penfolds Bin 46 Grange Hermitage 1958 Bottle $14,000 $18,000 Second of the hidden Granges
Penfolds Bin 46 Grange Hermitage 1959 Bottle $2,200 $3,100 Last of the 3 hidden granges

The 1959 Penfolds Grange Bin 46 Hidden Grange

Why Are They Called A “Hidden Grange”?

The first vintage of Penfolds Grange was made on an experimental basis in 1951 by winemaker Max Schubert, while he was employed by Penfolds Wines. Having toured Europe in 1950, Schubert implemented wine-making techniques observed in Bordeaux upon his return, aiming to create a red wine able to rival the finest Bordeaux wines both in terms of quality and ageing potential.[2]Individual bottles of the 1951 vintage are still held by collectors; one sold at auction in 2004 for just over A$50,000. The first vintage to be commercially released was the 1952 Penfolds Grange was styled as a powerful still wine in an age when fortified wines were in fashion. Negative reviews by wine critics and poor commercial prospects for the wine led Penfolds management in 1957 to forbid Schubert from producing Penfolds Grange,
but Schubert persisted in secret through 1959.
As the initial vintages aged, however, their true value came to be appreciated, and in 1960 the management instructed Schubert to restart production, oblivious to the fact that Schubert had never stopped production and had not missed a vintage. – taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penfolds_Grange

Behind the legendary name Penfolds Grange lies Australian wine visionary Max Schubert. Officially listed as a Heritage Icon of South Australia, this multi-regional masterpiece Shiraz sits comfortably as the king of all Australian red wines. Showing power, concentration and balance, Penfolds Grange is easily the peer of all of Bordeaux’s grand Chateaux and Burgundy’s Grand Cru. The 1959 Grange is a dark cherry dominated blend of 90% Shiraz and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon. Still showing notes of bitter chocolate and marmalade.

The Barry O’Farrell “Grangegate” Resignation

Not only has our wine appeared from a secret range, now it has caused a resignation of a high level Australian political figure. Our 59 has become a trouble maker. The recent resignation of Barry O’Farrell over a bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange Bin 46 Shiraz has created another legend to the already “Hidden Grange Story” Nicknamed “Grangegate“, Adding another dimension to the already legendary Australian wine. Full Barry O’Farrell Story here from ABC News

While the NSW Liberal Party finds itself mired in chaos over questions whether former premier O’Farrell misled the Independent Commission against Corruption or not, there are two words everyone is lapping up — Penfolds Grange.
(Taken from news.com.au – Click Here)

Why Invest In The Penfolds Grange Bin 46, 1959?

As weve been investigating, there are 3 Hidden Granges. The Penfolds Grange 1957 Bin 113 Shiraz is selling for $10200 (A serious investors price). The Penfolds Grange 1958 Bin 46 Shiraz (The second hidden grange) can fetch an amazing $18000 (Also serious investors money) and The Penfolds Grange 1959 Bin 46 Shiraz asks a price of $3100, its an achievable amount to invest and may also have the greatest growth potential so get in now. Dont forget storage, you may loose your investment due to bad storage. spend a couple of hundred dollars and by a small temperature control wine fridge, its a great investment to look after your investment
Currently as I am writing this article a week before christmas in 2014, I have done a small search to find a bottle of  The Penfolds Grange 1959 Bin 46 Shiraz,

I found a bottle at Dan Murphys for $4850 https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_383961/penfolds-grange-1959

The second I found On Ebay, The seller was chasing $7590 – http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Penfolds-Grange-Shiraz-1959-Red-Wine-Clinic-BIN-46-/231104510558?pt=AU_Wine_Alcohol&hash=item35cee6fa5e

The third also on ebay is asking $3895 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/PENFOLDS-GRANGE-VINTAGE-1959-BIN-46-GRANGE-GIFT-BOX-RED-WINE-FREE-POSTAGE-/301446623344?pt=AU_Wine_Alcohol&hash=item462f9e7070

Prices already above the $3100 asking price at the beginning of my study, in such a small period of time and the answer is easy, they are becoming rarer and rarer, each time one is consumed the others rise in price (In theory)
Each time one has been stored incorrectly and is ruined, the others go up in price. They can never be repeated, the amount of the sectet granges released to friends was a limited amount, Its the reason the 1957 will get $10200, The 1958 gets $18000 and why one of the above sellers are asking $7590. He knows he just have to wait around and the price will eventually reach his asking price. Its just a matter of time, which is also the arguement why it is such a great chance to get in now why the price is achievable for us financial mortals who are not professional wine enthusiasts or professional collectors.

Search Ebay Now For The 1959 Penfolds Grange Bin 46 Shiraz – Click Here






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  2. […] Why Buy The 1959 Penfolds Grange Bin 46 Shiraz Now […]

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