Who Is Our Dragons Champion?


We will be holding 3 competitions over 3 nights to select our Male & Female Champion. Each Night we will contest one of the 3 Competitions Starting with Dragon Gladiator Battle, The Flying Dragon Contest and The Dragon Warrior

Gold & Silver Medals will be presented for each of the competition division
winners for both Dragon Gladiator & Flying Dragon Contests, All who contest The Dragon Warrior will earn their “Confidence Badge”.  Points will be allocated to each that win 1st, 2nd or 3rd over the 3 competitions. The Person who wins the most points at the completion of all 3 competitions will be awarded our

Friday 6th September.
5.30 Start

A Pool Noodle, A Head Guard and A Lot Of Fun!
It’s usually our most popular event. The name of the game is tag your opponent without getting tagged.
Who ever is the first to land 5 tags wins the match.
6 Male Divisions / 6 Female Divisions – Gold & Silver Medals Awarded

Friday 18th October.
5.30 Start

Everyone Knows Dragons Can Fly.  So Lets FLY!
Our Flying Dragon Contest is to find out who our greatest Male & Female Flying Dragon Is. Using either a flying front kick or a flying side kick, each student will start at low height and continually have the bar raised until they miss the height 3 times. The competition is scored on the height jumped relative to your own height so just because your small it doesn’t mean you cant win.
3 Male Divisions / 3 Female Divisions – Gold & Silver Medals Awarded

Friday 29th November.   
5.30 Start   

Combat Done Safely. Its time to pressure test your children.
Head Guards, Mouth Guards, Chest Guards, Gloves, Arm Guards, Shin Guards, Groin Guards (Males) plus a padded floor keep this a very safe event. For students who don’t have all guards, we will have some guards available to use on the day. Points are scored by landing a successful kick to the chest guard. Both kicks, punches and blocks are allowed. First to score 5 points by wins the bout.
6 Male Divisions / 6 Female Divisions – Confidence Badge Earned


Black Belt Master Class

Advanced Martial Arts Skills

(Cho Dan Bo’s Also Invited)

Black Belt Dan Grading Preparation

Preparation For Taekwondo Ohdokwan
& World Taekwondo Headquarters (Kukkiwon) Black Belt Dan Levels.
Traditional Training including Poomsae, One & Two Step Sparring.
Traditional Knife Defence & Kicking Combination Training
Suitable for any Black Belt & Cho Dan Bo Students.

Advanced Black Belt Skills Training, Advanced Kicking and Punching Drills.
Combat Readiness. Modern Weapon Defence, Fitness & Sparring Skills.
Suitable for both Sub-Graders & Dan Graders Including Cho Dan Bo Levels

6.30pm to 7.30pm
Eaton Rec Centre
Friday Nights

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Save On Term Fees

Save On Term Fees For Term 3, 2024.

Pay Your Term Training Fees Before Term Starts And Save.
As a major of our venues are pay upfront, we ask the same of our students to secure our training areas for the term. In appreciation of this, we can offer you a discount in return for helping us.


Taekwondo Central
BSB  633000
ACC 200407633
Ref -Students Name

*Please ensure you fill out your term card when classes start.



Taekwondo Silver Pass (S)
Grade Every 2nd Term If Level Attained
Min Train 1x per Week
Unlimited Weekly Classes – Class Timetable (tkdcentral.com)
Taekwondo Gold Pass (G)
Grade Every Term If Level Attained
Min Train 2x per Week
Unlimited Weekly Classes – Class Timetable (tkdcentral.com)
Dragons / Dragonflies
Grade Every Term If Level Attained
Min Train 1x per Week
Unlimited Weekly Classes – Class Timetable (tkdcentral.com)


Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here
Calendar Of Upcoming Events – Click Here
We’re On FACEBOOK –  Click Here

2nd Chance Belt Grading – For Those Who Missed The First

Did you miss your last belt grading?
This is our next grading opportunity for you to move up the level you have been working hard on this term.

Please bring your grading envelope, with correct fees and your experience book.
You’re welcome to turn up anywhere between 5pm-7pm.
We expect most students will need an hour to complete.
This will be a drop in event in which you can warm up and stretch.
then work over the syllabus for us to ensure you know it.
This won’t be a traditional style grading but instead a training style grading.

Eaton Recreation Centre (Fitness Room)
2nd February
5pm to 8pm

We look forward to seeing you there.

Save Save Save.



Save 25%   
On Next Years Membership / Insurance
Save 10%-14%    On Mandatory Training Gear for the new syllabus.
Save 20%    On A Term with the January Summer Holiday Program

PDF Document links at the end of each section make our forms printable.

IDEA – Mandatory Equipment is something we will need to have to improve safety and better our training.
Buying the mandatory hand target (for example), as part of a holiday or Xmas present
will actually save you money, ticking off 2 boxes with the one buy therefor saving you money.



Save 25%

Earlybird Discounted 2024 Membership / Insurance


Get your Membership Form & Payment sorted by 14th December.
You’ll Save 25% on next year’s fee.

This is mandatory to ensure all our students, instructors & club are covered by insurance.
So why not take advantage of this offer?
At $90 you will save $30 off next year’s price ($120)


Click Here for Discounted Form




Save 10%-14%

On Mandatory Training / Safety Equipment for 2024

Next year is a Paradym shift for our martial arts school. Our syllabus will make some changes

Sparring Safety Equipment will be needed from now on.
This includes all belts from Little Dragons to Black Belts
Safety in martial arts is a major priority for us.
All students will need the following.
– Taekwondo Shin Guards
– Taekwondo Arm Guards
– Taekwondo Gloves
– Mouthguard
– Taekwondo Groin Protector (Males)

Training Equipment
We are a mobile club and in doing so our instructors’ cars will be loaded up with some extra training gear next year.
We are now needing each student to buy a Hand Target (Focus Pad). Each student will be responsible for their target and will need it to give to their training partner so it can punched and kicked by its owner

Training Weapon Defence will now be part of class training so due to an increase in weapon assaults in WA. Students will need to purchase one each of these from Blue Belt level upward.
– Training Padded Combat Stick
– Training Plastic Combat Knife

Black V-Neck Doboks
These will now be available to Red Belts. The life of a basic uniform is about 3 years.
So, most students are looking at replacing a uniform at Red Belt.
Then to go for Black Belt, A black belt uniform will be required.
We are bringing this forward to save a longer-term student having to buy a second basic uniform (on average)


Click Here for Discounted Catalogue A

Click Here for Discounted Catalogue B




Save 20%

On Term Fees by Doing Our January Summer Holiday Program


The SHP2024 has many advantages to it and it’s a great idea if you’re not travelling away during the January School Holidays. Why you ask?

A Grading Opportunity.
At the end of January, you will get a chance to grade for your next belt level, An express grading cycle

A Grading Cycle
Our Term is also a grading cycle. A grading cycle is usually 3 months of 2x per week training.
We’re adding 1/2 an hour onto the Taekwondo class in our Summer Holiday Program and we will shorten the cycle to one month. Thats just 1/3rd the time!

20% Cheaper Term Fee.
You’ll save 20% on a grading cycle fee. Plus move a step closer to your goal of Blackbelt at the same time

20% Discount On A Grading Term
A 1-Month Grading Cycle (Not 3)
Move Up The Belt Rank Faster


Click Here for The Discounted Term SHP2024 Form

Discounted Offer

Save 10% On Training Fees For Term 4, 2023

Save 10% on Term 4 fees if paying in the first week of term!
Offer Closes Friday 13th October 2023

Little Dragons (3-8 yrs)              Normally              Discounted to
1x per week                                       $120                            $108
2x per week                                       $240                           $216

Taekwondo (9-adult)
1x per week                                       $160                            $144
2x per week                                       $320                           $288

Please do not to forget to fill out your “Term Booking Card.”
(This can be handed in after payment is made)
Please keep your payment receipt number for the form

Taekwondo Central
BSB – 633000
ACC – 200407633
Please put students name + T4 as reference

Second Chance Grading & Seminars


Second Chance Grading & Seminars
For Term 3 – 2024

We understand that sometimes dates clash so we are offering
a second chance to pass your belt via a second grading and seminar date.
You must have done the seminar to get your grading results

  Little & Super Dragons

4.30pm to 5.30pm
Friday 4th October
Eaton Rec Centre


5.30pm to 6.30pm
Friday 4th October
Eaton Rec Centre

 If you are unable to attend and still wish to grade,
you will need to book a private lesson with an instructor

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Timetable – Click Here
Calendar Of Upcoming Events – Click Here
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Upcoming Events Logo

Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

TERM 2 CLUB DATES   For Our Clubs … [Read More…]







Price Correction

Price Correction

For every business it’s a fine balance between income and outgoings, with so many of our costs going up, we are now in the position where we have to make a price correction to restore the balance and keep running our martial arts schools. .

Our last price rise some 5 years back only affected Dragons, this time all classes will be adjusted, however Dragons classes will be a smaller rise. The following changes will be made.

Breaking it down, Dragons classes will pay on average 50c extra a class.
Taekwondo Students equate to $2 extra per class. We have tried to keep it as small as possible.

Term Fee Corrections (10 Week Term)

Little Dragonflies, Little Dragons, Super Dragons  = $125 (Previously $120)
Taekwondo Silver Pass = $170 (Previously $150)
Taekwondo Gold Pass = $340 (Previously $300)
Weekend Classes = $17 (Sunday Classes)

SAVE $ – Get Last Terms Prices On This & Next Terms Training.

On this terms booking card you will get an option of paying 2 Terms,
Should you decide to do this, we will give you LAST TERMS PRICES FOR BOTH TERMS!!
You’ll save $80 on a gold pass and save $40 overall on a silver pass.

Experience Books
Tracking Term payment is a time consuming job that drags us away from doing our service. With myself still having to go through accounts we are going to use experience books to help us and our students monitor this from this term forward..
Experience books will only be given out once the term booking card is filled out and payment is confirmed in our account.
Your Experience Book is your TKD Central passport so don’t lose it. You cant grade without it.
This Terms Important Dates are already set and can be found at our webpage www.tkdcentral.com
under What’s Coming Up


New Eaton Junior & Adult Taekwondo

We will now be offering separate classes for Juniors and Adult to coincide with our Australind Family Class. This will just be one night a week for now


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Timetable – Click Here
Calendar Of Upcoming Events – Click Here
We’re On FACEBOOK –  Click Here

Leadership Team – For Our Next Leaders

Want To Help Instruct?

Leadership Team Logo

Leadership Team Training

Term 2 Dates

Sunday 29th May
Sunday 12th June
Sunday 19th June

5.00pm – 6.30pm
Eaton Softball Pavilion

Any Red / Black Belts.  12 yrs +

Lessons Include

Being Class Ready
Knowledge & Syllabus
Better Communications
Being Professional

(Including Worksheets)

Term 2 Dates
Sunday 29th May
Sunday 12th June
Sunday 19th June


(As this is a private business training not a martial arts class, no spectators will be allowed)


“On The Floor Experience With Our Instructors To Help Further Enhance Leading Skills”


With our ever growing numbers and our service in Bunbury, Australind, Harvey, Eaton & Australind. We are looking to develop our next generation of leaders to help assist with our classes.

We will be running a series of Leadership Team Training sessions on Sundays to help develop skills of instructors & assistants to help our leaders get an understanding of what we want from them.

Skills learned in this course are transferable to later life ensuring a solid base of leadership has been developed

To Qualify
– Be 12yrs or over
– Be minimal Red Belt
– Have show manners & be polite
– Have a good understanding of our techniques
– Be Enthusiastic & want to help
– Must train 2x min per week (Training Experience)

Taekwondo Central has the added advantage of being able to give “In class” experience alongside Current Instructors to further use what they are learning to develop leading skills.
Leadership Team will be paid a base rate for classes they assist while in development until “Class Ready Status” in which they will be offered assistant or teaching positions as the arise in the club

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Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here
Calendar Of Upcoming Events – Click Here
We’re On FACEBOOK –  Click Here



Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

Homepage – Click Here Timetable – Click … [Read More…]