Thanks to Bunbury St John Ambulance Centre & Melanie Buhlman of ECU & Taekwondo Central,
We were given a great opportunity to improve skills by attending a first aid course that was sports related.
Ajana Plunkett, John Crawford, Luke Crane, Kelly Platts, Rebecca Collis, Melanie Buhlman & Gary Veljacich all represented the club at the event
The course included basic life support with the DRSABCD action plan where we resuscitated and defibrillated the mannequins. Adapting the recovery position to a person with suspected head, neck and/or spinal injuries, applying splints, slings and pressure bandages to each other so the we became familiar with immobilising sprains, strains fractures, dislocations and managing a severely bleeding wound. Epi-pens to treat allergic reactions were also covered, with an emergency action. plan for asthma attacks and learned what to do if a person gets winded or faints.
Also included were first aid treatment of eye and dental injuries as well as choking on a foreign body, such as a mouth guard.
Ajana Plunkett (Head Instructor) , Luke Crane (Leader), Kelly Platts (Assistant), John Crawford (Instuctor)
John Crawford & Ajana Plunkett
Gary Veljacich treated by Mel Buhlman
Luke Crane
John Crawford
Kelly Platts & Rebecca Collis
Ajana Plunkett & John Crawford
Back Row = Bec (Registered Nurse), Lee (Registered Nurse), Kelly (TKDCentral), Luke (TKDCentral), Ajana (TKDCentral), John (TKDCentral), Gary (TKDCentral), Rebecca (TKDCentral)
Front Row = Verity (ECU Nursing), Nicola (ECU Nursing), Nicole (Registered Nurse), Melanie (ECU Nurse Lecturer & TKDCentral)
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