Ajana Plunkett (4th Dan), John Crawford (3rd Dan) & Vanya Possingham (1st Dan) have all promoted up a level with Taekwondo Central welcoming Vanya Possingham to the Black Belt Club.
All gradings were conducted by a Taekwondo Ohdokwan panel of judges from around the Perth Metro area and South West. The Panel included Grand Master Ross Hartnett (8th Dan Black Belt), Grand Master Carmela Hartnett (8th Dan Black Belt) & Master Jenny Crutchett (7th Dan Blackbelt) & Myself (Justin Warren 6th Dan Black Belt)
Ajana Plunkett has been involved in Taekwondo Central for 12 years and is the first student to achieve the upper Dan level of 4th Dan Black Belt. Ajana now gains access to being on the Taekwondo Ohdokwan Grading Panel to grade from 1st Dan Black Belts to 3rd Dan Black Belts. Its a huge achievement for an 18 year old. Anybody who doubts that just has to see her skill level and it wont take long for them to agree. Ajana plays a major roll in Taekwondo Central assisting with classes and running classes for myself or her ever growing Busselton classes. I have always joked with Ajana that she is my “Polly” a reference to the BBC show Fawlty Towers. Polly is the one that runs around and sorts out everything Basil Fawlty (The manager) either misses, messes up or forgets. Ajana has been Taekwondo Centrals longest serving student and is full deserving of this level for both her ability and service to the club. Well Done Ajana.
I remember when John Crawford come to training, he never seamed that interested but he kept turning up every week. John relaxed persona tricked me, over the years he was absorbing and I could see it come through in his drive and attitude to his own training, John has maintained a great interest in martial arts was a key figure when Taekwondo made its transition from full time academy to running from Recreation Centres in 2014. He still helps to this day, and is a major part of our teaching team, He never misses teaching or training even when the other instructors aren’t available, and never misses a chance to help the club, its truly been a pleasure to have him on board and he also deserves his new level of 3rd Dan Black Belt. Great Job John.
Vanya Possingham is one of my clubs favourite stories, I am very proud of this young man and his ability to not quit when the going gets tough. After having an unsuccessful result previously, Vanya knuckled in, trained hard, kept showing up and had that never say die attitude. Persistence certainly payed off with him passing his black belt examination. He really learned from previous mistakes, turned them around and conquered his black belt goal were we see so many who just give up a the first sign of things not going their way. Vanya now moves up the ever growing list of dedicated individuals who strive to better themselves by having purpose and a personal goal. Its a mindset that will serve Vanya well in the future at what ever goal he sets himself. Well Done Vanya, You did it! Your a 1st Poom Black Belt (Jnr Black Belt)
The next Black Belt grading will be in November/December 2016. We are looking at possibly 10 members at this examination
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Well done all. Massive amount of effort and determination. Congratulations!