Second Chance Grading / Second Chance Grading Seminar


Miss our Term 1 Grading?
We have a second chance opportunity for you

Please give us an email at to book a spot

Friday Night
29th April 2016
South West Sports Centre – Bunbury

Little Dragonflies /Little Dragons / Super Dragons

Taekwondo (All Levels)

Grading Seminar (All Levels)

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New Busselton Kids Martial Arts Classes – Click Here


Last Practise Before Grading – Friday Night Training, 12th December


Need Some More Practise Before The Grading?

We are offering members a final training session before the grading week commences
Taekwondo Members Who wish to take advantage of this are welcome to turn up

Final Preperation Class
12th December
South West Sports Centre – Bunbury
6.00 – 7.00 pm


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Latest News

Maaike & Indi - Mother & Daughter Black Belts- - 2

Mother & Daughter (Maaike & Indi) Both Pass Black Belt Together

Maaike & Indi are the latest addition to the … [Read More…]


Eaton Super Dragons Padded Up

Bunbury, Eaton & Australind Super Dragons & Taekwondo Classes Sparring Week

Pictured Above – Eaton Super Dragons Kids Martial Arts … [Read More…]


Australind Little Dragons With Donny

Donny Visits Little Dragonflies & Little Dragons

Donny Pictured Above with Australind Little Dragons … [Read More…]


Zonta Womens Self defence Day

Zonta Womens Self Defence & Protective Behaviour Workshop

Almost 30 Women attended the Zonta Womens … [Read More…]


First Australind Super Dragons Class - Maikye, Noah, Lucus, Zavier, Jaxon, Rebecca, Alec, Nate, Will, Will Kyeesha and Kade

New Australind Super Dragons Off To A Great Start

Its our first attempt at a Super Dragons class in … [Read More…]


The 6 Sneaky Tricks A Kidnapper Would Use To Steal Your Child – The 6 Tricks Seminar. Sunday 13th December 2015

Savita child_abduction

Just before school holidays is the perfect time to learn or update these skills. Teaching Proper self defence is important to me. but proper self defence for children against an adult has many levels. Physical self defence is crucial. The last defence is a must but there is a lot that can happen before an abduction and should your child recognise a potential abduction in action, those valuable recognition skills head off a possible life changing event.

Studies have found that there are some common tricks or lures that are used and schooling your children gives them the added advantage. Obviously there are many different lures but there are six more common than others. These 6 are a great place to start

We are now inviting all our Dragons & Super Dragons from Yellow Dragon and up to come to this 1 hour seminar. Children must also be over 5 to attend. This will become a regular part of the Dragons system in the future as we believe they are crucial. After all what good is self defence if its just taught as a reaction mechanism. We want our Little Dragons, Super Dragons on the forefront of childrens martial arts training and danger recognition is skills.

We will offer one seminar in Bunbury & one seminar in Australind to give options

The 6 Tricks Seminar

Your Experience Book Will Be Your Passport To Get Entry (No Experience Book – No Entry)

Sunday 13th December 2015

Australind High School Gym
10.30am to 11.30am

For Details On Upcoming 6 Tricks Seminar – Click Here

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Action Week – Monday 10th to Thursday 13th 2014

Action Week Logo


Action Week is our half term change of pace with some great fun and a challenge of Taekwondo Skill

For our Little Dragons & Little Dragonflies were getting a visit from Donny our club mascot
Donny the Little Dragon will help us teach a class as our guest helper, Its always great fun with Donny around

For our Super Dragons, Junior Taekwondo & Open Taekwondo were bringing in the sparring gear and test our skills
Sparring is regular part of our weekly training but this time were bringing the Chest & Head protectors in and were going
have a giant sparring session.

Action week is from 10th Nov to 13th Nov. All students sparring need their own mouthguard & Taekwondo sparring gloves


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Kidshield – Holiday Safety Workshop For Schools. 1st December – 18th December

Kidshield - K Shield Logo

Kidshield – Holiday Safety Workshop For Schools


The 7 Year Old Boys Who Escaped Abduction Attempts

In 2008 Both Crispen & Blake at different times found themselves on the wrong side
of a child abduction attempt.
Both assault attempts were fast and swift but so were the 7 year old boys reactions,
Both members were part of our “Little Dragons” program.

The instinctive reflexes we installed “kicked In.” Without thinking the 2 boys managed to escape
the attackers grip using what we taught and run to get help

We realised the skills we taught are a valuable weapon in the fight against these type of predators
They are easy to learn,  easy to remember  and most importantly have been proven to work,

We also realised with the correct training the escapes can become reflex very quickly


Kidshield – Holiday Safety Workshop

Monday 1st December –  Thursday 18th December
Held By Master Justin Warren of Taekwondo Central
To help schools teach children about personal safety from experts who teach defence skills to children daily

The 3 Topics That “Kidshield – Holiday Safety Workshop” Covers
1 – How To Avoid Being Targeted By A Predator
2 – How To Escape A Grab Attempt From A Predator
3 – What To Do After Escaping A Predator

Personal Safety & Self Protection That’s Primary School Appropriate
We understand what a school requires from a childrens safety program

Schools Don’t Want A Violent Program,
We Don’t Teach Any Striking, All Escapes Are Based On Escaping & Getting Help

Schools Don’t Want A Boring Presentation.
We Use Charts Demonstration, Workbooks  And Fun To Teach Safety

Schools Don’t Want An Inexperienced Childrens Teacher,
Master Justin Warren Has Been Teaching For Over 25 Years

Schools Don’t Want Unrealistic Moves That Don’t Work For Children.
Our Moves Work, Its Been Proven, Twice!!!

Schools Don’t Want Moves Too Hard To Learn And Remember.
We Teach Easy Reflexive Basics Very Well,

Schools Don’t Want A Workshop That Scares,
We Have A Unique Way Of Delivering This Serious Subject In A Friendly Way

Kidshield - K Shield Logo

Kidshield – Holiday Safety Workshops 2014

Taught By Master Justin Warren
5th Dan Black Belt Master Taekwondo  –  1st Dan Black Belt Jujitsu  –  1st Dan Black Belt Judo
Head Instructor Of Taekwondo Central
Scheduled – Between Monday 1st December & Thursday 18th December
At Your School For 7– 9 Years Of Age
1 Hour Timeslot, Time – Schools Choice (Providing Its Available)
– Includes 16 Page Printed Workbook Valued At $12.95 retail
Free Voucher To Try Our Kids Martial Arts Classes Valued Up To $14.00

That’s $26.95 Value Per Child For Just



Per Child
Book Your Workshop At

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Grading Week Details For Term 3, Monday 22nd September – Thursday 25th September. In Class Grading


To go for your examination and attempt your grading you will need to
qualify and have your skills checked over by one of our team of instructors

Your Qualifications Will Run From

Little Dragonflies, Little Dragons & Super Dragons
You will qualify from Monday 17th September  to Thursday 21st September
Grading Examination will be from Monday 22nd September to Thursday 25th September

Taekwondo Junior & Open

You will qualify from Monday 17th September  to Thursday 21st September
Grading Examination will be from Monday 22nd September to Thursday 25th September

To Grade You Must Have Attended 12 Classes of Experience
to be able to grade (75% Training Attendance is minimal amount to grade)

Taekwondo Students must turn up on both training nights during the grading week
for us to complete the whole grading


To Grade You Must Have

1) A Dobok (Taekwondo Uniform), must be V-neck style not karate wrap around style,
must not have other club logo’s, badges or markings, we prefer our Taekwondo Central
or Little Dragons Logo, no coloured pants only white

Doboks can be ordered through us at the attendance book

2) Membership Paid. , form need to be filled out, OK’d and fees honoured.
See the attendance book for Membership Forms

3) Had Enough Experience To grade Little Dragons need to have trained at least 6 times,
Taekwondo Members need 13 lessons of experience to test for their belt.

4) Know Your Grading Naturally make sure you know your grading,
this will help you become successful in passing the level

5) All Class Payments Honoured

6) Fill Out Grading Envelope (If Selected to grade) Fill out the grading slip and enclose
the correct fee in an envelope to hand in.


Best Of Luck to all members
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No Training On WA Day – Monday 2nd June 2014 – WA Public Holiday

WA FlagFor all who missed our class announcement, Due to the South West Sports Centre closing early,
Taekwondo Central will not be running classes on WA Day being the 2nd June 2014

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Justin Warren – Living The Way – The Bodies 3 Basic Building Blocks For A Health Routine

The Bodies 3 Basic Building Blocks For A Health Routine by Justin Warren

Keeping healthy is something that we like to have, if your healthy, what ever you do – you’ll do it better. Many people trying to lose weight dont think health. I learned that there is a difference between health & fitness. Looking after yourself isnt hard if you look at how the body functions or sometimes doesnt function. Let me explain.

When I look at health, I was sitting around one night and thought to myself, What would make the body die the quickest if I stopped doing it. My conclusion was breathing. Without air your body would die in minutes. Air is the most crucial element our body needs to exist. After 12 minutes of no oxygen, your brain starts to die, so proper deep diagphramatic breathing is the key. we’ll touch on that later.

On my journey of contemplation into the basics of human health, the second fastest thing that we would die from a lack of would be water. after air, water is the worlds greatest solvent, our body is also made up of 65-80% water, this gives a serious clue to the importance of water to not just your health, but also your survival and existence. Your body can only go days without water before your body starts to die off.

Our number 3 thing the body need to exist is nutrition. Its one of the most debated, contradictory areas out there, however some simple basics are a great start to build from. Reversal Eating is a great way to keep your eating balanced to avoid putting on excess weight. The average body is made up of up t0 20% protien (Muscle, Hair) and 12 % body fat (lubrication fluids, oils, joints). Calcium must also play a part as in bones and nails. I really think by looking at what your composition is, you can see nutrients you need to keep replacing. A human would be lucky to last a couple of months without food and nutrition without seriuos damage or death.

BREATHING (Oxygenation)


I was reading how we only use 2/3 of our lungs at the most through incorrect breathing. shallow breathing starves the body of life giving air and oxygen. When younger my mates and I got a band together and did the local pub circuit. Back then smoking was allowed in venues so pubs become a smokey, loud affair that is far from healthy. One of the bonuses I had while improving my singing was some lessons I did with a classical trained singer in my home town named Rob Simm. He was always that guy who would enter the local variety concert and just loved to get up and belt out a good song. He had the type of style that the older generation loved and the teens didnt really understand to appreciate. I understood the skill it took to sing like Rob, I thought he was amazing. Rob had one of the most powerful lungs Ive ever heard and when learning to improve my singing, I knew exactly who to see

Robs lessons were cheap for what he give, the only problem is I had even less money, so I only managed to spend a small amount of time with him, but the lessons I had, Ive never forgot. The lessons were about singing, what I walked away with was a new system for breathing and breathe control, I was around 18 at that time, my breathing changed forever at that point from his lessons and have served me well during my martial arts training.
To get started, heres a simple routine you can try. The following ratio is
Breathe In ; Hold ; Breathe Out
4 ; 12 ; 8. Do this 10 times, 3 Times a day
and you’ll notice your energy pick up (be careful of hyperventilation in which you’ll get dizzy so dont do this when driving etc). Youll fully oxygenate your body and increase the most important element to your body existance

WATER (Hydration)

Water is of the utmost importance, Its the base element of every fluid in your body from blood to tears. so have a bottle handy and just have a glass every couple of hours or so. Your body has a natural signal to tell that you need water which is the sensation of thirst. most experts agree that by the time thirst sets in, its too late, dehydration has already kicked in. I get intense headaches when Im dehydrated so I try to stay ahead of dehydration by having small fluid intakes throughout the day. Non sweetened juices, milk and to an extent coffee & tea, but nothing beats a glass of cool, clear, thirst quenching, rehdrating satisfying H2O

High water content foods such as fruits (90% water) and vegetables (60 – 70% water) also contribute to the days total fluid intake, Im a big fan of Low Fat Milk (Not no fat or skim), remember according to your bodies composition, you need fat also, milk gives a good protien, fat, calcium rate. between all milk coffees (Late) from my home coffee machine, protien shakes, breakfast cereals and the odd glass to help the vitamens slide down the throat, I would consume at least 1-2 litres a day. Thats alot for a 72kg man. But I did find some interesting facts about milk. milk has a protien that is undigestable by the human stomach and passed through the body, its harmless. I was watching a show on TV how british scientists found that there is a protien that humans cant digest that grabs fat, stopping your body digesting and using it, and practically pulls fat through the body and out with this particular amino acid protien. It works for me. but dont over do any fluids.

NUTRITION (Fueling / Repairing)



How can an engine run without fuel?, How can the body repair without something to repair it with. The human body has regeneration ability, look at how a cut heals itself on our body, its an amazing ability of  humans body. but to repair your body needs to produce protien and other elements to heal. Protien it gets from what you digest, so a balance in eating is essential to heal or repair correctly. Food can be your bodies best friend but in saying that it has also become enemy number 1 to many overweight with bad eating habits.

Reversal Eating is a good base for weight control, eating more when you need higher energy and lessoning the calories at lower energy times. Another tip I got from former UFC World Champion Frank Shramrock who teaches dont eat more than the size of your palm per meal and eat 5+ smaller meals per day and when eating, dont eat until your full. Following this method you will stay satisfied and always have energy at the go as you havent eaten excessive food for your overworked digestion to try to break down for fuel and repairing.
Here’s 3 nutritional bases I use to get you started
Fish Oil – This amazing substance I decided to take up due to sore joints from 27 years of martial arts training, including Olympic Trials, so it wasnt taken lightly as an interest. Brain, Lung, Heart health have all been improved with fish oil. One teen has made progress in returning to normal from a brain injury through 13g of fish oil a day. I wouldnt go that high, but I know it helps relieve and prevent asthma attacks.
Magnesium – This nutrient supports and strengthens your muscles and joints, my chiropractor enlightened me to this wonder nutrient when I damaged my back. It stops bad headaches, relieves muscle tension & cramps and is required for your body to absorb calcium, Magnesium makes a difference.
Recovery Protien Shake – I use a bodybuilders protien recovery shake to help my bodies repair. Ive tried a few types and their are many good brands. I use the Suisse brand recovery shake. It gives me all I need to be charged, recovered and ready to go. many amino acids (Protiens) and its vitamen and mineral packed. Protien shakes also decrease your hunger helping you eat less. If you cant afford the expensive protien powders, use milk, skim milk powder and a flavouring (Milo, Cocoa, etc) will also cover most of what these powders give you.


By starting with Oxygenation, Hydration & Nutrition you have 3 of the most important elements needed for your body to attain optimal health. Take notice of these attention you put each day into your Oxygenation, Hydration & Nutrition, upon getting them balanced, you will feel the difference and get much more out of yourself. Enjoy



Other Living The Way Blogs By Justin Warren

The Power Of Reversal Eating – Eating Your Food In A Different Order Is The Key To Weight Control
The 3 Basics Of your Health Routine – Oxygenation, Hydration & Nutrition


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Justin Warren – Living The Way – The Power Of Reversal Eating (A 22 Year Experiment)


The Power Of Reversal Eating – Eating Your Food In A Different Order Is The Key To Weight Control – A 22 Year Experiment

I look at the dieting industry today and its scary. If your a person hoping to lose weight gets confusing, Eat less Carb, Eat More Carbs, Eat Only Protien, Eat By Your Blood Type, Juice Fasting, Vegetarian, Protien Drinks, Exotic Plants & Herbs “Phew”, Its really confusing. The system of eating ive taken onboard doesnt go into detail of what foods you can eat, this isnt about that, however most of use are aware some foods arent good for you and too much food or not enough foods have their problems, some fatal.. This system is about timing your eating for maximum energy burning of the foods you eat, maximal repair and better energy by eating at the correct times.

Ive been lucky to maintain my weight and keep it the same as when I was a teenager, Exercise certainly played its part, and not over eating also helps but Reversal Eating is a principle I’ve followed for 22 years and its something I urge you to try. With this system, you could take the foods you eat now, eat them at the right times of the day and youll put on less weight and maybe even lose some, but if you do feel your getting abit heavy there are probably some foods you could remove and a few extra km or miles to add when you walk. Meanwhile Reversal Eating is a great place to start

I remember when I was 20 years old, I read a book that talked about Pat Cash (Australian tennis player who won Wimbledon) using a system of eating called Reversal Eating for greater energy, it turned out to be so much more  It wasnt about what you eat but rather the timing of what you eat. The system is summed up by the following phrase

“Eat Breakfast Like A King – Eat Lunch Like A Prince – Eat Dinner Like A Pauper”

The importance of timing really made sense to me. At the time as I was reading “The Book Of 5 Rings” by Miyamoto Musashi, a 16th century samurai master swordsman from Japan. One of my memories of this book was his saying that “Timing Is Everything” and anyone who has competed at an Elite Level sport will know exactly what I mean. Timing my eating was certainly something that captured my interest and it payed off

Reversal Eating is about eating a higher percentage of your food earlier in the day, and then eat a smaller percentage later on. Now this method has some strong arguements that support it, not just the fact that its worked 22 years for me. Let me explain to you the reasons I become a believer. Alot of it is just a reminder of some principles that flow with the bodies design. It can be the key to greater health.

Justin Warren (42) with his Grandmother Leonora (Lenny) Warren (89) WW2 Anzac Veteran (2014)Justin Warren with his grandmother who will celebrate her 90th Birthday this year. Leonora (Lenny) Warren is an ANZAC who was in WW2. Both Her Father & Father In law fought in WW1 at Gallipoli, Her husband in WW2 Borneo & her Brother also Fought The Japanese In WW2. She has been a major motivation about the importance of good nutrition, exercise and health – She is an amazing women and is dearly loved by the whole family.

1 – Remember Food Is For Energy To Survive. It really is the key principle to food when you scrape away the layers of artistic layering and taste sensations. Admit it, how often do you get the urge to cook an artistic colourfull masterpiece for yourself or family? Most people dont give the MKR or Masterchef critisizm, they are hungry and want to eat. We eat to satisfy the energy demands of the body so it can maintain its daily workload. Cooking shows are great, cooking competitions are exciting and Im a fan, their stars and contestants cooking ability amazes me, however remember the primary purpose of food is energy

2 – Most Weight Gains Happen When You Are Sleeping And Your Body Is Stagnant. All the highest energy activities tend to happen during the day (Unless your a night or shift worker). It makes sense that you should start fueling up from the moment you wake, not at the end of the night before your most inactive time, sleep. It just doesnt make sense to me. many households eat three large meals per day, add snacks, afternoon tea, sugared coffee or tea. thats alot of calories to burn unless your a marathon runner. You really just dont need that much food. If you eat more before high energy times and less before low energy times it helps keep a perfect balance

3 – Dont Eat a Huge DinnerAt night before sleep, eat a light meal. From Morning to lunch eat 65% – 70% of your daily intake. If you must have fattier foods, eat them earlier in the day. It will give your body more time to convert and use it as energy and not store on your body. Breakfast have some great healthy choices that you can fill up on, I only have a fried breakfast on occasions. I cant help it. Better I have a fried breakfast than a fried dinner, At least less will store as youll get that chance to use it up, your heart rate drops so low when you sleep, your certainly not using your fried fuel. If you find this difficult, have the meal earlier or at least drop the amount of calories in it.

4 – While Sleeping, You Want To Be Repairing, Not Digesting. Night & Sleep is your bodies way of recharging and repairing, and they can balance each other out. Your body needs to work to digest, it will have to commit some of its time and energy into processing food to something it can use, eating excess food before sleep will require the body to work harder and not put energy into repairing the body, remember after a big meal, waking up and not feeling fully rested? Your body was digesting when it should be using already digested nutrients to repair. Eating Less or earlier will help this process, quicker or earlier food transformation to energy, a more piecefull sleep youll have and your body will repair.

5 – Food Digestion Times Play A Part. Meat takes the longest to digest, around 8 hours to have its nutrients converted for use, add meat with potatoes and the digestion time is longer. Why? Meat is acidic, Potatoes are alkaline. meaning to digest they need different digestive acids, one food needs alkaline, the other food needs acid which actually cancel each other out making digestion more difficult and longer to convert for use in the body. I use a repair protien powder drink as a milkshake for nutrients and protien. this stops hunger and as it will absorb into your body quicker, you can have it abit later. A meat and Potato meal is better at lunch, Ive switched my now and then bacon and eggs to a breakfast meal now from a Lunch or Dinner to allow for digestion

6 – You Dont Need Too Much Food. Be Careful Of What Advertising Feeds You. The food companies and add campaigns may try to convince you of something different, profit is a strong drive, and the evergrowing obesity rate is the result of their success. I cant help think why when I was a teen we were swamped with Cocacola adds everywhere, Coke was like the McDonalds of today in advertising. Coke advertised on TV, Cinema, Store Signs, Magazines, Yo-Yos, After All “Coke Adds Life”. My generation that were subjected to this continuous barrage of advertising are some of the most obese in history, and the habit looks like its passing onto their children with the obesity rate in most countries on the rise still.

Using Reversal Eating Ive been able to enjoy many of the foods I love and maintain a stable life weight, though I have made a variation on the original model of the system to suit my lifestyle.
My stomach can only handle coffee upon arising, then usually abit later Ill have breakfast and the fueling begins. Lunch is my big meal of the day as the high energy demand part of my job is from 3pm to 9pm
Snack style meals, Hot Sustagen or Milo are all I have at night and a repair protien milkshake usually adds any left out nutrients needed and offers a good time to take some of my Fish Oil, Magnesium, Glucosamine pills for my joints, & ligaments a couple of hours before sleep.

At 42, I weigh around what I did when I was 18 (Only 3kg heavier). I had by blood pressure done when 18 and it was 110/70, last week I had it done and it was 110/70 (hasnt changed) I have a slight higher muscle mass as Im not trying to stay in a weight division when competing at 18, but body fat would be about the same. I can still do all I could when 18 (Even Breakdance – Ha Ha) I have friends who do as much martial arts as me and still carry extra weight, I also have family members who have put on weight so I know its not my martial arts training or genetics (Though they would play a small part) It was food, diet, eating and nutrition. Pat Cash taught me a lifetime habit and Ive never had the pleasure of meeting him to say thanks.

Reversal Eating isnt a one stop solution. What you eat and how much you eat, your activity levels and exercise will also play a part. Balance is the key. But before you buy $400 of Herbalife or Rapidloss. Give Reversal Eating a go. I did 22 years ago and I still do. Nothing else has compared and its cost me nothing more than what I was paying before. Remember

“Eat Breakfast Like A King – Eat Lunch Like A Prince – Eat Dinner Like A Pauper & Feel Like A Winner”

By Justin Warren

Justin Warren Martial arts bunbury -


Other Living The Way Blogs By Justin Warren

The Power Of Reversal Eating – Eating Your Food In A Different Order Is The Key To Weight Control
The 3 Basics Of your Health Routine – Oxygenation, Hydration & Nutrition


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4th Dan Blackbelt, Fit & Fabulous At 40 – Taekwondo Central’s Melissa Warren

Melissa Warren ready to grade for her 4th Dan Blackbelt

Melissa Warren has been enjoying martial arts since age 18 and now has moved up another Dan level in her quest for martial arts excellence

Recently passing her 4th Dan Blackbelt, Melissa loves the health & fitness Taekwondo give her. Her teaching at Taekwondo Central Bunbury,  is very dynamic and inspiring where she has spent many hours helping build confidence in her students and has a special knack for getting the best out of women. Though Melissa is small, she packs a hard kick and is strong, 20 years of pounding kick bags, punching and training has developed her strength and power.

Taekwondo Central Blackbelts Grading Including Melissa Warren - 4th Dan, John Crawford - 2nd Dan, Amelia Dale - 2nd Dan

” I love the fact that Taekwondo gives you a goal that you can work on in your own pace” Melissa Says about her martial arts training. The quote “If you dont use it. you’ll lose it” is a strong motivation for her “I love the flexability, power and health it gives while also being able to protect myself, its an amazing feeling I never get sick of” Mel added. Melissa holds ranks in other martial arts also to add to her experience including levels in Brazilian Juijitsu, Judo & Japanese Jujitsu.

Melissa Warren passes her 4th Dan Blackbelt with Instructor & Husband Master Justin Warren
For the future, Mel hopes to continue working up her Dan levels, and also hopes to give more young children and women, confidence and self defence skills. Our systems at Taekwondo Central have achieved some amazing results and futhered so many peoples lives in so many ways. Just because your over 40, thats no excuse to give up. What ever you do, if your healthy, youll do it better and training at Taekwondo Central has amazing health benefits.

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