Taekwondo Centrals Master Head Instructor Justin Warren has moved a notch closer to his life time goal of Grand Master by passing his 6th Dan Black Belt grading examination.
Almost withdrawing due to a bout of illness that kept him away from teaching the week before, the 44 year old decided to take the plunge and attempt the major black belt level that very few ever reach.
Showing signs of not being fully recovered, the Taekwondo master had some early troubles in the examination but as the grading moved on he settled in and started to show signs of a higher performance until scoring a near perfect board breaking score through correct use of technique, speed, flow and of course smashing the boards.
Justin has set the life long goal of becoming a grand master in the art. A Dan grading waiting time works by the student will have to wait the amount of years that they have stripes on their black belt (eg Master Warren will now have to wait 6 years until examining for 7th Dan Black Belt, meaning he will be 58 (2029) at the time of his Grand Master Grading which will most likely be at Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul Korea called the Kukkiwon.
The key to this is body preservation. The full contact, hard drilling and body toughening will be replaced will flexibility, freedom of movement, body strength and maintaining a healthy weight to keep the body efficient in its movements and avoid injuries, training but being safety conscious and enjoying martial arts for what it means to the individual.. looking after yourself by good nutrition and a non-destructive exercise schedule is key. The wonderful thing is just practising the right martial arts regularly will do just that. Many don’t make the higher level just because they don’t look after themselves and get too many or ongoing injuries
Master Justin Warren passed his grading under the Taekwondo Ohdokwan System, being graded by Grand Master Ross Hartnett (8th Dan Black Belt) Grand Master Carmela Hartnett (8th Dan Black Belt) & Master Jenny Crutchett (7th Dan Black Belt)
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