Counterstrike Workshop Passes On Essential Self Defense Skills In Eaton

Held by the Shire Of Dardanup, we had a fun opportunity to run a free self defence workshop at the Eaton Recreation Centre.

The class was taught strategies on defence, importance of posture projection, how and where to strike, how to deflect strikes and escaping grab attempts
All had a great time and thankyou for the so many great comments at the end, it was great to see so many enjoying themselves and having fun while learning the potentially life saving skills we teach

I would like to thank Kristy Hitchens for helping out both in the background and helping the participants pick up the skills also thanks to Juliani Wayan for her advise to some of our ladies that was well taken in and appreciated.
Thank you to the Eaton Recreation Centre & Shire Of Dardanup,








We are planning a Counterstrike 6 week course in the near future and will advertise soon

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Term 2 Starts From – Monday April 30th 2018. New Members Welcome

Our Term 2 classes will commence from Monday … [Read More…]



The Mortal Mouse Is Born – Kristy Hitchens Story Picked Up By Australian Womens Health

The story by Kristy Hitchens first published on the … [Read More…]


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Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

TERM 1 CLUB DATES   For Our Clubs … [Read More…]

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Justin Warren Taekwondo Central Bunbury Instructor excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On Martial Arts For Better Health & Vitality


Bunbury Martial Arts Instructor, Master Justin Warren from Taekwondo Central shares the 5 Crucial Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Health

Martial Arts is my life, and it has been since age 16. Taekwondo is my chosen style as I love how quick a kick can render a person defenceless but Ive trained in Jujitsu, Judo, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Eskrima, Brazilian Juijitsu, MMA, Krav Maga and Karate. Being A Full Contact fighter from ages 16 to 35, I ve been on the receiving end of some bad injuries but my sporting victories left a trail of knockouts to many of my opponents. One thing Ive always wanted to keep is my ability to keep training as my age increases. Martial Arts is a great vehicle to travel through life and some key considerations will also help you keep enjoying what your body can do.

I see many of the people I started martial arts with unable to do their art now, be it health, illness or condition, it has kept me thankfull that the style I teach keeps the longevity in your training, keeping you healthy longer. Being active is your number 1 priority to staying healthy. Taekwondo Central gives you a martial art you can learn at your own pace and stay healthy

Stronger Legs
My Grandmother turns 94 in 2018, she is an amazing women. still independant, can drive a car hundreds of km with no trouble to visit her sons. When my Grandother gives health tips, I listen and I have picked up many great ideas  and tips to keeping your youth. I remember sitting down having breakfast with her one morning while she made this birdseed like mixture of grains, seeds and nuts she starts her day off with while her country music played in the background, it something like an old friend to her. While talking about the day ahead, I asked her about her health secrets.

Dont Lose Your Mind & Dont Lose your legs she said, my grandmother likes to walk, she has a mini gym of collected (many ex tv products) that give her a great leg workout, and she is exactly right. Your legs are your base, if they are weak, you whole body is. Its comparable to weak roots holding up a tree. strong legs mean a strong body plus you escape injury from trips & topples. With martial arts training you will built leg strength through stances, kicks, movements & footwork. All of these will also built better balance, but well back up your safety by teaching you how to fall safely and avoid the damage a bad landing can leave you with. Martial Arts builds strong legs

Better Flexability
Greater freedom on movement is something we all want. You like me want less injuries, less restrictions. a good stretching routine will do the job, flexible muscles, joints and ligaments will serve you well. because our martial art teaches you to use your whole body to defend yourself, we stretch all parts, leaving you more limber and able to attempt things a stiff, strained body couldnt. Good stretching keeps your vitality and ability

Better Mind
A strong mind is such a great thing to have, mental strength and mental endurance to push yourself is a great personal skill to have. Co-ordination and Reflexes are greatly improved through martial arts. Confidence and Belief in yourself are crucial for personal development. quick thinking, protective reactions and staying calm under pressure can make a huge difference in the outcome. Dont Loose Your Mind. Its important to keep challenging it and working on the mind-body mastery martial arts can give will do just that. Challenging but achievable Taekwondo Central will keep the mental pathways strong.

Excessive Contact
If your becoming a cage fighter, well you need to do heavy contact but if your after greater health then keep contact down, granted some contact is needed to add realism but excessive head contact isnt good for you and especially not good for your brain. Just look at boxers Mohummed Ali & Freddie Roach, two amazing boxers in their own right but the damage is done and its been through excessive punches to the head. The theory of getting beaten up to learn how to not get beaten up is counterproductive. For the people who have public jobs, dealing with the public with a black eye or swollen lips doesnt help business. For proper self defence, contact is needed but not excessively

Improved Health
Better health is a goal for all of us, If your healthy, what ever you do, youll do it better. So how do you get healthy?So many “experts” tell us so many different things, so how do you decifer what is real and what isnt?
For me, its about looking at your body, what it consists of and what you cant do without. So lets cover basics

Your body cant do without.
1 – Oxygen – So you must exercise, exercise canc ut your chances of early death by half. “1 in every 4 will experience some sort of cancer, if you exercise, that cuts to 1 in 60” – Chet Holmes
2 – Water – So Drink Pure Water, not high sugar drinks
3 – Food – So Make It High Quality (Cut Down On Junk Food)
Click Here for more info on this subject

What Your Body Mainly Consists Of
1 – Protien – Muscles (Thats why we have been given K9 teeth, to eat meat)
2 – Fat – (Your brain is fat, You need fat, but just good quality)
3 – Calcium – Bone, Cartlidge, Tendons are all made from calcium
4 – Water – You body is said to be 60 – 70% water, Thats a no-brainer that we need H2O

I remember the reason I first really getting a love for martial arts, I was always “sporty” and had excelled in many different sports but their was one event that made me really decide to make martial arts my vehicle through life. My first instructor was a Korean Master named Mr Shin Boo Kim. He was one of the Original founders of Taekwondo in Western Australia. Most likely anybody who is 4th Dan Blackbelt or higher around The South West in Taekwondo will owe a thankyou to this korean gentleman. He had a quiet demeaner and never used aggression to solve disagreements. I remember doing a training session with him. He was approaching his 50’s and he stood on one leg, and excecuted an amazing side kick that made a “Snap” noise to it. I thought to myself “Wow, that was awesome and at the age he is. I wanted to be like that. He has passed away now but has left a legacy of Martial arts instructors and students. I also realised, while many activities have a “Use By” date, martial arts doesnt. Its a life art Mr Kim Showed me that and for me thats what it will always be. I will always “Live The Way”


“Its A Disgrace To Grow Old Without Realising What Your Body Is Capable”


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Want To Start Training With Us? – Let Us Inspire You!

Term 3 Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More…]



The 4 Most Dangerous Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing A Self Defence School For Their Child

Children’s Self Defence Is Essential In todays world, … [Read More…]

John Crawford – Courage Under Fire. In Order To Rise From Its Ashes, A Phoenix Must First Burn

John Crawford, Axe Kick

John Crawford – Courage Under Fire

In Order To Rise From Its Ashes, A Phoenix Must First Burn

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications

At just 20-years-old, Taekwondo Central Instructor and 3rd Dan Black Belt John Crawford has had to eyeball the kind of demons most of us would like to think NO ONE at his young age should have to stare down. About two-and-a-half years ago he entered a period of darkness he would rather forget but over the worst of it now, John credits two things for driving him through it.

His Mum.

And Taekwondo.

Right now you might be wondering if we are talking about the SAME person. That lanky larrikin of an instructor with a wide cheeky grin and usually wearing a beanie or cap on backwards. Often you’ll see him with children literally hanging off every limb or having a laugh with the adult students. That one who mostly seems so laid back and relaxed about things, you’d swear he didn’t have a care in the world. Maybe you have even thought – as a Taekwondo Instructor – he should be more serious, less casual with people?

But what if you knew that John’s efforts to make people smile was a very deliberate act on his behalf and something he sees as an important part of the relationship he enjoys with club members? It is deliberate AND he has good reason for it. Most people wouldn’t realise but John, more than most, knows the TRUE value of making someone smile, of ensuring you take the opportunity in life to have a good laugh.

Taekwondo Central Instructor - John Crawford - 3rd Dan Blackbelt

Almost three years ago, John accidentally set fire to his torso while using a grinder to cut metal. He was only three months into an Apprenticeship as a Boiler Maker. John suffered second and third degree burns down his right side from under his arm to his waist, and fingers as he tried in desperation to pat out the flames. Recovery was long and slow and he didn’t return to work until eight months after the accident. And when he did, the trauma of the event had left scars on the inside far deeper than the flames had done on the outside. He persevered for another three months with the job but ultimately had to resign knowing it was unlikely he would ever be able to return to a similar kind of work again. 

Instead he turned to “the only other thing I was good at”, appealing to Taekwondo Central’s Master Justin Warren for a full-time teaching position. Having taught John since he was 10, coached him to (at that stage) 2nd Dan Black Belt level and begun the process of transforming him into a leader within the club, Master Justin agreed.

John Crawford Powerful Tornado Kick -

It’s possible he did give this plan some consideration though, since at John’s very first Taekwondo class, Master Justin asked him to sit out because he was mucking around too much! And according to John, what Master Justin had to say was little match for the spray he received from his Mum after that class. “She’s my best friend and my worst enemy in one,” he says with that trademark grin. Soon after that first class though, something clicked into place for John because while the two mates he had started training with dropped off only a few grading exams in, John just kept on going.

Even in the early days, he remembers loving the physical and mental challenge Taekwondo provided for him. A keen soccer play as well, even that eventually had to go so he could concentrate more on his school studies…and Taekwondo! 

Looking back John says self-confidence was always an issue for him and the reason he decided against entering tournaments. A crying shame given the lightning quick reflexes he displays during class demonstrations. John feels he was just starting to find that inner confidence too thanks to his Taekwondo training but the accident forced him to start re-building from the ground up once again. He says he’s not there yet but anyone who has paid close attention to his teaching style in recent months would suggest that he is well on his way to physical and emotional recovery, having stepped up in focus and intensity as well as taking on leadership of the Sunday Sparring Class.

The challenge for him now, he knows, is to develop his teaching skills in a way that allows him to hold onto the joy he brings to the role without compromising respect and control from particularly younger students. John’s casual and sometimes even cavalier demeanour masks his deep love of Taekwondo and commitment to his work. But spend more than a few minutes talking with him and it soon becomes very evident.

Combat Central First Class 2018 -

Next year he will attempt his 4th Dan Black Belt grading but he won’t stop there. John has his sights set on 8th Dan which he calculates he will achieve at about age 46. All of a sudden you come to realise this laid back cool cat has a fierce stubborn streak and a quiet determination which have no doubt been valuable contributors to his ongoing recovery from previous trauma.

“Taekwondo is the one thing I’m good at,” he says. “I find I can just relax through it and it calms down my thinking.”

John’s story serves as a stunning reminder that the benefits Taekwondo can bring to people’s lives go far beyond the physical.
Courage. Confidence. Comradery. Calm.


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Lets Spar!! Combat Central – Sunday 10am

We’ve been circling around the idea. We were a very … [Read More…]


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


The Mortal Mouse Is Born – Kristy Hitchens Story Picked Up By Australian Womens Health


The story by Kristy Hitchens first published on the Taekwondo Central webpage on
Why Taking Up Taekwondo In My 40’s Was The Best Thing I Ever Did
has had a huge response and has been picked up by Australian Women’s Health Ónline Magazine where her story has been published

Click Here for the Australians Women’s Health Article.
Click Here for the original Taekwondo Central Story Link

Lucas & Kristy Hitchens -

With Taekwondo Instructors world wide are directing people to the story as a source of inspiration and many 40+ women and men being inspired to take up the challenge,

Kristy (Mortal Mouse) has had responses from all over the world tallying over 6500 shares off the AWH Facebook page. Her story has inspired thousands to get of their backside and try. Its not hard. You may like it! Like Us. WE LOVE IT!!!!

Sensing the feeling she is helping, Kristy is now doing a blog that you can follow her progress and views on bringing Taekwondo into your life. Its being well received and perhaps it can be part of your own journey to black belt and beyond. Its an interesting read and I know you’ll enjoy a students point of view from the inside.

cropped-three-mouse-bannerThe Mortal Mouse –

We Love having Kristy as part of the ever growing Taekwondo Central team. Learn The Art – Live The Passion

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Taekwondo Central Demo Team Burekup 24 Feb 2018

Our Double Demo Day – What A Great Time We Had!! – Check Out The Photos

Thanks To The South West Multi Cultural Festival & … [Read More…]


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The Taekwondo Central Spinner Contest – Win $100 – Term 1 Competition

Lets have some fun in term 1 – we’re giving … [Read More…]


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Leadership Team Meeting – For Our Next Leaders

Want To Help Instruct? Leadership Team … [Read More…]


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Central Grading Seminar Series – The First Part Of Your Grading – All Belt Levels

From Yellow Dragon to Taekwondo Cho Dan Bos. Our … [Read More…]

Combat Central Off To A Great Start – 16 Starters

Instructor John Crawford has put his hand up to lead a Sunday morning sparring class working on drills and sparring and its had a great start

It was a great start with 16 taking part and starting the building of skill. Well done everybody. Its great to see so many getting behind this class

Combat Central First Class 2018 -

Very Back Centre – Instructor John Crawford
Back Row – Kelly Platts, Trinity Best, Maddison Booth, Max Avins, Travis Mackay, Melanie Buhlmann
Middle Row – Arthur DiDonna, Deegan McDonald, Xander Webb, Alicia Mackay, Rebecca Buhlmann
Front Row – Mason Dillon, Madison Riches, Coya Brown, Annika Best, Eric Buhlmann

To Get Involved In Our Combat Central Sparring Class – Click Here

Alyshia & Eric

Trinity Best & Maddison Booth Ready For Action -

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Taekwondo Central Demo Team Burekup 24 Feb 2018

Our Double Demo Day – What A Great Time We Had!! – Check Out The Photos

Thanks To The South West Multi Cultural Festival & … [Read More…]


Taekwondo Central Spinner Blue

The Taekwondo Central Spinner Contest – Win $100 – Term 1 Competition

Lets have some fun in term 1 – we’re giving … [Read More…]


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Leadership Team Meeting – For Our Next Leaders – Term 1 – 2018

Want To Help Instruct? Leadership Team … [Read More…]


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FASTTRACK Mid Term Grading

FASTTRACK Mid Term 1 Grading Date = Sunday 11th March … [Read More…]

Our Double Demo Day – What A Great Time We Had!! – Check Out The Photos

Taekwondo Central Demo Team Burekup 24 Feb 2018

Thanks To The South West Multi Cultural Festival & Shire Of Dardanup – Burekup Movie Night we got another chance, to punch, kick, flipping, flying and smashing things with different parts of our body. What a great way to spend a Saturday!!!

(L to R) Trinity Best, Eric Buhlmann, Master Justin Warren, Lucas Hitchens, Rebecca Collis, Rebecca Buhlmann, Annika Best, Kelly Platts, Nohea Leidermoy, Instructor John Crawford, Melanie Buhlmann, Degan McDonald, David Browne
Also Thank You To Brayden Nardone, Cheyanne Nardone, Madison Riches, Toby Edwards, Xander Webb who also were involved in The Multicultural Demo.
Thanks To Gary Veljacich For The Photos

If You have any photos to add, please send them to me or 0407470964

Deegan McDonald breaks his board into 3!! -

Rebecca Buhlmann smashes her board -

Rebecca Collis Takes Down Kelly Platts - www.tkdcentral.comTaekwondo Central Demo Team Warm Up

Taekwondo Central Demo Team Chant -

Cheyanne Nardone Break A Board At The Multicultural Festival Bunbury 2018 -

Eric Buhmamm breaks His Board - www.tkdcentral.comNohea Leidermoy With A Great Hip Throw On Annika Best - South west Multicultural Festival - www.tkdcentral.comMadison Riches Block A Strike In The Adult vs Child Self Defence -

Master Justin Warren Bows With Madison Riches At The South West Multicultural Festival Bunbury - www.tkdcentral.comJohn Crawford Demonstrates The Power & Flexability Of His Axe Kick -

Lucas Hitchens Goes Aerial With A Skip Up Axe Kick -


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Trinity Best in Sparring Gear For First Combat Central -

Combat Central Off To A Great Start – 16 Starters

Instructor John Crawford has put his hand up to lead a … [Read More…]


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The Taekwondo Central Spinner Contest – Win $100 – Term 1 Competition

Lets have some fun in term 1 – we’re giving … [Read More…]


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Leadership Team Meeting – For Our Next Leaders – Term 1 – 2018

Want To Help Instruct? Leadership Team … [Read More…]


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FASTTRACK Mid Term Grading

FASTTRACK Mid Term 1 Grading Date = Sunday 11th March … [Read More…]

Summer Holiday Program Members Pass Their Belts – SHP2018 Finished


John, Alicia and Ajana after the Grading

Thankyou to all members who signed up for this years program and as Term 1 for 2018 commences this also indicates the end of the SHP2018.

A big thankyou also to Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett and Instructor John Crawford who both put their hand up to run the SHP this year
Conducted through both the SWSC in Bunbury & Australind Town Hall / ASHS Gym. The goal was intense, concentrated training over the period of January aiming to gain another level
Were happy to say that our members have had success and now come back into term a higher level again

Dragons / Super Dragons

Krystal Ritchie
Daniel Platts
Joey Platts
Cody Edwards


Luke Crane
Paul Jauncey
Travis Mackay
Alicia Mackay
Deegan McDonald
Harry Nortier
Mia Robertson
Emily Robertson
Lachlan Tuene
Matt Bowkley
Luke Crane
Toby Ballantyne

Alicia Mackay Knee Strikes Instructor John during grading

Harry Nortier Armlocks Deegan Mcdonald during SHP Grading

Deegan Mcdonald trips Harry Nortier at SHP2018 GradingDeegan Mcdonald Rib Stomps Harry Nortier during SHP2018 gradingLuke Crane locks on a back choke during SHP2018 GradingLuke Crane Wrist Locks Up Instructor John Crawford during SHP2018 GradingInstructor John Crawford lifts Alicia Mackay with Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett standing nearby after SHP2018 gradingKrystal Ritchie recieves her belt and certificate from Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett at SHP2018 gradingDeegan Mcdonald shows Axe Kick during his 2018 SHP grading

Daniel Platts Arms locks Instructor John Crawford at SHP2018 grading b

Daniel Platts Receives his belt and certificate to pass his grading at SHP2018

Krystal Ritchie, Daniel Platts, Cody Edwards & Joey Platts all proudly display their results from SHP2018


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Term 1, 2018 Starts – Monday 5th February 2018

– Starts Monday 5th February 2018  – Current & … [Read More…]


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Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

– TERM 1 CLUB DATES     For Our Clubs … [Read More…]


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Blue Short Sleeve Tops Are In – Check Out Our Pre-Training Special – Limited Amount



Our Taekwondo Central Summer Training Tops Are here and ready for persons wanting a cooler option to training

Worn by the instructors, Our Blue tops are now available to all members ranging from sizes 120cm – 200cm in both Blue V-Neck (Coloured Belts) or Black V-Neck (Black Belts)

However we have only ordered a limited amount for this year so it will be first in, first serve



We have the following in stock for Coloured Belts including Super Dragons

Blue V-Neck Summer Training Top

120 cm = 4  (2 sold)
130 cm = 4  (3 sold)
140 cm =(5 sold)
150 cm = 8  (7 sold)   
160 cm = 13 (3 sold)
170 cm = 7   (2 sold)
180 cm = 7   
190 cm = 3   (1 sold)
200 cm = 2   (1 sold)

Black V-Neck Summer Training Top

140 cm =
150 cm = 11    
160 cm = 7   (1 sold)
170 cm = 7   (3 sold)
180 cm = 7   (3 sold)
190 cm = 5   
200 cm = 2

Our Pre-Start Special – Save 12.5%!

Hit the ground running in 2018 with our new blue tops. Order and pay for your top before Feb 1st and we will discount your top by over 12%

$40 Blue V-Neck
$90 Black V-Neck

January Special
$35 Blue V Neck
(Includes Back Screened Logo)
$80 Black V Neck (Includes Embroided Logos On Front and Back)
Ready To Pick Up 1st Training Day

(Remember Limited Amount Available)


How To Order


Email –
or sms  0407470964

Students Name       (eg Justin Warren)
Class                         (eg Bunbury Super Dragons)
Height In cm’s        (eg 150cm)
How did you pay    (eg Paypal)

Blue Top

How To Pay



Drop Cash To Ajana at SHP2018. Please give in sealed envelope well marked with your name
Click Here for SHP2018 Times


Please Transfer To Account

J R Warren
BSB –  806015
ACC-  01554887


To Email –
Click Here For PAYPAL


Offer Closed 1st February 2018 – Get In Quick!!!


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Taekwondo Central Spinner Blue

The Taekwondo Central Spinner Contest – Win $100 – Term 1 Competition

Lets have some fun in term 1 – we’re giving … [Read More…]


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Term 1, 2018 Starts – Monday 5th February 2018

– Starts Monday 5th February 2018  – Current & … [Read More…]


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Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

TERM 1 CLUB DATES     For Our Clubs … [Read More…]

12 Of Our Taekwondo Central Members Pass Their Belt In December 2017 Black Belt Dan Grading – We Got Some Great Photos Too


The End of year black belt grading is a daunting task for many a martial artists. There aren’t many things more nerve racking than a physical and mental test in which you are being judged by persons who set a standard.

The wonderful thing is the amazing exhilaration felt after being victorious and gaining that crucial level. What I personally like about the Oh Do Kwan grading is you may not be judged by your own instructor.
This means instructors now need to hold a level in their students and students need to take responsibility for their training.

All students have been training for around 6 months for the examination with 2hr Sunday training sessions, and many hours of kicking, patterns, punch defence, self defence and sparring including a board breaking seminar all did their part in preparing our members in achieving their goal, with some overcoming personal barriers and fears to break through this new attained level

The Grading was marked by 16 Black belts of 4th Dan Black Belt or Higher including our Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett and Master Head Instructor Justin Warren
The Ohdokwan Taekwondo Black Belt Grading had approx. 95 people from both city and country clubs trying for their level,

All students were marked on Patterns, Kicking Combinations, 1 punch counters, 2 punch counters, self defence, knife defence, Taekwondo sparring, Korean kick boxing sparring, and Board breaking.
Congratulation to all and well done. The amount of combined experience, confidence and achievement will really show in our club

The end of year Black Belt Dan Grading had 12 of our members move up the Black belt ladder with

Passing 1st Dan Black Belt

Matthew Bowkley
Trinity Best
Ashlee Stone
Kian Stapleton
Rachel Atkinson

Passing 2nd Dan Black Belt

Maddison Booth
Mollie Swarbrick
Tahlia Gowland
Brooklyn Jauncey
Deacon Malatesta
Declan Higgins
Vanya Possingham


Black Belt Dan Grading Presentation -

Matt Bowkley Gets Ready As Ajan watches at the grading table -


Deacon Malatesta smashes his boards during the Black belt grading -

Rachel Atkinson Sparring During Grading -

Deacon Malatesta cuts his opponenet off at the Black Belt Grading -


Ajana Plunkett Judges The Board Break Section -

Kian Stapleton sets Up For His Board Break

Deacon Malatesta Figuire 4 wrist locks his opponent at the Black belt Grading - www.tkdcentral,com

 Declan Higgins Black Belt Grading -

Rachel Atkinson lands a kick during grading - www.tkdcentral.comMaddison Booth About To Destroy Her boards During Black Belt Grading -

Mollie Swarbrick in action at the Black Belt Grading -

Deacon Malatesta lands his kick at the Black belt Grading -


Our Team - Taekwondo Central 2018 Dan Grading -

Kian Stapleton Locks A Side Arm Bar On His Partner At Black Belt Grading -


Molllie Swarbrick & Maddison Booth Sparring at the Black belt grading -


A Very Happy Trinity Best With Ashlee Stone


Kian Stapleton about to lock on a keylock at Black Belt Grading -

Tahlia Gowland & Deacon malatesta spar during black belt grading -


New Blackbelts Getting Teir Photo -

Maddison booth & Mollie Swarbrick Proudly Show Their Certificate

Deacon Malatesta with his Ohdokwan Black Belt Certificate -


Brooklyn Jauncey takes down partner Tahlia Gowland -

Our New Black Belts -

Brooklyn Jauncey & Tahlia Gowland after Passing 2nd Dan Black Belt -

Our Black Belts Wait To Be Called At The Black Belt Grading -

Maddison Booth, Mollie Swarbrick, Tahlia Gowland & Brooklyn Jauncey Doing Patterns during Black Belt Grading -

Deacon Malatesta receives his @nd Dan Black Belt off Grand Master Ross Hartnett 8th Dan -

Tahlia Gowland with Ajana Plunkett after Black Belt Grading -

Maddison Booth & Mollie Swarbrick Await There Turn at Black Belt Grdaing -

Declan Higgins & Taekwondo Ohdokwan Black Belt Panel


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January Summer Holiday Taekwondo Training Program – Express Grading Chance 2018

SHP2018 BOOK NOW – LIMITED … [Read More…]


Ajana Plunkett With Her Medals -

Ajana: The Master’s Apprentice – Coal Under Pressure Creates Diamonds.

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


Ajana Plunkett (Head Instructor with Melanie Buhlman after grading for Probationary Black Belt. -

FASTTRACK Term 4 grading numbers quadruple from Term 3

The FASTTRACK grading was designed for one thing. … [Read More…]


Sports Injuries - John Crawford - Looks Sore John -

Taekwondo Central Instructors & Leaders Join ECU Nurses for Sports First Aid Course

Thanks to Bunbury St John Ambulance Centre & … [Read More…]


Board Breaking Seminar - Kaiden Guiver Practises Push Front Kick with Ariana Lloyd -

Board Breaking Seminar Draws 20 Taekwondo Central Red & Black Belts

Taekwondo Centrals Board Breaking Seminar was a great … [Read More…]


Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day -

Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve – ECU Wellness Day Self Defence Workshop

–  By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


SWYAP 2  2017

Master Justin Warren Presents “Breaking Through Barriers” Seminar at SWYAP 2017

By Kelly Platts The Rotary South West Youth … [Read More…]

Ajana Plunkett: The Master’s Apprentice – Coal Under Pressure Creates Diamonds.


By Kristy HitchensBrown Mouse Communications

Ajana Plunkett With Her Medals -

If you have ever wondered how dedication to the martial arts principles of discipline, respect and courage could benefit you or your children in the long term, you need look no further than the sparkling example set by our Taekwondo Central Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett…

This is a rare chance to hear her story, learn more about her taekwondo journey. It’s not an opportunity that comes along often because despite having accomplished so much, Ajana conducts herself with quiet confidence and humility.

She leads without the need – or desire – to command the spotlight. So buckle yourself in because once you learn more about Master Justin Warren’s Apprentice – our Ajana – your appreciation for all that she brings to her Club and to the character of her students will soar.


Ajana’s drive to achieve seems utterly limitless but it’s tempered by a deep care for others, which shines through in the devotion she shows to her teaching role


At just 19, Ajana is a 4th Dan Black Belt. She has competed on the international taekwondo stage several times, winning two gold and two bronze medals plus five national championships where she won two gold, two silvers and a bronze medal. In a week, Ajana trains around 200 students in group classes and some in private lessons, and regularly sits (often as the youngest member) on Black Belt grading panels.

Between training and classes, she has managed to complete TAFE studies in community services and disability and is also underway with studies in youth work and business.

Yes! That’s right….only 19!

Justin Warren, Deacon Malatesta (With Black Belt Certificate)& Ajana Plunkett

Ajana’s taekwondo journey began at age 6 after Master Justin Warren visited her River Valley Primary School to present a talk on personal safety. Inspired, she joined his Burekup class with a few friends, and from that moment the spark was ignited. She set her dark eyes on a Black Belt goal and pity the obstacle that dared get in her way.

As a yellow belt Ajana started entering tournaments and by 10 years she had earned that Black Belt. She trained up to six times-a-week and admits to living and breathing all things taekwondo. She joined Central’s Leadership Team and even at this early age, had the confidence to lead a warm-up with Master Justin watching on. As her natural abilities combined with her dedication to training blossomed, she began climbing the competitive ranks, travelling to the eastern states and then overseas to Korea and Malaysia.

Money she saved working as a Club helper paid for her first flight to Korea but couldn’t cover the added costs of her mum coming too. During those overseas trips, Master Justin was both her coach and guardian. Not yet even in her teens, in a foreign country without her mum and competing in front of noisy crowds – a daunting experience to say the least! Still, Ajana found vast reserves of inner strength to not only compete, but win gold.


“You should never doubt what your body can do. But be patient with it because real progress takes time”
– Ajana Plunkett


Ask her about it now and with a tiny grin she’ll shyly admit it was at that point in Korea, she started to think she might be pretty good at this whole taekwondo caper! From there, Ajana’s confidence grew and more titles were won. At her last State-level competition, Ajana recalls her fight being called off because she was so far ahead on points, her competitor was left with no chance of winning.

By now she was 14 and her body was tired. Ajana’s competitive career came to an end and she instead began to concentrate on further studies, a more moderate level of training and teaching. When you add them all up, Ajana’s achievements alone are impressive enough. But when you also consider them in light of the obstacles she has overcome in her life to arrive where she stands today, you REALLY begin to appreciate the truly remarkable young woman she is.

Raised by her mum and an extended family, Ajana was born with problematic hip joints and suffered very early with chronic hip, back and leg issues that required ongoing therapy to manage. The strength and flexibility she later developed through her elite-level training almost certainly contributed to her full recovery. Thankfully, she was simply too strong in the fighting ring to suffer much injury through her taekwondo though she has come across some later.

Tahlia Gowland with Ajana Plunkett after Black Belt Grading -

Still, you won’t hear her complaining! Ajana just carries on with that same beaming smile and positive attitude. She says you should never doubt what your body can do. But be patient with it because real progress takes time. A perfectionist by nature, her taekwondo journey has created a person who understands that perfection is unattainable but chasing it in all you do, DOES develop excellence.

Ajana’s drive to achieve seems utterly limitless but it’s tempered by a deep care for others, which shines through in the devotion she shows to her teaching role. In the blink of an eye Ajana can fire off a long list of goals for the future – reaching 5th Dan Black Belt, travel, small business ventures with her partner and a career in social work. Maybe goal-setting was a skill she developed early while working her way through the taekwondo belt system?

In any case, her list of goals now might sound like a lot to pack into the next few years. But with everything you have come to learn about Ajana, you’re left in no doubt that whatever Ajana sets her mind to…



From Ajana:
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to my family, my Mum, Nan and Uncle for being my support and to Justin for being such a great a role model in taekwondo and life.



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