Sunday Paragon Program Finalises Term 3 Grading


Paragon Program Members Jordan Gangur, Coya Brown, Eric Buhlmann & Cheyanne Nardone -

Our Sunday Paragon Program finalised up their term 3 training completing their grading Sunday Afternoon. Getting the privilege of grading before our mainstream classes. Our 8 members cruised through the examination with great improvements from all students.

Well Done To

Cheyanne Nardone – Blue Dragon
Eric Buhlmann – Yellow 3
Jordan Gangur – Blue 1
Coya Brown – Blue 2
Annika Best – Blue 3
Rebecca Collis – 1st Dan – 2
Trinity Best – 1st Dan – 4

Paragon Program Logo

From kids to adults, the level was very high. Keep up the good work

The Paragon gradings also qualifies 7 Paragon members for the upcoming Black Belt Dan Grading.

Best Of Luck To The Following Who Have All Qualified For The Examination in around 6 weeks

Jy Gamble 
Lucas Hitchens 
Luke Crane
Kelly Rowe
Kian Stapleton
Trinity Best

Rebecca Collis Launches A Push front Kick At The Board which smashes with ease -

Rebecca Collis Smashes through Her Board With Perfect Accuracy -

What ended up to be a big day for the club with us being able to hold a Second Chance Grading Seminar for the members who couldn’t get to the first.
with some 30 members turning up allowing them to qualify to grade.

Annika Best concentrates the power of her kick to break a board -

Sunday also saw the start of the Black Belt Grading Training for the upcoming Taekwondo Ohdokwan ( The Organisation we are under) Black Belt Dan Grading.
Good luck to all attempting the next Dan Level. As mentioned above we will need to buckle in over the last 6 weeks. Its exciting times

Trinity Best smashes her board with a back kick - www,

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Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – ITS OUR 20TH BIRTHDAY!!

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]

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MARTIALFIT – Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training

Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training: Beginning in … [Read More…]

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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Teen Performs Self Defence

4 Week. 12-17 Year Old Basic Teenager Female Self Defence Course


First Students For Term 3 Grading Pass – Paragon Program – Great Pics


Tahlia Gowland smashes her board -

Master Justin Warren Paragon Program were the first off the mark to pass their belt grading for Term 3.

The Friday Night Paragons demonstrated Punching & Kicking, Self Defence, Poomsae & board breaking to earn their next level.

I was real happy with the Paragon Programs Progress this term with a lot of focus on flexibility and efficiency in technique. The result have been very noticeable especially from Shonna & Amandine. Great job girls!!

Sundays Paragon Program will be the next to grade and then the main stream classes will do their examination during the upcoming week. Best of luck to all members

Congratulations to Paragon Members

Kyah Goodall – Yellow 1
Saphyre Goodall – Yellow 3
Micheal Collins – Yellow 3
Madison Riches – Blue 2
Amandine Spottiswood – Blue 2
Narelle Pollard – Red 1
Deagan McDonald – Red 1
Shonna Charry – Cho Dan Bo
Christopher Charry – Cho Dan Bo
Lochlan Tuene – Cho Dan Bo
Kian Stapleton – 1st Dan – Sub 4
Tahlia Gowland – 2nd Dan – Sub 4

Passing Their 3 month Black Belt Grading Progress

Kelly Rowe
Luke Crane
Lucas Hitchens
Jy Gamble


Shonna Charry Smashes her boards -

Shonna Charry with Master Justin Warren After her board break -
Chris Charry breaks his board -

Kian Stapleton smashes the board with a back kick -

Narelle Pollard breaks her board -

Paragon Program Logo



Lochlan Tuene smashes his board -

Jy Gamble breaks his board -

Kelly Rowe smashes her board -

Deagan McDonald stepping Up To The Challenge Of Board Breaking -

Deagan Mcdonald powers through his board break -

Luke Crane break his board -

Lucas Hitchens smashes his board -

Madison Riches passes Blue 2 -

Saphyre & Kyah Goodall during their Belt Grading -

Narelle Pollard passes her red belt -

Deagan McDonald passes his Red Belt -

Master Justin Warren guides Paragon Program Members through Their Belt Examination -

Getting Started on the Paragon Program Grading -

Deagan McDonald & Narelle Pollard after the Grading Board Break -

Praragon Program Grading Starts. Kicking First -

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Counterstrike 20th Anniversary Logo 2018 -

Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – ITS OUR 20TH BIRTHDAY!!

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]

Paragon Program Button

The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Teen Performs Self Defence

4 Week. 12-17 Year Old Basic Teenager Female Self Defence Course



Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Instructs -

Counterstrike Bunbury 2018 August Course Full – Pics Galore!!

Counterstrike Women Self Defence Course has had a … [Read More…]

Tahlia Gowland Focused On Martial Art Excellence – A Teenagers Taekwondo Story

Tahlia Gowland as a Black Belt

Tahlia Gowland has been involved in Taekwondo Central for 7 years. The 14 year old is currently a 2nd Dan Black belt and is part of the Paragon Program being one of the students chasing that little bit more from there training.

Personally being Tahlias instructor over this time she has grown from a pint sized chatterbox (Ha Ha) to a an amazing teenager and great example of the effect Taekwondo Central can have on your mind & body regardless of age.

Her progress has been very noticeable with beautiful execution of techniques honed from years of training complimented by a strong focus on her own desire to achieve excellence in this art we all love.

Her happy personality and beautiful smile are always welcome at the club however don’t be misled. This girl kicks very hard and fast, the lure of thinking your safe disappears quickly after the first strike, its clear she practises her craft.

Tahlia has taken the time out to write a little bit about what Taekwondo has done for her and a little on her story. Take a minute out to look at it. Its a great read from someone who has practised Taekwondo for half her life.


Master Justin Warren

Tahlia Gowland with mum Deanna CelebratingTahlia with mum Deanna after passing 1st Dan Black Belt

I’m Tahlia. I’m 14 and joined Taekwondo Central when I was 7. Throughout the years I have been apart of this amazing club, I have passed 17 belts and am currently onto my 2nd Dan Black Belt, grading for my 3rd Dan at the end of 2019. I joined the Paragon Program approximately 3 years ago and it has helped me improve my skills and technique incredibly.

Since I am a 2nd Dan Black Belt, I have participated in and passed two black belt grading’s in Perth.
When the grading for my 1st Dan Black Belt was approaching, I felt almost certain I wasn’t going to pass. I worked so hard for two months leading up to the grading, going to almost every lesson I could.

Tahlia Gowland Black Belt Pic

My week would consist of taekwondo on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. In the final days of preparation, my body ached, all the training had been making a huge impact on my body and the hours after training became extremely painful. However, I kept going (with much encouragement from my mum I might add), and the work paid off. Previously, I had wanted to quit after getting my black belt, but the feeling I had from finally passing was one I knew I would never feel anywhere else. I am so glad I’ve kept going this far and I definitely have no plans the leave anytime soon.

Tahlia Gowland as a Yellow Dragon

Tahlia passes her first Yellow Dragon belt

Taekwondo is a big part of my life and has brought me confidence, discipline and strength. I strongly believe that without taekwondo, I would be a very different person. The Paragon Program helped me improve my skill and technique for both of my black belt grading’s and is still helping me become better today. To be so young and to have achieved such feat is truly an honour.

Everyone at Taekwondo Central are just like family to me. I am extremely grateful for all the extra trainings and time that Master Justin, Head Instructor Ajana and Instructor John put in for me when I needed them. I think the true lesson here is to persevere even when you feel like quitting because hard work always brings a great reward.

Tahlia Gowland Side kick

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Counterstrike 20th Anniversary Logo 2018 -

Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – ITS OUR 20TH BIRTHDAY!!

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]

Paragon Program Button

The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Teen Performs Self Defence

4 Week. 12-17 Year Old Basic Teenager Female Self Defence Course



Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Instructs -

Counterstrike Bunbury 2018 August Course Full – Pics Galore!!

Counterstrike Women Self Defence Course has had a … [Read More…]


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy -

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]


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MARTIALFIT – Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training

Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training: Beginning in … [Read More…]

Club Blue Dobok Tops Available Now – Limited Amount

Taekwondo Central Blue Top Back Logo Shot


Our Taekwondo Central Club Blue Tops are in. These are our long sleave version and we only have a limited amount for sale.
It will be first in first serve so get in quick. Once they are gone, our next order will be Autumn 2019.

SIZING – With the sizing of these tops, you will need to size up 1 size
ie – I am normally a 180cm Daedo Top. The equivalent blue top is 190cm.

Coloured Belt Blue Top Back Shot

Black – Reserved / GreenPayment Complete

Long Sleeve Blue V-Neck (Coloured Belt) – $45

Large Tkd Central Screened Back Logo – Small Tkd Central Logo Embroidery On Chest



1 – Sold
2 – Sold
3 – Sold


1 – Sold



1 – Sold


Long Sleeve Black V-Neck – (Black Belts Only) – $95

Large Embroidered Tkd Central Back Logo – Small Tkd Central Logo Embroidered On Chest




1 – Sold
2 – Sold
3 – Sold
4 – Sold

1 – Sold

1 – Sold
2 – Sold



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Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

TERM 2 CLUB DATES   For Our Clubs … [Read More…]


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Womens Day Class Logo -

Womens Day Classes – Taekwondo Central

(Classes are still running over the July … [Read More…]

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy -

What is Taekwondo to me?

By Taekwondo Central Assistant Instructor Luke Crane

In just two years, I have achieved with my training what takes most White Belts at least four. I have gone from just bumming around at home with no thought of EVER studying a martial art, to being an Assistant Instructor at my club. How did I do it and why? Because I’m a Father…

Taekwondo is so many things to me. It’s liberating. It’s keeping fit, staying positive, working towards goals you would have never thought achievable, and surpassing them!

Its strength to overcome your fears, to find the confidence that has always been inside you but never knew how to access or harness.

Taekwondo is exhilarating, it’s full of energy.

Taekwondo empowers you to bring out the best from within.

Taekwondo is respect, discipline, determination, courage, focus, self-awareness, self-defence and knowing how to take control over a potentially dangerous situation.

Most importantly, Taekwondo is fun, and Taekwondo has become a big part of my life.

Two years ago I would never have seen myself where I am today. I had no thoughts of even considering taking up martial arts.

But the reason I’m here now? Her name is Remy!

She’s a beautiful blue-eyed, red-headed, fiery young girl. She is wise beyond her years and she’s been doing Taekwondo with our club since she was 3-years-old.

She is my now 8-year-old daughter and she is my world.

Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Daughter Remy -

I enrolled Remy in Taekwondo 5 years ago at her mum’s suggestion – she had a friend whose daughter was also doing Taekwondo.

Back then I knew little of the sport, but I knew enough to realise this would be a great thing for Remy to participate in.

You see, Remy’s mum and I are no longer together and I could see there were some issues arising within Remy that I believed Taekwondo could help her with.

Self-confidence was a big issue. “I can’t Daddy, I can’t do it!”

So many times I’ve heard this same sentence. I’m sure all parents have.

It’s heart breaking when someone you love, truely believes they can’t do something. It’s like they’ve already given up.

Remy had difficulty focusing at times during her early training sessions. She had an eternal battle raging away inside as she tried to make sense of who she was in a life that involved moving from my house to her mum’s house, her mum’s house to my house and on and on.

It’s a cycle of confusion that can be very hard for any child, of any age, to understand.

Listening, or more accurately, her lack of listening is another issue that entwines its way into many of our battles.

It’s hard watching your child go through these emotions and hard to know how to deal with them the right way so you can help them understand what’s going on.

Taekwondo seemed like a great way to deal with some of these issues – A fun way, a positive way, a creative way.

Honestly, enrolling Remy into the Taekwondo Central Dragonflies Program has been the best decision I’ve ever made.

Taekwondo has really helped Remy out with all of the above mentioned and so much more.

As I sat on the sidelines over the weeks, months and then years, I witnessed changes occurring relatively quickly in Remy.

Also during this time I watched Instructors John and Ajana grow into amazing people and absolutely brilliant instructors.

I can see now why Master Justin chose them for the roles they have taken up within his club. Their attention to detail, the love and care everyone has put in is just amazing.

And finally I watched Master Justin teaching. Watched how he keeps his students interested and focused, seeing the passion that he has and puts into his work, his club.

All of this eventually made me think. This is great, maybe I’d give it a go if there was an adult class. Why not? What is there to lose?

Low and behold there was an Adult Class and even better it was a Family Class run in Australind.

At this stage Remy had passed all her belts in the Dragonflies Program and the Little Dragons Program, she was now starting out in to the Super Dragons Program.

I decided to ask the question, could she possibly join in with the Family Program if I was to start as well?

As, by now, Remy had a lot of experience it was decided that we could give it a try and we started training together.

Remy loved it! She loved it so much.

I remember Remy telling her mum on the phone one day when we first started doing Taekwondo together. She was so excited that her Dad was doing something she absolutely loves with her.

This was no longer Remy’s Taekwondo Journey, this was now OUR Taekwondo Journey and it’s been an amazing ride.

Remy is now currently working on her grading for Blue Belt 2nd Stripe, half way to Black Belt and she is only 8-years-old.

In only two years I have gone from a newbie White Belt, unsure of exactly what I was in for, to now wearing the Cho Dan Bo Belt, a probationary black belt.

In November/December I will travel to Perth to attempt my Black Belt grading.

Luke Crain doing the Crane Kick with Remy -

I am also an Assistant Instructor within our club helping everyone out as much as I possibly can. But how have I graded so quickly? How have I gone from White Belt to now training for a Black Belt – 4 years of training in just 2 years?

Well I’ve worked very hard, I have been disciplined, I have pushed myself, I have believed in myself, I have completed things I never thought possible.

I just recently participated in a two week yoga challenge where I found I could keep my balance on each leg for over an hour and 2 mins.

This was organised though The Mortal Mouse Taekwondo Blogger (who just happens to be another proud Taekwondo parent training with her son within our club). I suggest you look up the page on Facebook there are many amazing articles to read.

I have done every bonus summer holiday program since I started. In the last Program I was training not only for my Red Belt 2nd stripe but also my Red Belt 3rd stripe.

This was very intense training undergone in only one month instead of the usual semester it would have taken.

I have participated in our Paragon Program. Taekwondo has given me all that I need in order to be able to achieve all of this and I have never given up because I love Taekwondo and I love my Taekwondo family.

I love working alongside Instructors John and Ajana, Master Justin, my cousin Assistant Instructor Kelly, all of the members of our leadership team.

I love that they all love working alongside me, I love helping out every one of our students.

I love that Taekwondo has given me the strength, determination and the confidence to face anything that has attempted to pull me down.

The anxieties I have faced when I’ve felt like I’m at the lowest point I’ve been in my life. Taekwondo has given me a whole new lifestyle for the better and I love that.

But most of all, absolutely MOST of all, I love my daughter Remy.

I love that we share this amazing bond together, I love that we share our love of Taekwondo together, I absolutely love that Remy is the one who introduced me to Taekwondo, just as I had introduced her to Taekwondo years ago.

Remy has given me the power to never give up and Taekwondo has helped reinforce this power in a way I never thought possible.

I encourage any mother or father to have a go! Bring your children and create a bond that will never break.

Try it out. Its’ so beneficial, truly amazing. You will love it

Free Training Voucher for Fathers Day


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Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calendar

THIS TERMS CLUB DATES   For Our Clubs … [Read More…]


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Counterstrike Bunbury 2018 August Course Full – Pics Galore!!

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Instructs -

Counterstrike Women Self Defence Course has had a strong interest with women personal protection on the radar in the last months.
Thank you to all the ladies who have got involved this term, The improvement in just weeks has been very noticeable already.
We look forward to seeing the empowered version of yourself at the end of the course.

Counterstrike Women Self Defence Course celebrates its 20th year in 2018 with the first course being held at the former Railway Institute Building in 1998 which is just across the road from the current course at the Bunbury Art Gallery. Its also great to see a variety of ages doing this class, its been a great atmosphere and the focus has been intense, these ladies are serious!!

We are looking at the possibility of running a day course in Term 4 in Bunbury.
If you wish to get involved keep an eye out on this webpage –
Our Facebook page – click here

A big thank you to Deanna Gowland for the photos.
If you like her work she is available to hire for your occasion – phone 0429 089 020


Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches about strength -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Working the 5 Strike Combo -
Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - On The Attack -
Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches about Posture -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Firing Off The Counterstrike Combo -

Counterstrike  Logo -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Counterstrike Combo Practise -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Strikes With Kelly Rowe -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Strikes B With Kelly Rowe -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Strikes C With Kelly Rowe -

Tkdcentral - womens Only Logo White

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Drawing from emotions -

 Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Time To develop offense -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Kelly Rowe Teaches Correct kicking -

 Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Defence Games watched over by Kelly Rowe -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Breaking The Nerves -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Fine Tuning The Technique -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Talks About The power Within -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Proper Kicking with Kelly Rowe -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Building Power To The Combo -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Kelly Rowe Shows A Strong Defensive Stance -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Kelly Rowe Shows Defence Against Strikes -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Accessing Your Inner Strength -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Building Muscle Memory Through Repetitions -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Continuually Fine Tuning The Weapon -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Having Fun & Feeling Good is part of it -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Grab Defence -

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Course Leaders Master Justin Warren with Kelly Rowe -

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Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]


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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]



Start Training With Us! – Let Us Inspire You!

Term 2 2018 Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More…]


Kelly Rowe -

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should As … [Read More…]


Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick -

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + … [Read More…]


Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy -

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]



Taekwondo Central Represented at Shire Of Dardanup, Ladies Day Out, Eaton


Ajana Plunkett - Explains the benefits of Taekwondo at the Ladies Day Out. www,

The Shire Of Dardanup – Ladies Day Out give us a chance to show women how we cater to the need for women self defence.
With Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett at the helm passing on her enthusiasm and knowledge to women interested in bettering their health and improving their personal defence

An awesome afternoon representing Taekwondo Central at the “Ladies Day Out” event with help from one of our  Taekwondo Central Mums and student.  Kristy Hitchens.

Kristy Hitchens with Ajana Plunkett at Ladies Only Day in Eaton -

We got to promote classes and meet wonderful businesses in our community as well as have a chat with some local women about our awesome club and the benefits of Martial arts.
Thanks to the Shire of Dardanup for letting us be apart of this awesome event! We will be back next year for sure!

A BIG thank you to our assistant Kelly Rowe for all the behind the scenes work she did fo us to be able to have our flyers etc. ready for the day!

Ladies Day Out Logo


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]



Start Training With Us! – Let Us Inspire You!

Term 2 2018 Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More…]


Kelly Rowe -

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should As … [Read More…]

Counterstrike  Logo -

Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – 6 Week Course

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]


Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick -

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + … [Read More…]

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Kelly Rowe -

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should

As Mums we often feel overwhelmed with pressure. We are bombarded with people sharing their lives over Social Media. Truth is, the majority of people only share their “highlights” reel and we can fall victim to the assumption that everyone else is winning at life so we need to push harder to keep up. It can leave us stressed, run down and feeling inadequate. Its taken me 9 years of being mum to finally realise how important it is to look after yourself, mentally and physically. How can you be the best mum, wife and woman if you’re not making yourself a priority as well. The saying goes “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, and its true isn’t it?

Have you ever found yourself in a stage of life where you feel overwhelmed, lost, depressed or anxious? These feelings can happen at any age, and I felt ALL of them at the age of 32. Stuck in a pattern of self destructive and negative behaviour I turned to martial arts. I have now been training for around 16 months and it has completely turned my life inside out and upside down, in the best way possible.

Martialfit Logo

Martial arts are an incredibly ideal outlet for women of all ages and walks of life. The list I could write is almost endless. From the more obvious benefits like, increased fitness, strength, flexibility, coordination and reflexes. To the more subtle and unexpected ones like, an increase in confidence, calmness, the ability to deal with stress and daily challenges. The amazing feeling of empowerment that comes with the gaining of such skills is just second to none.

One of the other things that I did not expect was the strength of friendships I have found from joining a martial arts club. You’re training beside others who are also looking to attain similar results and goals and you may find you connect with people on a completely different level.

I initially started my martial arts journey when I was around 13. I really loathed my high school years as many I’m sure would relate. My one absolute joy I found at this time was Taekwondo training. I began training at the SWTA and my first Instructor was Odin Nel. I absolutely adored him. He was so encouraging and I felt like I had found something that I not only enjoyed and loved but I was actually good at. Every class left me walking away feeling strong and capable. I reached the level of Blue 2 stripe but unfortunately due to some health issues at the time, I gave training away.

Kelly Rowe Win Kicking Technique Contest

Skip ahead 20 years, I found myself married with two young boys. I brought my eldest son to TKD Central to see if the training would help the coordination issues he was having at the time. He loved it, and soon my younger son joined in and they were both loving it. Almost as much as I loved watching them train. I quickly became jealous of the fun they were having kicking and punching targets, I started to remember the joys it had brought me as a teenager. However, I never dreamed of starting, no way did I have the guts to jump in again. So I kept sitting on the sidelines.

When the club announced they were offering a free self defence lesson to all the mums and a friend I thought, right! Time to have a go. I dragged my then mother in law along and I absolutely loved it. The encouragement Master Justin gave me was so uplifting. It was his kind words that gave me the push I needed to come to my first class.

Now I didn’t come easily, I paced back and forwards at home for a good hour before it was time. I was shaking, I was dizzy, I felt sick, I was THAT close to backing out. But I knew I had to go, I knew I had to do something to break the cycle of depression that was crushing me. When I walked in, there was about 10 young blackbelts all there, OMG, what was I doing here!!! I can admit I was backing up to the door when in walks Hyden and Audrey. Father and daughter, both white belts only just beginning their journey together. I could have hugged them both on the spot, thank goodness for

them, I may have just snuck out the door and never come back…….I really need to thank them for that!

I stayed, and I came back, again and again and again. Safe to say I am COMPLETELY and utterly hooked. Having something unique and different to focus on completely changed my life. Working towards each belt level, mastering the next kick and seeing myself gradually improve lifted me not only physically but mentally and emotionally. The training, the club, the people and my instructors. Ajana’s ability to command a class of close to 50 people with skill and confidence at the age of 20 amazes me! Johns kind and humble heart that see’s him swarming with kids is very endearing, and to Master Justin who is significantly responsible for changing my perspective of life and who reignited my desire to train, grow and learn again. The impact the club has had on my life is just incredible. I have met some amazing people who I will treasure for my whole life.

Learning the art and learning to teach with the hope of one day being able to pass on its benefits has become my life’s goal and something I’m truly passionate about. I encourage anyone out there to have a go, you should be eager to learn and remain curious your whole life, its what life is for! Soak up all that you can and you will be richer for it.


“Your mind will take shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is coloured by such impressions.” – Marcus Aurelius.

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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]


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Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – 6 Week Course

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy -

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

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Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

Ajana Plunkett helping the girls of the club power up -

The importance of young women learning martial arts and what it has given me 

By Ajana Plunkett

As a young woman today and hearing in the media awful and all too common stories about women subjected to violence , I am very thankful to my mum and nan, for all those years of taking me to Taekwondo lessons from age 6

Taekwondo being a Korean kicking form of martial arts doesn’t usually have a big basis around self-defence.

But what I loved and continue to love about my club Taekwondo Central, is that Master Justin has always based the club around children’s safety and self-defence.

So from a very young age I started gaining my skills and experience in self-defence.

I could never over-emphasize how important it is that young people, or should I say ALL people feel safe in their homes and when they are out and about.

When you feel safe you feel more comfortable to be yourself. The importance of women learning self defence is more present than ever and what better time than now to talk about it?

I want to leave a few figures with you before I go on:

  • One in three Australian women have experienced physical violence, since the age of 15.
  • Eight out of ten women aged 18 to 24 were harassed on the street in the past year.
  • Young women (18 – 24 years) experience significantly higher rates of physical and sexual violence than women in older age groups.
  • Every year in Australia, over 300,000 women experience violence – often sexual violence – from someone other than a partner or someone they know.

Those are some distressing statistics!

In the alarming chance that you find yourself confronted with someone who might cause you harm, knowing how to defend yourself will give you the potential upper-hand and may buy you enough time to get away to safety.

“Taekwondo has not only given me the strength and self-defence skills to protect myself but make me better able to read the warning signs of assault, understand confrontation and body language and how to read the environment around me.”


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - - 1

I have this sense of empowerment from my training and the confidence in knowing I can defend myself.

An important thing that self-defence has taught me is acknowledging safety, that the level of safety we feel is measurable.  If we feel uncomfortable we can speak out. If someone gets in our personal space we can move away or place a physical barrier between us. With regular training, you start to understand what your body is capable of, how your body responds to threats and stress, and what others are capable of.

Knowing what is a safe distance, your boundaries and acknowledging the feeling of being unsafe bodes well for your self-protection. Knowing these things have helped me decrease the feeling of being surprised or freezing up in situations.

Martial arts gave me confidence in my mental abilities. My training prepared me to face the unexpected. It taught me that every fail or every loss was an opportunity to learn and resilience was key in my development.

The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, produces mental toughness.  I learned that every problem I encountered had a solution.

Of course, the self-assurance I have in my physical abilities I owe to my training.

I wouldn’t feel confident that I could handle myself in a harmful situation let alone know what to do, but thanks to my training I have an awareness in myself that I know I am strong and I know that I could do serious damage if I had to use my skills in self-defence. As a young woman, this is what empowers me the most!

I mentioned the word empowerment a couple times and that martial arts has given me a feeling of empowerment. So, what is empowerment?

Empowerment; the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.  

I think that definition alone explains exactly why martial arts is empowering. Martial arts is a journey of discovery; of new skills, strengths, learning what your body is capable of. Being proud of your accomplishments, your body and your willpower. I’m so empowered by martial arts and what it can do for you that I have made it my job for quite some time now to teach others and my guess is, I’ll be doing that forever.

Ajana Plunkett Kicking As A 3rd Dan Blackbelt -

To finish  I’m going to share with you my


5 Self-Defence Tips That I Think All Women/Girls Should Know


1.       LOOK STRONG – The best way to stay safe is to avoid a confrontation altogether. Stand tall, walk confidently and don’t look like a target. By doing this you make yourself look and feel stronger than you may be. It may make attackers think twice before trying something.



Eyes – poke, claw, throw sand, the eyes are sensitive and whatever you do is going to cause pain and blurred vision

Nose– coming from someone who has broken this part of their body more times than she wants to remember, this is a very weak and vulnerable spot. A simple strike with your palm can do a lot of damage.

Throat– If you’ve ever had anything hit your Adam’s apple, you know why this one is included in this list. Simply put, it (literally) knocks the wind right out of you. If you have never been hit there before it’s a very frightful experience.

Groin– need I say anymore? A quick flick to that area or a knee will sure do the trick.


3.       THE 6th SENSE – I don’t know if you ladies have ever felt it, but I sure have. It’s got me out of some close calls. When you’re in an environment, nothing bad may have happened yet but you just feel off, you get that butterfly in your belly, the weird feeling that you know something isn’t right and your heart starts to race. TRUST IT, it doesn’t matter whether you’re wrong, it just matters that you feel safe. Like that saying goes. Better safe than sorry.


4.       KNOW THE WARNING SIGNS – Most attackers don’t begin with brutal force. They begin by coaxing a woman into a secluded area and forcing her to relinquish her control. Not only will your instincts help you avoid dangerous situations, but you can also determine someone’s intent by knowing what to look for. Some pre-incident indicators include: refusing to accept rejection, charm, giving too many details, giving unsolicited help and expecting favours in return and unwanted promises to name a few. Remember ‘no’ is a full sentence and you don’t have to explain your reasoning.


5.      BEING SAFE AT NIGHTThere are several precautions that you can take to ensure your safety while walking at night.Be aware and try and avoid distractions like having your headphones in or having your head down texting.  There is safety in numbers, so where you can walk each other to cars etc.  When walking at night, always use popular routes used frequently by others. By using these, you decrease your chances of being alone while walking at night. Try not to be tempted take a shortcut through a dark alleyway or parking lot. Avoid suspicious areas and people and always try and stick to the most lit path where possible.

“The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, produces mental toughness.
I learned that every problem I encountered had a solution.”

I really hope that by sharing my experience with you, that it may inspire you, young women, people of all ages to start doing something to better protect themselves. Start up a martial art, take a self-defence course or at least, take on board some of the tips you have just read.

Because in the end all that matters to your loved ones is that you are safe.


Taekwondo Central Head Instructor - Ajana Plunkett -
Miss Ajana Plunkett (20) is the Head Instructor Of Taekwondo Central
Holding a 4th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo (WT) she has been practising Taekwondo for 15 years.

For Info On Miss Plunketts Classes – Please See below or contact her for private lessons
Ph – 0401809895
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 Teen Performs Self Defence

4 Week 12-14 Year Old Basic Young Womens Self Defence Course – Starts 27th July 2018



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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]



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Ajana Plunkett With Her Medals -

Ajana Plunkett: The Master’s Apprentice – Coal Under Pressure Creates Diamonds.

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy -

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]


Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + Mortal Mouse Taekwondo Blog

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

And now you can do it too with my Top 5 Tips… 

 Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick -

Am I having a near mid-life crisis?

Is that what this is?

Is this the equivalent of (*gulp!) buying a Harley or red sports car and dating a hot blonde?

All of this and more (MUCH more!) is what went on in my busy brain when I decided to take up martial arts in my 40s – specifically taekwondo and specifically right after I turned 4-Ohhhhhhhh.

For five years I had sat on the sidelines watching my son Lucas, 10, progress through the ranks of Taekwondo Central’s membership.

True. It was something I had considered. I like being active. I wouldn’t be the ONLY mum doing it I had thought to myself.

But comfort zones are…well…comfortable!

It’s hard to say exactly what it was that finally pushed me off that little bench on the sidelines and onto the floor.

Looking back it was possibly the result of a perfect storm.

Well-timed women’s self defence course presented by TC’s 6th Dan Black Belt Master Justin Warren which I seriously enjoyed and opened the door to these odd yet warm feelings of empowerment.

Committed encouragement from people I admire.

And finally, (but most significantly) the loss of a loved one far too soon which inspired me to just LIVE!

I turned up to my first training session a complete bundle of nerves. It felt like Lucas and I had undergone this mind-bending role reversal because there he was being all sweet and encouraging, tenderly patting my arm and telling me how proud he was of me for having a go. (*heart melts)

Lucas & Kristy Hitchens -

Lucas & Kristy Hitchens In Action

I was utterly terrified that I would make a complete goose of myself in front of Master Justin, the other students and (worst of all) the other parents I had previously been sitting with on the sidelines.

Ridiculous when I think about it now but self doubt is a weird and persistent beast.

Master Justin has coached literally thousands of beginners all the way to Black Belt level so in hindsight, pretty sure he’s used to working with students who are just starting out – even uncoordinated over 40 ones!

The other students are busy doing their own thing and could care less how wonky my early kicking attempts were.

And finally, the other parents are busy watching their own kids (of course!) and had next to no interest in critiquing my efforts.

Despite all my early irrational fears, I kept going back for more. I had a fierce new training buddy in Juliani Wayan who I didn’t want to let down and I sure as heck did not want to give Lucas the impression his mum was a quitter.

On top of that, bit by bit and to my astonishment, I began to realise I was actually loving it.

Kristy Hitchens with training partner Juliani Wayans -

Kristy Hitchens with training partner Juliana Wayan after successfully passing their belt examination


Fast forward a little to now and I have added a couple more stripes to my belt and in the process, some other really incredible things have happened:

  • I discovered I really (like REALLY) love punching and kicking. Who knew that in your 40s you could discover a whole other thing that you would just find to be so much fun? That’s heartening don’t you think?
  • Turns out I’m WAY more determined than I had ever suspected. That’s code for stubborn. Yep, I’m really, REALLY stubborn but it actually helps when you’re learning a new skill.
  • Setting regular goals (like a belt level per term) that don’t come easily, that you HAVE to work towards, is so bloomin’ fulfilling. Don’t tell anyone but I really am so chuffed with myself.
  • When you try something new that not many other people are doing, you create an instant connection with a whole bunch of amazing new people because you’re sharing an experience that’s totally unique. I really love my new Taekwondo Central tribe and am so grateful to have found them.

Above all else, I think I may look back on this as one of the most significant things I have done as a parent for Lucas.

It is staggeringly joyous to be sharing a common interest with him like this. We set goals together, motivate and encourage each other and he gives me a hiding in sparring practice, bruised shins (It’s supposed to be non contact Lucas!) and all! We love training together.

Believe me when I say this kind of bond is not something you can achieve with even the most committed support from the sidelines. You actually have to get in there, bare feet and all, and do it WITH THEM.

Don’t get me wrong, I probably HAVE had a few goose-like moments in my taekwondo journey so far.

I suspect there’ll be quite a few more…I’m talking about you spin hook kick!

 But being a bit goosy matters little now when I consider everything Lucas and I have gained as a result.

It’s been a million times worth it.

So take it from me.  If you have entered 2018 and the vaguely middle part (I said VAGUELY!) of your expectant life with a desire to make things better AND an inkling that taekwondo classes might be the answer, here are my Top 5 Tips for starting taekwondo in your 40s.

  1. Work on flexibility.

To me, this guy is NUMERO UNO in importance. Head-height kicks are the signature taekwondo move and unless you work on flexibility, you won’t be kicking anyone above the toenail.  Much to my initial disgust, flexibility is just not something you can fake. But what I happily discovered is that you really can do stuff to improve it and you WILL notice the difference – pretty quickly even!

Flexibility decreases naturally as we age but working to improve it (stretching exercises every day if you can but at least three times a week) comes with a whole raft of associated health and wellness benefits like improved bloodflow, less aches and pains and greater ability to complete everyday tasks without discomfort.

You can Google up a bunch of ideas for increasing your flexibility. I’ve done two things.

The stretches we do before the start of every class, I do at home too on non-training days.

Also I found these dynamic stretches which seem to improve flexibility AND strength.

Stand on one leg. Lift the other leg to your imaginary opponent’s knee height and then put it down again but only very lightly touching your big toe on the ground. Repeat 12 times. Both legs.

Now do a similar action but lift your leg out to the side. 12 times, both legs.

And do the same again, but lifting your leg our behind you.

As you get better and stronger, work towards lifting your leg to stomach, chest and then head height.

The tip is not to be swinging your leg to get height and momentum. You should be relying ONLY on leg strength. Also, you shouldn’t find it really exhausting. You can feel the muscles working but it’s not like you’re gasping for breath or anything.

  1. Practice 

Training once or twice a week is not going to cut the mustard when you’re in your 40s. If you want to see real improvement in those kicks, you’re going to need to put in some time at home as well to build up that muscle memory in time for your next grading.

  1. It will hurt. Deal with it Princess. 

Your body is working in ways it has NEVER had to work before. Say HELLO to your Hip Flexors! During that first term I could not believe how sore I felt. My entire legs would ache and twitch after every session. Don’t get me wrong! It wasn’t excruciating or anything but yeah, it hurts. I’m telling you this now so you don’t have to be scared when it happens to you. It’s totally normal and not going to cause you any long-lasting damage. And guess what? After a while, it gets better!

 You don’t always hurt like you do in those first few months. It’s one aspect of ALL of this that just makes each little achievement that bit sweeter. Nobody is going to serve up a new belt to you on a silver platter. Ya gotta work for it baby!

In the meantime though, all those home remedies you’ve heard about really do help – hot baths, Epsom salts, massage, foam rolling, anti-inflammatory creams.

  1. Listen to your body 

Having said that, you get used to ignoring the groans and murmurs from your newly-discovered leg muscles, but listen up if that murmur turns into a SHOUT or worse, a SCREAM. You really do come to understand which pains are the ones you should be taking seriously as a sign to slow down or stop.

You don’t want to compromise your progress altogether by ignoring symptoms that need attention. The good thing about doing this in your 40s is that there is no real sense of urgency to reach your goals. You’re not working to a deadline. Take some time off if you need to. Heal properly and start again.

  1. Celebrate the journey 

Did you know that only 1 in 20,000 people who take up martial arts, actually ever make it to Black Belt? One day I hope to be one of them. I can’t actually visualise it yet. “I will need to be able to do wharrrrrrt???”

For now though, I’m just happy taking baby steps in that general direction. Every little improvement I can see and feel, every stripe on my belt. I take a moment to acknowledge the wins, no matter how small. Sounds kinda cheesey I guess but here’s where my awesome new tribe comes in. They understand the significance of the baby steps where others might not so much. They’ll join you in celebrating them, just as you will take joy in helping celebrate theirs.

So there you have it, my Top 5 Tips. But here my patient (if you made it this far) friend, is the REAL kicker These tips are actually equally relevant no matter what your age!

I know right??!!

So what are you waiting for? Age really has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. If you want it, get out there and (just) do it. I’ll see you on the floor.

Kristy x

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Kristy Hitchens is “Main Mouse” of Brown Mouse Communication specialising in email newsletters to help better communicate with your group, business or club.
Taekwondo Central have been using her service for some time now and the difference in our communications with our members has been astounding. Click the above link to see how she can help you.
We recommend her.
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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]


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Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – 6 Week Course

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]



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What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

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Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]


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