FASTTRACK Term 4 grading numbers quadruple from Term 3

The FASTTRACK grading was designed for one thing. Reward the disciplined, and why not? I think its fair and encourages people to step up and become greater martial arts just through greater hours of experience

Term 4 FASTTRACK numbers increased up 4X as the more dedicated student has realised their is reward for effort. From Yellow Dragon up to probationary Blackbelt. from ages 4 to 40’s.

The Lesson = If you strive for a higher level, put in the effort and commit yourself, the reward is at the end, not just in level but greater health and personal satisfaction for life

Head Instructor Miss Ajana Plunkett Striper Up Melanie Buhlman after passing her grading -

Melanie Buhlman gets “Striped Up” by Taekwondo Central Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett.

The highest belt that can be achieved before black belt is Cho Dan Bo, The probationary Black Belt level is the sign of adaptability of skill. gaining enough experience to turn “Drills into Skills”

We would like to congratulate Australind Family Class, Melanie Buhlman. Mel has attained her probationary level black belt at the FASTTRACK grading and at a high level also. Mels level is such a great example of what can be attained if you commit, push yourself, and don’t sit where 90% of the population sit watching life go by.

Mel you are a champ!!  Its the home stretch

(Full List of all students will be up very soon)


Ajana Plunkett (Head Instructor with Melanie Buhlman after grading for Probationary Black Belt. -

Taekwondo Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett stands with student Melanie Buhlman after passing her Cho Dan Bo Belt at the Term 4 FASTRACK grading

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Ajana Plunkett With Her Medals -

Ajana: The Master’s Apprentice – Coal Under Pressure Creates Diamonds.

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


Sports Injuries - John Crawford - Looks Sore John -

Taekwondo Central Instructors & Leaders Join ECU Nurses for Sports First Aid Course

Thanks to Bunbury St John Ambulance Centre & … [Read More…]


Board Breaking Seminar - Kaiden Guiver Practises Push Front Kick with Ariana Lloyd -

Board Breaking Seminar Draws 20 Taekwondo Central Red & Black Belts

Taekwondo Centrals Board Breaking Seminar was a great … [Read More…]


Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day -

Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve – ECU Wellness Day Self Defence Workshop

—  By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


SWYAP 2  2017

Master Justin Warren Presents “Breaking Through Barriers” Seminar at SWYAP 2017

By Kelly Platts The Rotary South West Youth … [Read More…]


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Grad-Shield. Self Defence Lesson For School Leavers

“Its not what you do for your children, Its what you … [Read More…]

The Final Countdown – Its Black Belt Grading Time. 13 Members Grading For 2017 Black Belt Grading

Preparing For Black Belt. Ajana takes the team

Its a proud time for our club and after 6 weeks of serious training our final selection has been made and the details sent. We would like to wish all of the following the best of luck on Sunday. With Our Members there are over 90 people grading on the day.

Grading Details can be found here – Click Here

Preparing For Black Belt - Rachel Atkinson & Kian Stapleton going through self defence -

We would Like To Congratulate and wish the best of luck to

Going For 1st Dan Black Belt

Matthew Bowkley
Rachel Atkinson
Trinity Best
Ashlee Stone
Kian Stapleton

Going For 2nd Dan Black Belt

Maddison Booth
Mollie Swarbrick
Tahlia Gowland
Brooklyn Jauncey
Deacon Malatesta
Declan Higgins
Vanya Possingham
Max Avins

Taekwondo Central Junors Focus On Black Belt Grading -

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Ajana Plunkett (Head Instructor with Melanie Buhlman after grading for Probationary Black Belt. -

FASTTRACK Term 4 grading numbers quadruple from Term 3

The FASTTRACK grading was designed for one thing. … [Read More…]


Sports Injuries - John Crawford - Looks Sore John -

Board Breaking Seminar - Kaiden Guiver Practises Push Front Kick with Ariana Lloyd -

Board Breaking Seminar Draws 20 Taekwondo Central Red & Black Belts

Taekwondo Centrals Board Breaking Seminar was a great … [Read More…]


Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day -

Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve – ECU Wellness Day Self Defence Workshop

—  By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


SWYAP 2  2017

Master Justin Warren Presents “Breaking Through Barriers” Seminar at SWYAP 2017

By Kelly Platts The Rotary South West Youth … [Read More…]


Grad-Shield Logo

Grad-Shield. Self Defence Lesson For School Leavers

“Its not what you do for your children, Its what you … [Read More…]

Taekwondo Central Instructors & Leaders Join ECU Nurses for Sports First Aid Course

Thanks to Bunbury St John Ambulance Centre & Melanie Buhlman of ECU & Taekwondo Central,
We were given a great opportunity to improve skills by attending a first aid course that was sports related.

Ajana Plunkett, John Crawford, Luke Crane, Kelly Platts, Rebecca Collis, Melanie Buhlman & Gary Veljacich all represented the club at the event

The course included basic life support with the DRSABCD action plan where we resuscitated and defibrillated the mannequins. Adapting the recovery position to a person with suspected head, neck and/or spinal injuries, applying splints, slings and pressure bandages to each other so the we became familiar with immobilising sprains, strains fractures, dislocations and managing a severely bleeding wound.  Epi-pens to treat allergic reactions were also covered, with an emergency action. plan for asthma attacks and learned what to do if a person gets winded or faints.

Also included were first aid treatment of eye and dental injuries as well as choking on a foreign body, such as a mouth guard.

Sports Injuries - Instructors & Leadership Team With Certificates - Ajana Plunkett, Luke Crane, Kelly Platts, John Crawford -

  Ajana Plunkett (Head Instructor) , Luke Crane (Leader), Kelly Platts (Assistant), John Crawford (Instuctor)


Sports Injuries - John & Ajana -

 John Crawford & Ajana Plunkett


Sports Injuries - Gary & Mel -

 Gary Veljacich treated by Mel Buhlman


Sports Injuries - Luke Crane - Looks Painfull Luke!!!

 Luke Crane


Sports Injuries - John Crawford - Looks Sore John -

 John Crawford


Sports Injuries - Kelly & Rebecca

 Kelly Platts & Rebecca Collis


Sports Injuries - Ajana Plunkett & John Crawford -

Ajana Plunkett & John Crawford


Sports Injuries - Taekwondo Central Team with ECU Nurse Graduates -

Back Row = Bec (Registered Nurse), Lee (Registered Nurse), Kelly (TKDCentral), Luke (TKDCentral), Ajana (TKDCentral), John (TKDCentral), Gary (TKDCentral), Rebecca (TKDCentral)
Front Row = Verity (ECU Nursing), Nicola (ECU Nursing), Nicole (Registered Nurse), Melanie (ECU Nurse Lecturer & TKDCentral)

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Ajana Plunkett With Her Medals -

Ajana: The Master’s Apprentice – Coal Under Pressure Creates Diamonds.

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


Board Breaking Seminar - Kaiden Guiver Practises Push Front Kick with Ariana Lloyd -

Board Breaking Seminar Draws 20 Taekwondo Central Red & Black Belts

Taekwondo Centrals Board Breaking Seminar was a great … [Read


Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day -

Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve – ECU Wellness Day Self Defence Workshop

—  By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


Grad-Shield Logo

Grad-Shield. Self Defence Lesson For School Leavers

“Its not what you do for your children, Its what you … [Read More…]


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Board Breaking Seminar Draws 20 Taekwondo Central Red & Black Belts

Taekwondo Centrals Board Breaking Seminar was a great success with a solid turn out

Board Breaking Seminar - Stretching -

Board Breaking Seminar starts with a good stretch

Students were taught the elements that make a successful board break which is a test of Technique, Speed, Power, Accuracy and Follow Through. Board Breaking is a crucial part of Taekwondo Gradings and can be a make or break point in the Taekwondo Black Belt Examination

Board Breaking Seminar - Kaiden Guiver Practises Push Front Kick with Ariana Lloyd -

Kaiden Guiver practises Push Front Kick with Ariana Lloyd

Thank you to Grand Master Ross Hartnett from Taekwondo Ohdokwan, we were very fortunate to attain the same boards used at the upcoming Black Belt Grading on November 26th 2017, so this was a rare chance to spend some time getting it to a high level.

Board Breakind Seminar - Melanie Buhlman smashes a Board with side kick held by Gary Veljacick -

Melanie Buhlman smashes a board held by Gary Veljacich

– Correct Breaking Technique for the main 5 kicks used for board breaking
– Correct board holding position for each kick
– Correct set up procedure for Black Belt Grading
– Using dramatics to elevate the break score

Board Breaking Seminar - Kelly Platts practises side kick board break with Rebecca Collis

Kelly Platts practises with Rebecca Collis

We had great feedback from this seminar and wanted to thank

Grand Master Ross Hartnett & Grand Master Carmela Hartnett of Taekwondo Ohdokwan
Kelly Platts for organising delivery of official breaking boards
Paul & Jo Jauncey for organising back up boards (including Cutting) Huge Job – Thanks so very much

Board Breaking Seminar - Maddison Booth demonstrates her awesome power by smashing a board held by Kelly Platts -

 Maddison Booth is all power


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Sports Injuries - John Crawford - Looks Sore John -

Taekwondo Central Instructors & Leaders Join ECU Nurses for Sports First Aid Course

Thanks to Bunbury St John Ambulance Centre & … [Read More…]


Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day -

Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve – ECU Wellness Day Self Defence Workshop

–  By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


SWYAP 2  2017

Master Justin Warren Presents “Breaking Through Barriers” Seminar at SWYAP 2017


By Kelly Platts The Rotary South West Youth … [Read More…]


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Grad-Shield. Self Defence Lesson For School Leavers

“Its not what you do for your children, Its what you … [Read More…]



Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve – ECU Wellness Day Self Defence Workshop

 By Kristy HitchensBrown Mouse Communications

Equipping Nurses With The Protection They Deserve


Tables Are Turned - Master Justin Waren holds target for ECU Wellness Day Students

Nurses are so often the unsung heroes in our community.
And a selfless dedication to the care of others, often means putting their own personal safety at risk.

Confronted by a patient who has become violent or invades their personal space or even just walking to their car during a night-time shift change – it’s so important our nurses have the skills and confidence to protect themselves in a dangerous situation.

Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day -

A group of nursing students studying at Edith Cowan University, South West Campus can now approach their future careers with greater peace of mind after this month participating in Master Justin Warren’s Introduction to Self Defence Workshop .

Master Justin – a 6th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo – presented two one-hour sessions during the university’s recent Wellness Days for staff and students.

Master Justin Warren Demonstrated Some Of The Defence Techniques with Instructor John Crawford -

While the sessions were open to all students, it was the nursing faculty which jumped at the opportunity to get involved. Learning how to block, escape particular holds plus complete Master Justin’s signature 5 Strike Combo left the students feeling energised and empowered.

Simple Wrist Grab Escapes - ECU Wellness Day - Self Defence Workshop -

Several were shocked by their ability to overcome an opponent without requiring great strength, fitness or power.

How To Back Choke - Nurses Defence - ECU Wellness Day -

Here’s what some of the students had to say afterwards…


Thank you so much for organising the event for us we all had a blast and learnt a lot!
Tayla, ECU nursing student

I enjoy the work out from martial arts and it makes you feel very empowered being able to defend yourself. I left the workshop pretty pumped and ready to take on anyone! I was almost waiting for some weirdo to jump out at me so I’d get to demo the ‘kick, flick, punch, knee- in-groin’ just to see if I had it!! The guy running the workshop was very knowledgeable too and seemed like a great teacher. The activities were really well pitched at our skill level. He provided a really good overview of what it is all about. It was a great idea to include it in wellness week and it is a shame that more people couldn’t come along – Kristy, ECU nursing student. Thank you so much for organising the event for us we all had a blast and learnt a lot!

Tayla, ECU nursing student

What a great fun class that was and I did pick up many tips and tricks. I really appreciate you organising such a class and was grateful for the opportunity to attend. Justin is a great instructor and I hope tomorrow is well subscribed
Heather, ECU nursing student

“Thank you so much for organising the workshop, was definitely worth the hour. Hope there will be more next year. I will definitely take it back up. Have missed it
Nicola, ECU nursing Student

ECU students Joined in the fun with Master Justin Warren - ECU Wellness Day -

After the workshops, the nurses were able to return the favour by providing Master Justin and Assistant Instructor John Crawford with a health check pitstop.
Nursing Lecturer Melanie Buhlmann (and TKD Central Red Belt student) measured Master Justin’s oxygen levels, heart rate and blood pressure.

Master Justin Warren is health checked by Nurse Mel Buhlman

We’re happy to report, despite struggling with his seasonal asthma, Master Justin was in good health! And despite always insisting otherwise, it turns out John has a heart in there after all!

Instructor John Crawford is Health Checked By Nurse Nicola Engels - ECU Wellness Day -


ECU Wellness Day - Self Defence Seminar - Master Justin Warren & Instructor John Crawford - Taekwondo Central

Here’s Some Of The Participants Feed Back We Received

“What a great fun class that was and I did pick up many tips and tricks. I really appreciate you organising such a class and was grateful for the opportunity to attend. Justin is a great instructor and I hope tomorrow is well subscribed. “The nursing students and lecturers who attended the self-defence workshops offered at ECU had a magnificent time. I am so grateful that they took up the challenge and experienced the confidence and empowerment that comes with learning skills for personal protection.     Heather, ECU nursing student

The feedback I received from the participants and the spectators has been astounding.  I cannot thank Master Justin Warren and Instructor John Crawford enough for agreeing to provide these workshops on the South West campus despite many other competing commitments.” Melanie, ECU nursing lecturer

“Thank you so much for organising the workshop, was definitely worth the hour. Hope there will be more next year. I will definitely take it back up. Have missed it.“  Nicola, ECU nursing student

“Although a tad late, I am really glad that I did make it to the self-defence class. I totally enjoyed the instruction and found the moves that Justin taught were really beneficial. Justin and John were also very competent in ensuring we had the correct technique. I have just practiced a few moves on my husband and sons ????. They were all very impressed. I appreciate your efforts to promote such a great activity Mel and would definitely support future sessions”. Fiona, ECU nursing student

“The self-defence session was lots of fun! The instructor was engaging and the exercises were fun and well-paced.” Verity, ECU nursing student

“Thank you for organising the self-defence workshop on Wednesday. I had a great time and it was such a great way to de-stress, learn something new and interact with a new group of people. I also had a good laugh and felt muscles that I never knew existed. It was such a great activity and I would definitely encourage more to get involved if he ran it again.” Jodie, ECU nursing student

” Justin and John were both confident, attentive, supportive and engaging throughout the session and made us feel comfortable as we learned skills we were unfamiliar with. Especially noted was Justin’s ability to explain and demonstrate skills clearly and with efficiency, and took the time ensuring he gave each person equal attention while providing feedback on our technique, in order for us to get the most out of the session. This class was a great foundation for learning self-defence and is something I recommend to anyone, especially those who may often feel vulnerable or anxious as it is empowering and reassuring to know you have the ability to defend yourself in a dangerous situation. Thanks again for the great opportunity Mel! I felt so energised and focused that I went home and smashed out my assignment after a couple of days of feeling very low and uninspired.” Emily, ECU nursing student

“The self-defence workshop looked amazing yesterday. What a fantastic modality to bring onto campus.” ECU staff member, spectator


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


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Fast Track Your Progress

We want to make things fair! Why shouldnt a person who … [Read More…]


Benefits Of Martial Arts

Why You NEED to get your kids into Martial Arts.

By Kelly Platts ANXIETY. It seems to be a problem … [Read More…]

Master Justin Warren Presents “Breaking Through Barriers” Seminar at SWYAP 2017

By Kelly Platts

The Rotary South West Youth Achievement Program “Breaking Through Barriers”


A program for our next generation of leaders


I had the pleasure and honour of watching Master Justin present his “Breaking Through Barriers” talk at this year’s South West Young Achievers Program. What an amazing event for young adults, wow I wish I had attended something like this in my younger years! But, as I’m realising, its never too late to learn new things and how exciting (and terrifying!) it can be to push yourself out of your comfort zone.  It doesn’t take long to see the rewards and opportunities that present when you start to change the way you think!

SWYAP 1 2017

“If you think you can, you are right; if you think you can’t you are also right.”


Master Justin kept everyone glued to their seats with his incredible story that saw him reach the very top levels in his chosen sport and Martial Art, Taekwondo.  Drawing Strength from defeat; developing superior Technique through dedication to training and realising success through determination, Attitude and the right mindset.

SWYAP 2  2017

Justin did an amazing job of translating how the Martial Arts Philosophy can truly benefit the lives of each and every one of us. I challenge you to find an example where these simple values DON’T apply!


STRENGTH: The ability to deliver more, withstand more and push past comfort zones.

TECHNIQUE: Learn “the game” and apply paretos law of 80/20 and specialise.

ATTITUTE: Know yourself AND know you competition.


The Philosophy Behind the Martial Arts

Consistent effort over time is what is needed to achieve greatness in anything. One of the most priceless gifts that martial arts practice can give is the ability to get to know yourself, internally and externally. It can help to teach us to use our body to reach and learn to master the mind. Once you have mastered your mind you will have no desire to ever fight. This skill means that, even when faced with the situation, you can stay calm and centered and make the best choices in that moment.


After building everyone up with anticipation, Master Justin wowed the class with his impressive Tile Break. Demonstrating again, how the values and principles he is about to use to break through the clay tiles with only his hand, can be realised in every aspect of a successful life.

1.       Perception vs observation. An interesting little question and comparison to put to yourself the next time you may be feeling doubtful or unsure. (I’ll admit, this is me, ALOT!!!)

Ask yourself, is this feeling or perhaps assumption, based on your PERCEPTION of something or your actual OBSERVATION of it. There is often a very large difference between the two, and actually stopping yourself and going through these differences can be very valuable.

2.       Using correct technique, through alignment and power to break through all the tiles.

As with anyone successful, it’s all about knowing your field and using the right avenues to give yourself maximum advantage. It’s also about having the confidence to push past obstacles and follow through with your goals.


Give it everything you have and don’t pull out!

Justin then invited the students to have a go at trying a new challenge for themselves and break a board with their bare hands. This is certainly got everyone out of their seats quick smart!
First they were given some targets to practise the correct technique. There were smiles all around as hands slapped eagerly into pads! such a great feeling! One I’m sure all of you who train know very well.


SWYAP 4  2017

SWYAP 5  2017Next, it was time to move onto the boards! After running through some of Master Justin’s clever confidenceboosting techniques, not a single person hesitated to have a go. Seeing the joy and excitement on peoples faces as their hands powered through the boards, making a very satisfying SNAP, was pure gold. Very inspiring and uplifting! I’m sure they were all walking an inch taller


“When you see the world differently, you experience it differently – same world, different mind looking at it.”


SWYAP 6  2017 - Justin Warren 

The overall feel of the class that day was very positive; all the youths received Master Justin’s message and advice with great interest and enthusiasm. An awesomely inspiring story about his career and his outlook and attitude towards life and its challenges should be of great benefit to those who were willing to take it on board. I know it will have a lasting impact for me. Thank you

SWYAP 7  2017 - Justin Warren


“A smile costs nothing, but gives much.

It enriches those who receive,

without making poorer those who give.

It takes but a moment,

but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.”


SWYAP 3  2017.jpg

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Grad-Shield. Self Defence Lesson For School Leavers

“Its not what you do for your children, Its what you … [Read More…]


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


Gary, Mel, Rebecca & Eric. Our Unbelievables

The Whole Family That Has Their Sights Set On Black Belt

Gary, Mel, Rebecca & Eric. Our Unbelievables


By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications


The guide to being a superhero parent

Lesson Number One: Wake up one morning and decide (REALLY decide) every person in your family needs a Black Belt in Taekwondo.


That’s exactly how the most “Unbelievable” journey began for TKD Central parents Gary Veljacich and Mel Buhlmann.
And now our very own “Unbelievables” (because ‘The Incredibles’ was already taken AND it’s pretty ‘unbelievable’ we’re doing this!) are well on their way to achieving that dream.

Rebecca, now 10, had almost completed the Super Dragons syllabus and Eric,7, was rising through the ranks of Little Dragonflies when the inspiration hit.Gary and Mel simply decided one day that they wanted to be right there to support Rebecca as she made the transition from “the little kids’ classes” to junior Taekwondo.

Thanks to TKD Central’s unique twice-weekly family class in Australind, they were delivered an opportunity to train together as a family. Fast forward two years to Term 3, 2017 and The Unbelievables celebrated a stunningly memorable moment in their family’s history as Gary, Mel and Rebecca stood together before Master Justin for a Red Belt Grading Exam while Eric (still completing Super Dragons) watched from the sidelines.

Talk about the ultimate family bonding experience!

Now their sights are firmly set on attempting a Black Belt grading together next year.

Gary and Mel say they’re okay with the idea that it could take longer than that, but there is not a shadow of a doubt in their minds that they WILL all get there in the end. Unfortunately though, achieving a status in martial arts the majority of beginners will never actually realise, doesn’t come as easily as just waking up one morning and deciding. Former concreter Gary turns 60 next year and wages a constant war with old injuries but celebrates the remarkable improvements to his general fitness since starting training.

Mel splits her working life between lecturing in nursing at Edith Cowan University (collecting a Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence as she goes because that’s just how “The Unbelievables” roll) and completing the study and research associated with undertaking a Masters Degree in Nursing.

Yet twice a week throughout the year, the four of them turn up to training and give it their all.

Every step in their Taekwondo journey together is enjoyed, celebrated and REALLY cherished. Photos, belts and board breaks converted into trophies by Gary are on display around their home to help remind them how far they’ve come and what they are working towards. Even Gary’s morning coffee cup shouts at him: “Headed for Black Belt. Don’t look back!”

Taekwondo has become a part of who they are – both as individuals AND as a family.

Those Black Belts are only a matter of time.

Rebecca and Eric talk with pride about their training and their goals and happily recount occasions where the virtues and confidence they’ve gained from Taekwondo has helped them navigate tough situations at school.Despite their young age, they can already see how perseverance is paying off.From Gary and Mel’s point of view, their family has an incredible opportunity to support each other towards achieving a common goal which looking forward, they believe will be of enormous benefit when they are forced to navigate the murky waters of parenting teens.

And they urge any parents who have been sitting on the sidelines to bite the bullet and join in the action so their families too can realise the myriad of benefits training together can bring.
All it takes is one term they believe, to figure out if martial arts is for you. Don’t worry about a uniform or the annual membership fee or gradings. For ONE TERM just turn up each week, pay for the classes as a casual participant, and give it a go. There’s nothing to lose and potentially, EVERYTHING to gain.

As for TKD Central’s instructors, Gary and Mel believe you couldn’t find a better one than 6th Dan Black Belt Master Justin Warren, describing him as head and shoulders above anyone else.And they say he’s well supported by 4th Dan Black Belt Ajana Plunkett and 3rd Dan Black Belt John Crawford who they find to be equally inspiring.

They’re experienced in their teaching methods and achieve a balance between being friendly, approachable and encouraging while understanding how to motivate and empower students to do their best. So what are you waiting for? You too can become a superhero parent like “The Unbelievables” through TKD Central’s family training nights.

· Tuesdays & Thursdays 5.45pm
Australind Senior High School Gymnasium


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Whats Coming Up – Our Club Calender

TERM 4 CLUB DATES     For Our Clubs … [Read More…]


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Fast Track Your Progress

We want to make things fair! Why shouldnt a person who … [Read More…]


Benefits Of Martial Arts

Why You NEED to get your kids into Martial Arts.

By Kelly Platts     ANXIETY. It seems to be a problem … [Read More…]


Counterstrike 8 -

Great Turn Out To The Womens Self Defence Workshop & Courses

Over 60 attend workshops The Counterstrike Womens … [Read More…]


Fast Track Your Progress

Taekwondo Central Fast Track Logo

We want to make things fair!
Why shouldnt a person who trains more be rewarded with faster belt grading opportunities?

They train more
They gain more experience
They are more disciplined
They are more dedicated to training

Well if you are one of these people, we want to reward you


Should you make the decision to up your progress you will need to be willing to train
3 – 4 times per week for a Taekwondo Member
2 – 3 times per week for any Little or Super Dragon

Should you make up the required skills level and have gained enough training experience by the
Mid-Term Grading date. You will get the chance to grade for a belt.

Our grading system has always used an experience & skill based grading requirement. It ensures the muscle memory is built enough to make the skills usable
If you are a person that enjoys moving faster, gaining quicker and pushing your ability.
Well up the training and you will be rewarded

Required Attendance Level for Mid-Term Grading will be allocated on your Experience Book
Mid Term grading will be held on a Sunday at ASHS Gym in Australind

fast track

To trial our new TAEKWONDO CENTRAL FAST TRACK SYSTEM, during Term 3 we are opening the system up to

Little Dragonflies
Little Dragons
Super Dragon
Paragon Dragons

We are going trial the Taekwondo equivelent during term 4

A student who is injured can catch up if they needed to to take time out
The more determined can now feed their determination

Make this Term a  FAST TRACK TERM and earn 2 levels in 1 Term

Tyler James, Our Newest Black Belt

Ajana Plunkett with New Black Belt Tyler James

Pictured – Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett (4th Dan Black Belt) with Tyler James (1st Dan Balckbelt)

Congratulations to Tyler James our latest Black Belt earned under the Taekwondo Ohdokwan Panel.

Trained up by Taekwondo Central Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett,
Tyler was graded on a series of different sections including

Poomsae (Pre-set movements)
Kicking Techniques
Punch Defences
Double Punch Defence
Self Defence
Taekwondo Sparring
Kick Boxing Style Sparring
Board Breaking Techniques

The Black Belt grading panel included
Grand Master Ross Hartnett – 8th Dan Black Belt
Grand Master Carmela Hartnett – 8th Dan Black Belt

Great Job Tyler

We’re all very proud of you.

Great Turn Out To The Womens Self Defence Workshop & Courses

Over 60 attend workshops

The Counterstrike Womens Self Defence Program Is a simple easy start to effective self defence.

Over 60 Women attended the 2 workshops held in both Bunbury & Australind and learned about improving presence and striking vulnerable areas.
With some 16 women joining up the Australind 6 week Counterstrike Course and now learning the finer points of staying safe.

We would like to thank all the women who came to the classes and workshops. We certainly hoped that you gained some valuable lessons on self defence

If you would like to do our next course or workshop. click here for next dates


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Counterstrike 7 -


Counterstrike 3 -


Counterstrike 11 -


Counterstrike 12 -


Counterstrike 13 -


Counterstrike 16 -


Counterstrike 1 -


Counterstrike 5 -


Counterstrike 18 -


Counterstrike 2 -


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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]



Successful Summer Holiday Program – SHP2017

25 members signed up for SHP2017 and Im glad to … [Read More…]


New Black Belt Promotions. John, Justin, Ajana Vanya

Master Justin Warren Awarded Bunbury Mail Lifetime Of Achievement 2016

It was a great year For Taekwondo Central in 2016 The … [Read More…]