Double Dragons Program – Parent & Preschooler Martial Arts – The Ultimate Bonding Experience

Double Dragon Logo

Our Double Dragons Program is designed for a child aged 2-5 yrs and their parent.

Term 4, 2017

9.30am – 10.00am
12th October – 14th December
Eaton Recreation Centre
Only 6 Places Available
(10 week Term)


The Program Is Designed To Improve & Develop

Childs Personal Safety Skills
Great For Coordination
Give Them A Confident Start
Be There To Help Them Progress
All Important, An Activity For Both Parent & Child
Light to Moderate Exercise For Parent
Increase Bonding

Our Double Dragons Program is like nothing we have ever done before, With this program the parent is invited into the class to help their child learn, exercise and enjoy this new “Bonding” activity with the hidden purpose of your building childs safety skills against bullies or predators

Double Dragons is a limited number class with only 6 children /
parent groups allowed per class to help maximize instructor/student Ratio
Double Dragons is great for any child who suffers from confidence or anxiety problems.
With the parent training also, this gives the child greater confidence to try.

Book Your Place For This Term
sms or phone – 0407470964
email –


Double Dragon Class 1  – Eaton
Ages =  2-5 years
Venue = Eaton Recreation Centre
Day = Thursday
Time = 9.30am – 10.00am 
6 Places Available / Book Now

Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here

Little Dragonflies Sign - Logo


Little Dragons Sign - Logo




Awesome Demo, Check Out The Photos. South West Multicultural Festival 2017


It was hot, it was rushed but it was awesome!!! Just amazing photos, Thanks to everyone who give up time to get involved, the feedback has been terrific. Thankyou to the Bunbury Multicultural group and Di Stewart for the opportunities,

If you have any great pics send them over to me at


John Crawford, Axe Kick

Master Justin Warren Flying kick 2017

Getting The Team Focused

Tahlia Gowland smashes a board with a Back Kick


Deon and Deegan show some skills


Brayden and Tai showing self defence

Rebecca Buhlmann Flyes at Master Justin


Justin with Eric demonstrating blocks


Deegan smashes his board


Eric and Cheyanne showing kids defence


Tai Flyes


Brent Hip Throws Deacon during self defence


Mia Tornado Kicks


Tahlia Hammerlocks Brent


David Browne Finishes a spin kick


Dylan practises a Step up jump back kick


Deon Wraps up Deegan


Brayden hip throws Tai


Deacon and Brent demonstrate Traditional Taekwondo


The Team bow off


Cheyanne demonstrates her blocks


Rebecca beats up Justin


Remy demonstrates her blocks


David Browne plays around with flying kicks after the demo


A potential Little Dragonfly


Another potential Dragonfly


Hip Throw


Kaiden Guiver Flyes


Jessica smashes her boards
Lucas wraps up David during self defence


Successful Summer Holiday Program – SHP2017

25 members signed up for SHP2017 and Im glad to announce that all passed their belts. It was a trial run at a summer holiday program as we had some interest in training over this time that the club is normally shut.


With Master Justin taking a break, Ajana Plunkett (4th Dan Blackbelt) & John Crawford (3rd Dan Black belt) stepped up, took charge and the feedback has been outstanding.
It really was no nonsense and straight to the point. The challenge had been set and conqured.


We would like to acknowledge the following students on a job well done

Kai Shapkaris
Joey Platts
Krystal Ritchie
Narelle Pollard
Bethany Wickham
Eric Buhlmann
Annika Best
Sam Waitere
Deagan McDonald
Tyler Reely
Mikayla Tavasci
Zaifah Sulic
Kaiden Guiver
Mia Robertson
Jy Gamble
Lochlan Tuene
Jessica Housley
Lily Hayes
Gary Velicic
Mel Buhlmann
Rebecca Buhlmann
Trinity Best
Luke Crane
Rachel Atkinson
Angelina Despot

 Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here

Latest News


Successful Summer Holiday Program – SHP2017

25 members signed up for SHP2017 and Im glad to … [Read More…]



Start Training With Us? – Let Us Inspire You!

Term 1 2017 Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More…]


New Black Belt Promotions. John, Justin, Ajana Vanya

Master Justin Warren Awarded Bunbury Mail Lifetime Of Achievement 2016

It was a great year For Taekwondo Central in 2016 The … [Read More…]

Great Deal For Current Paragon Program Members – UP TO 54% Discount!!!!!


Paragon Program Logo


Thank you for being part of our Paragon Program in 2017 and with Master Justin now recovered from injury, he is looking forward to getting back into training with everybody

We want to offer our current members a deal of high value to say thanks, Really high value for Resigning in 2018 Term 1

Though The Paragon Program is a more specialised class, twice per week is optimal for getting all the benefits
We find the majority of members who use the weekly classes to back up Paragon get higher results through experience.

We want to encourage the twice per week training (minimal) to develop our students to a higher level and make grading examinations somewhat easier

Each Member from Last Year Will Remain On The Board In Black, Once Your Booking Is Confirmed It Will Be Green




Taekwondo Paragon Paragon Pass – Term 1

1 – A Place In Our Limited Number Paragon Program
You will maintain your place in the Paragon Program for the higher Instructor / Student Ratio for higher learning

2 – Unlimited Monday – Friday Classes
That’s Right. Unlimited for this term. Go Monday in Bunbury one week, Tuesday in Australind the next.
Busy This week, make up classes next week – simple – complete class freedom during the week
You have flexibility to choose. Click Here for Full Club Timetable

3 – Consider Conquering A FASTTRACK grading and speed your progress with ease. You have more than enough classes to make the required numbers
Click here to learn about FASTTRACKClick Here

4 – Illness always hampers progress. from illness, injury, or condition sometimes members just aren’t well enough to train
It will be easy to catch up and you wont be up for the $15 per catch up class with the PARAGON PASS


Valued At Up To                       $760

Our Discounted Price               $350

That Up To                                54% DISCOUNT!!!!

Offer Closes                              25th January 2017

Remaining places will be offered to club on 26th January

How To Book Your Place

Email –
or sms  0407470964

Students Name
Preferred Class – Click Here For Class Options
Yes (For Paragon Pass). No (Just Standard Paragon Program)
Your Payment Method Used


Justin Warren
Class 4



Your Payment Options


Drop Cash To Ajana at SHP2018. Please give in sealed envelope well marked with your name
Click Here for SHP2018 Times


Please Transfer To Account

J R Warren
BSB –  806015
ACC-  01554887


To Email –
Click Here For PAYPAL


Remember This Offer Is Only Open Until 25th January – Closes On Australia Day


The 4 Most Dangerous Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing A Self Defence School For Their Child


Children’s Self Defence Is Essential
In todays world, teaching your child how to stay safe should rank up there with learning to swim. Why? Because the worst possible scenario can have devastating results. Some good effective basics can greatly increase your child’s chances of escaping harm. As with anything, the correct preventative measures can greatly reduce chances of harm coming to your child.

There are many forms of martial arts and self defence, so how do you pick what’s right for your child? All Martial Arts have great benefits but not all are age appropriate especially for young children
Child abduction is among a parents greatest fear backed by high profile cases like Madeleine McLanes abduction in Portugal or in Australia, the heart destroying story of the Daniel Morecombe abduction and murder. Getting the right basics based on principles of self preservation and quick escaping should be the first stop for your child, It could make all the difference in surviving this sort of assault.

Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann

Daniel Morecombe

Daniel Morecombe

“Nearly one in three victims of kidnapping/abduction (32% or 191 victims) was aged 14 years or under”
4510.0 – Recorded Crime – Victims, Australia, 2013 . Latest ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/06/2014


The first question you need to ask is what the goal you want for your child in regard to martial arts training
Martial arts has many different sides now and like many arts has its sub-groups or styles. Many specialise in different areas. Some are traditional, some are sport based, some are weapons based, so what is best for a child? None of the above. These types of styles can be experimented with later but having a good foundation of “Life Preserving Self Defence”. The other subject we need to talk about is keeping your child safe and traditional, sport and leave many holes in their effectiveness. Its something that all traditional and sport martial arts instructors know inside but rarely admit. It is purely unethical to teach a child to use a weapon. Its dangerous, it adds whole new dimension to injury if the weapon is wrestled off a child. I think its is not needed in our society, not for a child, not in Australia



Younger Target Being Chosen For Kidnappings

Sunday Herald Sun May 11, 2013 10:00PM
“Kidnapping crimes – including foiled attempts – soared to 160 offences last financial year In Victoria, up from 89 in the 2009 financial year”.
Alarmingly, children under 10 were the targets in 30 of the terrifying offences committed last year.


The 4 Most Dangerous Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing
A Self Defence School For Their Child Under 9 Years Of Age

1 – Excessive Contact
2 – Too Sport Orientated
3 – Too Traditional Orientated
4 – Not Age Appropriate


1 – Excessive Contact
Excessive Contact is dangerous and has the potential to do serious damage. Young children don’t need this type of training. Excessive head contact in particular is what we need to look out for. What young children don’t need is neck or even brain damage associated with excess contact that can hinder their growth and development.  Self Defence for kids is a must but the theory of getting beaten up to learn how to not get beaten up is wrong for children. There is a better way. If your child or even you would like to get involved with contact martial arts. Look after their brains with proper protection but basically if they can be knocked out, they can get a brain injury, remember they are still growing, it’s a crucial time in their brain development and wrestling around with joint locks needs to be done with great care, but really isnt the right approach to child vs adult self defence


 Scared Child with Hand over her Mouth

“How Our Little Dragons Class Helped Two Children Escape Real Life Abduction Attempt” – Click Here


2 – Too Sport Orientated
Sport Martial Arts are great but also have a flaw in regard to self defence, they teach a person to enter a modified default combat mode, this default mode is based on what they’re taught repetitiously at their martial arts class. If it’s a sport they have many limitations.

Sport sets automatic limits that they will automatically fall into when trying to defend themselves. Its called Rules. This can work against the child if the aggressor attacks in a way the child isn’t used to and doesn’t react to. If sport and competition is what your after for your under 9, the benefit of sport is documented however if your goal at this young age is to know that they can escape a potentially life threatening situation, then different defence reactions need to be built.

Once these basic correct self protection reactions are built, then you can be more experimental and enter into sport, traditional or more weapon based styles. Safety is more important than a trophy or gold medal. For children under 9, this needs to be the focus, building the correct instinctive reactions that don’t leave them in danger. For children the focus needs to be on increasing escaping potential as a sport style builds in the wrong goal for young children’s self protection. Scoring points don’t count


“Street/footpath was the most common location for kidnapping/abduction to occur (43% or 258 victims)”
4510.0 – Recorded Crime – Victims, Australia, 2013 . Latest ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/06/2014


3 – Too Traditional Orientated
Its what every martial art style stems from. A tradition and a traditional style. Most traditional styles are either too fancy or too ridged for under 9’s self defence, and though helpful in different areas, they have benefits in many ways, but not ideal for what for what we want, which is to protect your child from harm. There is more updated ways to teach children better self defence.

Moves that require a defence of 3 movement off 1 attack aren’t really usable for a child it takes to long to train a child these techniques to make them usable, or defences against stationary attacks where in training where the attacker holds a position just doesn’t happen in reality. Ridged stances and blocks aren’t adapted to changing situations of an attack and don’t allow for avoidance.

The key for under 9’s is to use what they have and avoidance and escape tactics, its always a better choice than fight for a young child, flexible, adaptable, usable escape techniques are what you want your child to be good at, not confrontation skills, not for their size, not at the age of 8 or lower. Ridged stances aren’t appropriate for realistic young children, they wont out power an adult, its common sense. A Hit and Run is a far better option for kids. If your child is under 9, Do them a favour by teaching them how to escape


Females accounted for a slightly larger proportion of all kidnapping/abduction victims (57% or 344 victims
4510.0 – Recorded Crime – Victims, Australia, 2013 . Latest ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/06/2014


4 – Age Appropriate
Children’s self defence needs to have a different focus than adults or even teen self defence. The fact is many leverage moves a child attempts still wont overcome an adults strength, take downs wont work and trying to wrestle an adult if you’re a child is a waist of time. Getting as far away as quick as they can is the automatic defence mode you want your child to employ.

Confrontation is not the goal, Escape is. However correct strikes to the right targets can temporarily stop an adult that creates a window of opportunity and give a chance for your child to escape. The Ultimate Goal In Children’s Self Defence is to Escape. Some martial arts can put young children in a very bad
position not taking into consideration their size and what they can realistically do

Some martial arts schools styles just don’t suit the purpose of escaping. They give benefits when your child is older. But if you have a child under 9 years of age, dont focus on engaging. This wont end good for your child if engaging is their safety default or self defence plan taught by the school they attend and the reflexes built in




Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here

Master Justin Warren Awarded Bunbury Mail Lifetime Of Achievement 2016

Donny The Little Dragon ( Club Mascot) Hugs Taekwondo Central Instructor Master Justin Warren

Donny The Little Dragon ( Club Mascot) Hugs Taekwondo Central Instructor Master Justin Warren

It was a great year For Taekwondo Central in 2016

The expansion of the kids safety program
The inclusion of the Paragon Program
All Instructor Passing Their Dan Black Belt Level
9 Black Belts Graded At The End Of The Year

Now to top it up, Master Justin has now been recognised for his achievements by the Bunbury Mail

For The Paper Story


For The Online Version


How To Escape - Our Team
Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here



9 NEW Black Belts For Taekwondo Central – Well Done Team!! (More grading photos added daily – check them out)

Taekwondo Central New Black Belts Dec 2016

L to R.      Brooklyn Jauncey, Tahlia Gowland, Max Avins, Declan Higgins, Madison Booth, Justin Warren, Brent Tankink, David Brown, Deacon Malatesta, Ajana Plunkett & Mollie Swarbrick

Its Our Greatest number passing black belt to date. The State Ohdokwan Black Belt Grading was held on the 4th November 2016 in Gosnells in which all our members did us proud amongst 80 attaempting the grading

David Browne lead the charge passing his 2nd Dan Black Belt, David has put in a very solid year seamingly inspired by his 1st Dan achievement 12 months ago. Working through Taekwondo Centrals Black Belt Sub Grading Syllabus through 2016 put him in a good spot to step up and take on the challenge. Another challenge conquered Dave.

Our 8 other members all passed their 1st Dan Black Belt (Poom – Junior Grade)

Deacon Malatesta
Mollie Swarbrick
Madison Booth
Brent Tankink
Tahlia Gowland
Max Avins
Brooklyn Jauncey
Declan Higgins

I am not just proud of their grading and all of them putting themselves up to be tested, but Im also really proud of the way they conducted themselves representing our club
There was nerves, anxiety, buttterflies and tears, and that was just the parents. the team held it together really well at the pre grading stage, with all excited but controlled with the odd nerves creeping in but it was all business on the grading floor. They all new what to do. Great job everybody and welcome to black belt and the advanced stages of learning. Myself, Ajana & John are all so very proud instructors right now. Our club totalled 13 Black Belt gradings in 2016

It was also a milestone for our own Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett, now being 4th Dan Black belt gives her access and the privilidge to now sit at the Ohdokwan Grading Panel meaning that Ajanas decision influences passing black belt. It is a milestone that most never see in Taekwondo. and it was another proud moment for me looking across and seeing her marking her share of the 80 participants attempting a black belt level.
On another note I have a huge thank you to Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett and Senior Instructor John Crawford who both played a huge part in helping all members pass especially towards he final weeks where it really counts.

Today was a huge goal achieved for me also. Our club has grown from strength to strength since we changed venues in 2014 due to a chain of life changing events and stupid decisions. It was a huge learning curve.
I was turning into someone I didnt like. Something had to change. So I come home and started to write a letter that Taekwondo Central is no longer and would finish for good. A paragraph in I paused and looked up.
There it was! My life philosophy at the top of my school classroom sized whiteboard in my study.


It ignited me again. Putting my hand up as a leader is a task many wont do, it draws its fair share of criticism and is not easy but its not just my passion. its more. Its my purpose. we now have 9 new members grading for black belt. Today I realised thats what all my students are doing, theyre testing themselves, I am, Ajana and John are. All of us are pursuing Progress Over Perfection.
We are all finding what were capable and were loving it!
Earning your black belt is an amazing self journey, I saw 7 of my past Little Dragons grade for Black belt today (Thats incredible!!), I saw 9 have to conquer nervousness, uncertainty, anxiety, temporary memory lapse, tears, heavy limbs, and the voice inside saying “What on earth am I doing here?” but this feeling is what its about. this is the part of life that makes you feel alive. Its the Pre-Success feeling.

At the end of the day I saw 9 people over the top with happiness, energy, pride, fulfillment, joy tears, hugs, high fives, photos, over 20 proud family members, and the self satisfaction that a disciplined goal has been achieved, a goal that has made them all stronger on many levels they havent even realised yet. A goal that has made them step up and say


If your reading this? Arent you just a little curious? Cmon and have a go. A Black belt with us will be a cherished memory for life, an accolade that can never be taken, and is great experience to share with a friend or family member.

Master Head Instructor Justin Warren

 Tahlia Gowland with mum Deanna Celebrating

Justin Warren, Deacon Malatesta (With Black Belt Certificate)& Ajana Plunkett

Justin Warren & Declan Higgins

The Black Belt Grading Participants

Declan Higgins presented his Black Belt Cewrtificate

 Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here
Summer Holiday Program 2017 ( SHP2017 ) – Click Here

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 Discounts Pic


Who Knows How To Escape? Our Seminars That Educate. Check Out The Photos

How To Escape - Our Team“How To Escape” was the theme of our second seminar and like our first Seminar the response has been huge.

Thank you to the many sms and email messages. Its really encouraging to see the positive feedback. My goal is to deliver them a positive teaching environment to learn about a not so positive and sometimes scary subject.
I think you like me can agree that kids personal safety and kids martial arts are related but also different.

Kids martial arts are teaching how to use physical moves combined with strategical thinking to overcome an enemy or opponent (In the case of sport). It takes years and thousands of repititions to develop these skills to an instinctive level
Our kids personal safety is based on defence being a predator and it doesnt always mean stand up and “biff” it out with an attacker. We have many defences from posturing to loud talking, in the end no confrontation is he goal for a child.
Escape is what its about and our seminars cover this side.

Check out some of the picks below


 Lets Warm Up. The second class lines up for a warm up

Taking in the lesson. The patience badge in action.

Running Stratagies To escape

Different Escapes

Quick!! Run!!

Warm Up Team.

Taking in the lesson


holiday logoEarn A Belt Over The January Summer Holidays
10% Off Until Dec 15th

Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here
Summer Holiday Program 2017 ( SHP2017 ) – Click Here

We Now Accept Credit Cards!! Thanks To Square Credit Card Reader. Click Here To Read About It

Designed for mobile small business The Square Credit Card reader will read both credit and debit cards. Click The Logo To Find Out More

We now have the option of the card insert system plus tap & go



Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here
Summer Holiday Program 2017 ( SHP2017 ) – Click Here

30 Members Upgrade To Paragon Programs

Paragon Program Logo

Taekwondo Centrals Paragon Program Has 12 new members bringing the total to 30 members over the 2 nights it runs

With very noticible results from the Friday Paragon Program, when time to renew, all 18 kept their spot.
To give others who missed the chance to enrol, we started a second opportunity on Sunday.

The better student to Instructor ratio combined with a guarantee of limited numbers in classes is what some prefer so Im real happy we can expand the service to those who want it.

Thank you to all who have signed up, Its been great fun so far and I hope your enjoying the different training drills and new learned skills.

Dragons Paragon Program 1 – Friday 
3.45pm – 4.20pm

Cooper Clark
Sophia Clark
Alex Clapshaw
Jack Lewis
Rhys Clark
Madison Riches

Dragons Paragon Program 2 – Friday 
4.20pm – 5.00pm

Tyler Reely
Narelle Pollard
Shae Barnett
Mitch Barnett
Cameron Gibb
Deagan McDonald

Taekwondo Paragon Program 1 – Friday 
5.00pm – 6.00pm

Jy Gamble
Kathleen Ryan
Kaiden Guiver
Lucas Hitchens
Brent Tankink
Tahlia Gowland

Dragons Paragon Program 3 – Sunday
3.45pm – 4.20pm

Evelyn Liaros
Alek Liaros
Joey Platts
Mason Dillon
Zaifah Sulic
Lochlan Baker

Taekwondo Paragon Program 1 – Sunday 
5.00pm – 6.00pm

Mia Robertson
Brayden Nardone
Tai Housley
Jessica Housley
Rebecca Collis
Rachel Atkinson

Homepage – Click Here
Timetable – Click Here
Paragon Program – Click Here
Summer Holiday Program 2017 ( SHP2017 ) – Click Here