Taekwondo Ohdokwan Blackbelt Dan Grading

All Cho Dan Bo’s & Blackbelts doing the Upcoming Dan Grading

oh_logo_newOfficial Black Belt Dan Grading Date

Date 18th May 2025
Venue – Armadale Arena
4 Townley Street Armadale
Set Up 12.00 noon
Grading 12.20 pm

You will be required to stay the whole grading

Our members are being graded by a panel that includes 4 Grandmasters

9th Dan Black Belt
Grandmaster Ross Hartnett
Taekwondo Ohdokwan

9th Dan Black Belt
Grandmaster Carmela Hartnett
Taekwondo Ohdokwan

8th Dan Black Belt
Grandmaster Anita Tippett
Taekwondo Ohdokwan

8th Dan Black Belt
Grandmaster Jenny Crutchett
Taekwondo Ohdokwan



1 – Friday – Eaton Recreation Centre
6.00pm to 7.30pm
Starts 14th March



18th May 2025
Venue – Armadale Arena
4 Townley Street Armadale
Starts 12.00 noon



Board Breaking Seminar Logo

For Board Breaking Seminar Details – CLICK HERE



Please Open and Print each form / follow the check list carefully doing exactly as is asked

(Updated May 2022)

Click Here

Please ensure you bring a
white traditional uniform & your WT gloves
Uniforms must have
– Taekwondo Ohdokwan Badge on Left Chest
– Taekwondo Central Club Badge on Right Chest


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Child Abduction True Escapes - www.tkdcentral.com

Class Skills Become Life Saving Skills That Helped 2 Little Dragons Escape from Abduction Attempts

Its a Parents worst nightmare but not for these 2 … [Read More…]



The 4 Most Dangerous Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing A Self Defence School For Their Child

Children’s Self Defence Is Essential In todays world, … [Read More…]


Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

At 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On Martial Arts For … [Read More…]

Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course


The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence Course
24 Years /  1998 – 2022

Its 21 Years since our first course run in July 1998 in Bunbury’s (Now Demolished) Railway Institute Building.
Counterstrike has now run regular throughout the Bunbury & Greater Bunbury Area with over 1000’s of women attending our course over the last 24 years




Next Course!


Women 4 Week Basic Self Defence Course
Cost – $90 (Payment Required First Class)
or $160 for Mother & Daughter
Contact (SMS Preferred)
Justin – 0407 470 964
Email – kidshield@hotmail.com
Facebook – Click Here


Eaton Basic Women Self Defence Course

Starting Date – Rescheduled to start
Wednesday 1st June 2022
Duration – 4 Weeks
Time – 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Venue – Eaton Softball Pavilion


Fitness Level Required – Low
(Min 12 required to run)


Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Talks About The power Within - www.tkdcentral.com


Instructor – Master Justin Warren
6th Dan Black Belt Taekwondo
1st Dan Black Belt Judo
1st Dan Black Belt Jujitsu


Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Time To develop offense - www.tkdcentral.com



 Our Counterstrike Womens Self Defence Courses & Workshops Have Been Supported By

Counterstrike Supporters

South West Womens Health & Information Centre (SWWHIC) – Waratah Support Centre – Zonta Club Of Bunbury – Bunbury Catholic College

These are workshops for Pure Self Defence, Nothing Fancy, Nothing Traditional, These workshops are about hitting fast, hard and where it hurts
Counterstrike Womens Self Defence & Empowerment Courses Will Give You These Life Saving Skills


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 1

The COUNTERSTRIKE Women’s Self Defence Courses have been the South West Premier Self Defence Courses For Women,
Running SINCE 1998. The Course has trained over 1000 Women & Girls the finer points of real self defence & assault prevention

So How About You?

Devon Mooney, Amy Brookes, Amber Hurst, Keilani Mill, Jaimi Wright, Justin Warren, Sarah Adamson, Jocelyn Brown, Shakira Marlan, Jessica Rossiter

Practising Strikes To Stop - Nurses Learning Self Protection Skills - ECU Wellness Day - www.tkdcentral.com


Counterstrike 8 - www.tkdcentral.com

Become More

Empowerment Plus (6 Hours)

– 4 Week Course (4 x 1.5 hrs)

Counterstrike Power Up
Strength Projection
Signals To Watch Out For
Tips For Home & About
Personal Defence Principles
Counterstrike Quick Strike Combo
The Body’s Weak Points
Quick Release Escapes Vs Abduction Snatch & Grabs
Building A Stronger Defence
Confrontational Skills
Pre-Emptive Striking
Counterstrike Empowerment Testing
Knock Out Your Attacker Without Striking

Counterstrike 17 - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches about Posture - www.tkdcentral.com

Sarah Wingate & Bonny Twigg

Counterstrike 1 - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Building Power To The Combo - www.tkdcentral.com


Please Check Out Our Other Services Below



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Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]



Start Training With Us! – Let Us Inspire You!

Term 2 2018 Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More…]


Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick - www.tkdcentral.com

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + … [Read More…]


Tahlia Gowland as a Black Belt

Tahlia Gowland Focused On Martial Art Excellence – A Teenagers Taekwondo Story

Tahlia Gowland has been involved in Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]

“Fight For Change” And The Mystery Of Martial Arts – Kristy Hitchens

Fight for Change and the mystery of martial arts

* By Kristy Hitchens aka The Mortal Mouse

Taekwondo Central Ladies Supporting Pink Belt Scholarships - www.tkdcentral.com

Many people who have taken up a form of martial arts like Taekwondo will tell you they experienced a somewhat magical transition where the practice became not so much a part of their life, but a way of life.

And through this process, their club becomes not a place where they turn up once or twice a week to train, but something inside of them.

This was how it felt when Taekwondo Central and its members gathered behind me in support of Saturday’s Fight for Change event, hosted by Hitfm breakfast radio presenters Jesse and Juelz.

As you might have already heard, Fight for Change was the result of a collaboration between myself, Jesse and Juelz after they interviewed me on air recently about my Pink Belt Scholarship project which raises money to empower women in need through Taekwondo.

Jesse, Master Justin , Juelz Having Fun at Fight For Change 2018 - www.tkdcentral.com

Fight for Change was a conversation about domestic violence with a free self defence workshop to coincide with White Ribbon Day and held simultaneously in five locations across WA – Bunbury, Albany, Esperance, Kalgoorlie and Northam.

The Bunbury event, included a free 1.5 hour self defence workshop at the South West Sports Centre by Taekwondo Central’s Master Justin who donated his time and expertise on the day.

The entire concept would have fallen over very quickly if Master Justin hadn’t so willingly and generously agreed to participate so I must offer him my sincere thanks for that.

The Whole Taekwondo Central Fight For Change Team + Jesse & Juelz From Hitfm - www.tkdcentral.com

More than 40 women registered online for the event and we were blown away when all of them and more showed up full of energy and ready to learn. Having been teaching self defence even longer than he’s been teaching Taekwondo, Master Justin with assistance from Head Instructor Ajana provided participants with confidence, empowerment, usable skills plus a few laughs, inspiring stories and a lot of fun.
Ajana Plunkett demonstrates escaping a choke hold 1 - www.tkdcentral.com
Ajana Plunkett demonstrates escaping a choke hold 2 - www.tkdcentral.com

The room was absolutely packed and the atmosphere – despite the very serious messages behind the day – was overwhelmingly positive. The opportunity to be involved was an experience I won’t forget in a hurry.

A highlight was seeing Master Justin coach Jesse and Juelz through their first board breaks as a conclusion to the workshop. There was so much clapping and cheering and the priceless look on Jesse’s face afterwards showed he was completely astonished by his brilliant achievement.

That was just one highlight, there were so many more.

The Taekwondo Central Ladies Supporting The Pink Belt Scholarship - www.tkdcentral.com

* News that a very fragile domestic violence survivor who struggled with some aspects of the workshop courageously made it through the event with gentle encouragement right throughout from one of TC’s Pink Belt assistants. And on top of that, the participant left feeling empowered.

* A complete stranger slipped me a $200 donation towards fundraising for the Pink Belt Scholarship project asking that her generous contribution remain anonymous.

* Word from Juelz later in the day that feedback coming in from the other four locations around WA where Fight for Change events were held was also very positive.

* The buzz afterwards in knowing that together as a club we had been involved in something meaningful that would trigger a stunning ripple effect for others.

* A big bunch of participants expressing interest in continuing their training through Counterstrike, Taekwondo Central or MartialFit.

* The group of my Taekwondo sisters who all turned up wearing Pink Belts to support the event and support my project still gives me tears when I think about it days later. Even the amazing but always humble Head Instructor Ajana who tossed aside her 4th Dan Black Belt in favour of pink for the day!

Juelz from Hitfm Breaks Her Board At Fight For Change 2018 - www.tkdcentral.com
Jesse from Hitfm Demolishes His Board At Fight For Change 2018 - www.tkdcentral.com

To Watch Jesse & Juelz break their boardsClick Here


A whole bunch more I know would have been there too if they could but were kept away by work and other commitments. They thoughtfully sent me their best wishes throughout the day.

All of this meant the world to me and reminds me of that old-fashioned saying: “Birds of a feather flock together”.

I prefer the more modern take on it of: “Your vibe attracts your tribe”.

At Taekwondo Central I have found a new tribe – a whole bunch of like-minded souls – who in a surprisingly short space of time, have become incredibly important to me. I put it down to another of the mysteries of martial arts!

Is a certain type of person drawn to the martial arts? Or do they become a certain type of person once there? Why do we all connect so effortlessly?

Throughout the process of this Pink Belt Scholarship project I have received so many genuine and lovely compliments about my efforts and drive to pull it off. We are now able to offer 14 scholarships at clubs across Australia.

Instructor John Supporting The Cause - www.tkdcentral.com

Even though I find it excruciatingly difficult to accept compliments generally, I feel the constant need to deflect ones about pink belt. Not because I’m being stupidly modest and humble but because all of this honestly would not have happened without the unbelievable support and encouragement I have received from my club every step of the way.

I won’t single anyone out because I’m pretty sure they would know who they are. They are my tribe and each one of them inspires me every day through their achievements, through the personal battles they overcome, through their level of care and kindness toward others.

Just by being themselves, they encourage me to level up. In everything I do.

The very nature of a project like Pink Belt Scholarship demands a person out front and as uncomfortable as I am in that role, I have been able to do it ONLY because of the people in my club who have stood behind me propping me up the whole way.

Thank you could never be enough for helping me experience all of this.


I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples
– Mother Teresa


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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]


Martialfit Logo - square - www.tkdcentral.com

MARTIALFIT – Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training

– – Martial Arts Inspired Fitness … [Read More…]


Ajana Plunkett demonstrates escaping a choke hold 1 - www.tkdcentral.com

Womens Taekwondo – Growing Through Focus – Ajana Plunkett

I am so excited for the future of my Women’s Only … [Read More…]


Trinity Best Flyes with a Flying Side Kick - www.tkdcentral.com

How Taekwondo Has Positively Impacted My Life – Trinity Best

A Truly Amazing Young Women – Trinity Best has an … [Read More…]


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Womens Taekwondo – Growing Through Focus – Ajana Plunkett

I am so excited for the future of my Women’s Only Taekwondo Class. To think we started almost 6 months ago on 6th of June, and we are now coming up to our 2nd grading at the end of this term, the time has just flown by, but I’m loving every minute of it.

I have 4 awesome, motivated ladies who have joined and started their martial arts journey and I couldn’t be more chuffed that they chose me to be their instructor.

And these ladies’ skills, continue to improve and improve.

First Womens Day Class Members Grade 2018 b - www.tkdcentral.com

It’s pretty rewarding to watch.

Starting my own class, that was my own idea and responsibility has been a huge step for me as a martial artist, an instructor and as a role model in the community. Passing on my knowledge and years of training to likeminded women has been so much fun and has been a lot different to my usual classes I instruct.

3 out of 4 of these Women have been apart of our club for years, sitting on the side supporting their children week after week. Deanna and Sarah’s daughters; Tahlia & Trinity are both black belts and Lynn’s Christopher and Shonna both on their Probationary Black belts, it was a huge leap for them to all jump off the side line and finally put their feet on the training floor. If they can, maybe one of you Taekwondo Mums can as well?

For Chelsea, the leap might have been even greater. She had no children in our club, so she didn’t have that way to connect, she hadn’t watched it for years, so she didn’t have much idea what Taekwondo was about, it was something brand spanking new for her. She was my first and only student on day one, and I’m so glad we haven’t lost Chels.

There’s always going to be reasons why you shouldn’t or can’t give it a go, but there’s always going to be MORE reasons why you SHOULD do it!

Take a read of each of my student’s testimonials


Women’s class testimonials:


Deanna Gowland:

“After 6 years of sitting on the sidelines watching my daughter train with TKD Central and pass 2 Black Belt gradings, I had developed a massive respect for the sport.

I began to have a secret burning desire to take it up myself but kept passing it off.

One day I heard Ajana Plunkett was starting Ladies Only day classes. I knew this was my calling.

Leading up to the first class I was so nervous, worried that I was biting off my than I can chew.

But Ajana knows exactly how to ease the new mature student into her classes and is just amazing at it.

Fast forward 5 months I am now a yellow belt and Tkd has become a big part of my life. I am fitter, stronger and happier. I also love the special friendships I have formed with the Ladies I train with.

We are very welcoming to new class members, come join us! You’ll love it!

Thank you, Ajana.”


Sarah Best:

“When Head Instructor Ajana announced that she was going to start a lady only class…I really wanted to support her new endeavour.

I do still have a long way to go on this journey of Taekwondo and the warms up laps are still not my friend! BUT….I can now touch my toes. My ‘shielding stand up’ doesn’t always require a knee on the floor half way through. AND I can sometimes actually breath long enough to take a sip of water after the warm up. So, for all the obstacles I found that I couldn’t do (yet)…. there was so many that I surprisingly found that I could. That feeling of landing a great kick is extremely motivating!”


Chelsea Batten:

“Being a Mum I’ve found we don’t often take the time to do things for ourselves so joining the Women’s Only group was a big leap for me. Now I can’t imagine doing anything else!

The fitness, health benefits, discipline and confidence I have gained is beyond measure & i am now also a very proud member of an amazing group of ladies who I call family”


Lynn Behrens:

“It is the best thing that I have done for myself. I love every session, surrounded by positive people who influence me to be my best while gaining better physical strength and coordination. Ajana is a dedicated and passionate instructor. Her women’s only classes are a great way to get in shape and learn techniques in self-defence all achieved in a caring and supportive environment.”

WE WANT TO MEET MORE LADIES! We are a fun, understanding and friendly group (not to toot our own horns). You wouldn’t meet a nicer bunch!

Come give it a go, the benefits are so rewarding. It doesn’t take long to watch yourself improving; growing stronger and more confident. You may find yourself setting goals like my ladies that include getting to their black belt? Or maybe you want to take time out for yourself to exercise and socialise? Whatever your reason, my woman’s Taekwondo class might just be the thing for you.


Ajana Plunkett demonstrates escaping a choke hold 1 - www.tkdcentral.comAjana Plunkett Demonstrates Escaping A Forearm Strangle At “Fight For Change”

Instructor Ajana Plunkett is a 4th Dan Black Belt In Taekwondo,
and has been involved in the art for 15 years.
She is very passionate about helping others learn the benefits of what Taekwondo can give and is the
Instructor of Women’s Only Taekwondo Classes.
Ajana is the Head Instructor of Taekwondo Central

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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should As … [Read More…]


Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick - www.tkdcentral.com

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + … [Read More…]

Going For Black And Never Going Back – Luke Crane

Luke Crane During The Poomsae Section Of His 1st Dan Black belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

By Luke Crane, 1st Dan Black Belt

It’s November 4th, I’m sitting passenger side of my car heading to Dunsborough for a family catch up. The last 24 hours has been an absolute blur.

The events of November 3rd’s Black Belt Dan Grading still haven’t fully sunk in. Everything feels so surreal.

I have achieved something most people never will. I have obtained my Black Belt along with 5 others from my Taekwondo Central family.

Together we all further cemented our footings into our own Taekwondo journeys. Four of us obtaining our First Dan Black Belt and two of us reaching Second Dan.

I could not be more proud of the amazing effort each of us has put into preparing for yesterday’s grading. Blood, sweat, tears, injuries, sickness. We have all experienced a wide range of emotions pushing ourselves above and beyond our limits, and it payed off for every one of us.

Watching Lucas and Jy nailing their patterns, Kian with his lightning fast moves through his sparring, Trinity flawlessly and effortlessly breaking each of her boards with such fluid motion. Kelly’s beautiful stances with such precise technique also managing to take out a best in grading award.

See The Whole Teams Grading Day Photos – Click Here

I am beyond proud of each of these people’s efforts, I am so proud to have been part of their grading.

So how did I get here? What led me to this point?

A big part of my journey, as many who know me, is my daughter Remy’s influence. Without enrolling her into Taekwondo Central, I may never have been standing where I was yesterday.

Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy - www.tkdcentral.com

I have never been a confident person. In the past I may have even seemed quite the nervous type. I find it difficult to start a conversation with someone I don’t know. I have no problems holding a conversation but I’ve always felt as if I’m interrupting something, or that no-one’s really interested in hearing what I have to say.

I used to get stuck in my own head a lot, I used to listen to my cautious thoughts too much, and I never jumped at opportunities that maybe I should have. Over many years, I slowly worked out that this was not the way to live.

I slowly corrected my thought patterns, I managed to move those cautious thoughts aside and allowed myself to breathe, to realise how draining all these excess thoughts were.

Taekwondo has been a big part of defeating my insecurities, building courage, building relationships, building strength, honour and determination. Taekwondo has done amazing things for me and I will always look back and be so proud of everything I have achieved within Taekwondo and my life as a whole since.

Luke Crane Knee Strikes During His Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

I started training back in September 2016 and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for hitting my second milestone in Taekwondo on November 3rd, 2018: Achieving my First Dan Black Belt.

The first milestone I set for myself was to be able to straighten my leg above my head in warm-up stretches. I achieved that roughly one year into my journey.

My next milestone: 2nd Dan Black Belt. There have also been several unexpected milestones that have popped up unknowingly during my time training. I joined the leadership team and very quickly made my way to Assistant Instructor at Taekwondo Central.

This was something I never saw myself doing yet something that I absolutely love. Becoming a full-time instructor would be amazing, it’s definitely on my list of to do’s.

Kelly Rowe & Luke Crane Spar During The Nov 2018 Black Belt Grading

However let’s back up a bit.

Earlier I mentioned that I only started training in September 2016 and managed to obtain my Black Belt on November 3rd, 2018. How in just over 2 years have I got to this level when it generally takes 4 years?

Based on this you might be thinking getting a Black Belt is a walk in the park.

Well I’ve got news for you, it’s not! There is nothing easy about obtaining such a feat. It requires commitment, strength, focus, resilience, stamina it requires the drive to never give up.

You will at some stage be in pain, it may be new muscles forming that have never been used, you may suffer from such pains as shin splints which can be extremely painful for some, it may just be a simple accidental collision during sparring, over stretching, pushing yourself too far too quickly.

At some stage you will hurt, and that’s all part of the journey.

Luke Crane Shows His Focus During His Successful Black Belt Grading 2018 - www.tkdcentral.com

I had the “pleasure” of a major shin collision a week and a half before grading. I didn’t know it at the time but when I got home I had a lump the size of my fist on my leg.

I was barely able to walk and had to keep my leg elevated and iced up. Only the day of my grading was I finally able to see my ankle because the majority of swelling and bruising had gone down.

Was I concerned about my grading due to this injury?

I hadn’t done any sparring since the collision and I had at least 8 rounds of sparring coming up as part of my grading. So the answer to my question was yes! I was concerned, I knew that I wasn’t able to perform to a level I know I can.

But it wasn’t going to stop me, it didn’t stop me. I pushed past it.

My leg was hit a few times, and believe me, it hurt! But I wasn’t going to let this stop me from coming and achieving my goal for the day and it didn’t.

So minus all of the above, all of the extra training (you would see me within our club 6 days a week either training or helping others train) what else was required to help me go for black?

It’s simple really. I now realise it’s the key to achieving anything you set your mind to.

Believe in yourself, and trust in the people who are helping you through that journey.

Master Justin, Instructors Ajana and John, none of them would tell you to go for this amazing achievement if they didn’t believe you were ready. Listen to those who are helping you out, they want nothing more than to help you succeed and succeed we did.
Luke Crane Smashes His Board At His Black belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

My journey however doesn’t end here.

I will continue to teach and train and better myself and my knowledge about this amazing sport, Taekwondo.

Black is just the beginning. It’s the end of my probation to prove that I’m worthy of holding this world recognised certification. The real journey begins now


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Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy - www.tkdcentral.com

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]



The Unspoken Test Of Martial Arts – Master Justin Warren

– THE UNSPOKEN TEST OF MARTIAL ARTS – Master Justin … [Read More…]


Trinity Best Flyes with a Flying Side Kick - www.tkdcentral.com

How Taekwondo Has Positively Impacted My Life – Trinity Best

A Truly Amazing Young Women – Trinity Best has an … [Read More…]


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should As … [Read More…]


Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick - www.tkdcentral.com

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + … [Read More…]


Tahlia Gowland as a Black Belt

Tahlia Gowland Focused On Martial Art Excellence – A Teenagers Taekwondo Story

Tahlia Gowland has been involved in Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]

2018 November Black Belt Grading Results – 6 New Black Belts – Check Out The Photos

Taekwondo Central 2018 Black Belts After Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

With an earlier Taekwondo Ohdokwan Black Belt grading set for November 3rd due to the Grandmasters busy schedule, Team Central being cut a month of preparation had a sprint to the end.

With 6 members locking in for a final training stint we are very happy to announce that all passed their new black belt level and one earning “Best Grading” Award.

Congratulations to

Trinity Best - Focused During Her 2nd Dan Black Belt Grading 2018 - www.tkdcentral.comTrinity Best Was Very Focused Passing 2nd Dan Black Belt

Trinity Best (2nd Dan Black Belt)
Kian Stapleton (2nd Dan Black Belt)
Kelly Rowe (1st Dan Black Belt)
Luke Crane (1st Dan Black Belt)
Lucas Hitchens (1st Dan Black Belt)
Jy Gamble (1st Dan Black Belt)

Kian Stapleton Is Grabbed For Self Defence - www.tkdcentral.com

Kian Stapleton Hip Throws At His 2nd Dan Grading - www.tkdcentral.comKian Stapleton Hip Throws During His 2nd Dan Grading

Master Justin, Head Instructor Ajana, and Instructor John are all very proud of you and especially your dedication. It was a huge effort

After this grading it meaning Taekwondo Central produced 15 new Black belts for 2018

To top off an already great day. Kelly Rowe won “Best Grading” Award of the approx. 80 members at the grading who come from all over the state.

Kelly Rowe Demonstrates A Hgh Front Kick At Her Black belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

Grandmaster Ross Hartnett Gives Kelly Rowe Her Best Black Belt Grading Award - www.tkdcentral.com

Thank you also to the Taekwondo Central Support Crew who came up to celebrate the event with their club members. It was great to see so many familiar faces.

Another great that has happened for the club is 3 of our Assistants have increased level to us pass our clubs skills onto others being

Trinity BestEaton Taekwondo
Luke CraneEaton Dragons / Australind Taekwondo
Kelly RoweAustralind Taekwondo / Martialfit / Paragon Program

Its great to see the next generation of our club so focused in their own pursuit to Martial Arts Mastery

A Big Thank You also to all the people who have sent in Photos for us to get this page done. Thanks Especially to Rebecca Collis & Gary Veljacic who took most of the photos I have put up. Its great to have this event recorded visually

Kelly Rowe & Luke Crane Sparring Opponents During their 1st Dan Black belt grading - www.tkdcentral.comKelly Rowe & Luke Crane Sparring Opponents During Their 1st Dan Grading


Jy Gamble on his way to a successful 1st Dan Black Belt - www.tkdcentral.comJy Gamble During His 1st Dan Black belt Grading

Luke Crane Awaits His Next Bout For Sparring - www.tkdcentral.comLuke Crane Ready For Next Sparring Match

Lucas Hitchens Proudly Holds His 1st Dan Black Belt Certificate - www.tkdcentral.comLucas Hitchens With His 1st Dan Black Belt Certificate

Trinity Best Applies A Forward Leg Scissor Takedown - www.tkdcentral.comTrinity Best Applies Leg Scissor Takedown

Kian Stapletons Determination Can Be Seen On His Way To Passing 2nd Dan Black belt - www.tkdcentral.comKian Stapleton Was Very Focused

Jy Gamble During The Poomsae Section Of His Dan Grading - www.tkdcentral.comJy Gamble Completing His Pattern (Poomsae)

Lucas Hitchens Launches A Tornado Kick During His Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.comLucas Hitchens Leaps Into A Tornado Kick (Jump Reverse Turning Kick)

Luke Crane During The Poomsae Section Of His 1st Dan Black belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.comLuke Crane During His Patterns Examination

Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Having Fun With Kelly Rowe At The 2018 Nov Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

Head Instructor Ajana & Kelly Rowe Having Some Fun At The Grading

Lucas Hitchens Demonstrates A Beautiful Board Break At His 1st Dan Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.com

Lucas Hitchens Smashes His Boards At His Black Belt Grading

Master Justin Warren & Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Relax With The Taekwondo Central Team - www.tkdcentral.comAll The Group Rally Together To Lighten The Mood

Luke Crane Applies A Side Arm Lock At His Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.comLuke Crane Applies An Arm Lock At The Grading

Kelly Rowe Fully Focused During The Poomsae Section Of Her Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.comKelly Rowe Focus Was Evident As She Completed Her Patterns

Trinity Best locks On A Straight Arm Wrist Lock Kick At Her 2nd Dan Black Belt Grading - www.tkdcentral.comTrinity Best Demonstrates Self Defence Techniques On The Road To 2nd Dan Black Belt

Lucas Hitchens Finishing Up A Soin Kick During His Black Belt Grading 2018 - www.tkdcentral.comLucas Hitchens Throws A Spin Kick During The Kicking

Trinity Best Smashes Her Boards On Her Way To 2nd Dan Black belt - www.tkdcentral.comTrinity Best With An Impressive Board Break At The Grading

Watch Trinity Best Smash All Her Boards On Our Facebook Page – Click Here

Luke Crane Shows His Focus During His Successful Black Belt Grading 2018 - www.tkdcentral.comLuke Crane Demonstrates His Traditional Technique At Grading

Taekwondo Central Students Luke Crane & Kelly Rowe Await Results At Their 2018 Successful Black belt Grdaing - www.tkdcentral.com

Did We Pass? Anxious Students Await The Result – Luke Crane & Kelly Rowe

Jy Gamble Receives His Successful Black belt Result from Grandmaster Ross Hartnett - www.tkdcentral.comJy Gamble Receives His Black belt Off Grandmaster Ross Hartnett

Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Embraces New Black belt And Best Grading Award Winner Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.comHead Instructor Ajana Plunkett embraces New Black Belt Kelly Rowe

Taekwondo Central Grading Team November 2018 - Kelly Rowe, Trinity Best,The Taekwondo Central 2018 November Grading Squad
Top L-R = Kelly Rowe, Trinity Best, Kian Stapleton, Luke Crane, Master Justin Warren
Front L-R = Jy Gamble, Lucas Hitchens, Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett

Black Belt Grading November 2018

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The Paragon Program

Paragon : A model or example of profound … [Read More…]


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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]


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MARTIALFIT – Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training

– – Martial Arts Inspired Fitness … [Read More…]

Counterstrike Bunbury 2018 August Course Full – Pics Galore!!

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Instructs - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike Women Self Defence Course has had a strong interest with women personal protection on the radar in the last months.
Thank you to all the ladies who have got involved this term, The improvement in just weeks has been very noticeable already.
We look forward to seeing the empowered version of yourself at the end of the course.

Counterstrike Women Self Defence Course celebrates its 20th year in 2018 with the first course being held at the former Railway Institute Building in 1998 which is just across the road from the current course at the Bunbury Art Gallery. Its also great to see a variety of ages doing this class, its been a great atmosphere and the focus has been intense, these ladies are serious!!

We are looking at the possibility of running a day course in Term 4 in Bunbury.
If you wish to get involved keep an eye out on this webpage – www.tkdcentral.com
Our Facebook page – click here

A big thank you to Deanna Gowland for the photos.
If you like her work she is available to hire for your occasion – phone 0429 089 020


Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches about strength - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Working the 5 Strike Combo - www.tkdcentral.com
Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - On The Attack - www.tkdcentral.com
Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches about Posture - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Firing Off The Counterstrike Combo - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike  Logo - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Counterstrike Combo Practise - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Strikes With Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Strikes B With Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Strikes C With Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

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Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Drawing from emotions - www.tkdcentral.com

 Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Time To develop offense - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Kelly Rowe Teaches Correct kicking - www.tkdcentral.com

 Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Defence Games watched over by Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Breaking The Nerves - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Fine Tuning The Technique - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Talks About The power Within - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Proper Kicking with Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Building Power To The Combo - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Kelly Rowe Shows A Strong Defensive Stance - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Kelly Rowe Shows Defence Against Strikes - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Accessing Your Inner Strength - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Building Muscle Memory Through Repetitions - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Continuually Fine Tuning The Weapon - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Having Fun & Feeling Good is part of it - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Master Justin Warren Teaches Grab Defence - www.tkdcentral.com

Counterstrike 2018 Bunbury - Course Leaders Master Justin Warren with Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

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Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 2

The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

The importance of young women learning martial arts and … [Read More…]


Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]


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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]



Start Training With Us! – Let Us Inspire You!

Term 2 2018 Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More…]


Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should As … [Read More…]


Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick - www.tkdcentral.com

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + … [Read More…]


Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy - www.tkdcentral.com

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]



The Importance Of Young Women Learning Martial Arts And What It Has Given Me – Ajana Plunkett

Ajana Plunkett helping the girls of the club power up - www.tkdcentral.com

The importance of young women learning martial arts and what it has given me 

By Ajana Plunkett

As a young woman today and hearing in the media awful and all too common stories about women subjected to violence , I am very thankful to my mum and nan, for all those years of taking me to Taekwondo lessons from age 6

Taekwondo being a Korean kicking form of martial arts doesn’t usually have a big basis around self-defence.

But what I loved and continue to love about my club Taekwondo Central, is that Master Justin has always based the club around children’s safety and self-defence.

So from a very young age I started gaining my skills and experience in self-defence.

I could never over-emphasize how important it is that young people, or should I say ALL people feel safe in their homes and when they are out and about.

When you feel safe you feel more comfortable to be yourself. The importance of women learning self defence is more present than ever and what better time than now to talk about it?

I want to leave a few figures with you before I go on:

  • One in three Australian women have experienced physical violence, since the age of 15.
  • Eight out of ten women aged 18 to 24 were harassed on the street in the past year.
  • Young women (18 – 24 years) experience significantly higher rates of physical and sexual violence than women in older age groups.
  • Every year in Australia, over 300,000 women experience violence – often sexual violence – from someone other than a partner or someone they know.

Those are some distressing statistics!

In the alarming chance that you find yourself confronted with someone who might cause you harm, knowing how to defend yourself will give you the potential upper-hand and may buy you enough time to get away to safety.

“Taekwondo has not only given me the strength and self-defence skills to protect myself but make me better able to read the warning signs of assault, understand confrontation and body language and how to read the environment around me.”


Head Instructor Ajana Plunkett Throws Master Justin Warren - www.tkdcentral.com - 1

I have this sense of empowerment from my training and the confidence in knowing I can defend myself.

An important thing that self-defence has taught me is acknowledging safety, that the level of safety we feel is measurable.  If we feel uncomfortable we can speak out. If someone gets in our personal space we can move away or place a physical barrier between us. With regular training, you start to understand what your body is capable of, how your body responds to threats and stress, and what others are capable of.

Knowing what is a safe distance, your boundaries and acknowledging the feeling of being unsafe bodes well for your self-protection. Knowing these things have helped me decrease the feeling of being surprised or freezing up in situations.

Martial arts gave me confidence in my mental abilities. My training prepared me to face the unexpected. It taught me that every fail or every loss was an opportunity to learn and resilience was key in my development.

The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, produces mental toughness.  I learned that every problem I encountered had a solution.

Of course, the self-assurance I have in my physical abilities I owe to my training.

I wouldn’t feel confident that I could handle myself in a harmful situation let alone know what to do, but thanks to my training I have an awareness in myself that I know I am strong and I know that I could do serious damage if I had to use my skills in self-defence. As a young woman, this is what empowers me the most!

I mentioned the word empowerment a couple times and that martial arts has given me a feeling of empowerment. So, what is empowerment?

Empowerment; the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.  

I think that definition alone explains exactly why martial arts is empowering. Martial arts is a journey of discovery; of new skills, strengths, learning what your body is capable of. Being proud of your accomplishments, your body and your willpower. I’m so empowered by martial arts and what it can do for you that I have made it my job for quite some time now to teach others and my guess is, I’ll be doing that forever.

Ajana Plunkett Kicking As A 3rd Dan Blackbelt - www.tkdcentral.com

To finish  I’m going to share with you my


5 Self-Defence Tips That I Think All Women/Girls Should Know


1.       LOOK STRONG – The best way to stay safe is to avoid a confrontation altogether. Stand tall, walk confidently and don’t look like a target. By doing this you make yourself look and feel stronger than you may be. It may make attackers think twice before trying something.



Eyes – poke, claw, throw sand, the eyes are sensitive and whatever you do is going to cause pain and blurred vision

Nose– coming from someone who has broken this part of their body more times than she wants to remember, this is a very weak and vulnerable spot. A simple strike with your palm can do a lot of damage.

Throat– If you’ve ever had anything hit your Adam’s apple, you know why this one is included in this list. Simply put, it (literally) knocks the wind right out of you. If you have never been hit there before it’s a very frightful experience.

Groin– need I say anymore? A quick flick to that area or a knee will sure do the trick.


3.       THE 6th SENSE – I don’t know if you ladies have ever felt it, but I sure have. It’s got me out of some close calls. When you’re in an environment, nothing bad may have happened yet but you just feel off, you get that butterfly in your belly, the weird feeling that you know something isn’t right and your heart starts to race. TRUST IT, it doesn’t matter whether you’re wrong, it just matters that you feel safe. Like that saying goes. Better safe than sorry.


4.       KNOW THE WARNING SIGNS – Most attackers don’t begin with brutal force. They begin by coaxing a woman into a secluded area and forcing her to relinquish her control. Not only will your instincts help you avoid dangerous situations, but you can also determine someone’s intent by knowing what to look for. Some pre-incident indicators include: refusing to accept rejection, charm, giving too many details, giving unsolicited help and expecting favours in return and unwanted promises to name a few. Remember ‘no’ is a full sentence and you don’t have to explain your reasoning.


5.      BEING SAFE AT NIGHTThere are several precautions that you can take to ensure your safety while walking at night.Be aware and try and avoid distractions like having your headphones in or having your head down texting.  There is safety in numbers, so where you can walk each other to cars etc.  When walking at night, always use popular routes used frequently by others. By using these, you decrease your chances of being alone while walking at night. Try not to be tempted take a shortcut through a dark alleyway or parking lot. Avoid suspicious areas and people and always try and stick to the most lit path where possible.

“The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, produces mental toughness.
I learned that every problem I encountered had a solution.”

I really hope that by sharing my experience with you, that it may inspire you, young women, people of all ages to start doing something to better protect themselves. Start up a martial art, take a self-defence course or at least, take on board some of the tips you have just read.

Because in the end all that matters to your loved ones is that you are safe.


Taekwondo Central Head Instructor - Ajana Plunkett - www.tkdcentral.com
Miss Ajana Plunkett (20) is the Head Instructor Of Taekwondo Central
Holding a 4th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo (WT) she has been practising Taekwondo for 15 years.

For Info On Miss Plunketts Classes – Please See below or contact her for private lessons
Ph – 0401809895
Email – ajtkdcentral@gmail.com

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 Teen Performs Self Defence

4 Week 12-14 Year Old Basic Young Womens Self Defence Course – Starts 27th July 2018



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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]



Start Training With Us! – Let Us Inspire You!

Term Start Dates Bunbury Martial Arts – From … [Read More..


Ajana Plunkett With Her Medals - www.tkdcentral.com

Ajana Plunkett: The Master’s Apprentice – Coal Under Pressure Creates Diamonds.

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse … [Read More…]


Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy - www.tkdcentral.com

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]


Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

By Kristy Hitchens – Brown Mouse Communications + Mortal Mouse Taekwondo Blog

Why taking up Taekwondo in my 40s was the best thing ever!  

And now you can do it too with my Top 5 Tips… 

 Kristy Hitchens performs a turning kick - www.tkdcentral.com

Am I having a near mid-life crisis?

Is that what this is?

Is this the equivalent of (*gulp!) buying a Harley or red sports car and dating a hot blonde?

All of this and more (MUCH more!) is what went on in my busy brain when I decided to take up martial arts in my 40s – specifically taekwondo and specifically right after I turned 4-Ohhhhhhhh.

For five years I had sat on the sidelines watching my son Lucas, 10, progress through the ranks of Taekwondo Central’s membership.

True. It was something I had considered. I like being active. I wouldn’t be the ONLY mum doing it I had thought to myself.

But comfort zones are…well…comfortable!

It’s hard to say exactly what it was that finally pushed me off that little bench on the sidelines and onto the floor.

Looking back it was possibly the result of a perfect storm.

Well-timed women’s self defence course presented by TC’s 6th Dan Black Belt Master Justin Warren which I seriously enjoyed and opened the door to these odd yet warm feelings of empowerment.

Committed encouragement from people I admire.

And finally, (but most significantly) the loss of a loved one far too soon which inspired me to just LIVE!

I turned up to my first training session a complete bundle of nerves. It felt like Lucas and I had undergone this mind-bending role reversal because there he was being all sweet and encouraging, tenderly patting my arm and telling me how proud he was of me for having a go. (*heart melts)

Lucas & Kristy Hitchens - www.tkdcentral.com

Lucas & Kristy Hitchens In Action

I was utterly terrified that I would make a complete goose of myself in front of Master Justin, the other students and (worst of all) the other parents I had previously been sitting with on the sidelines.

Ridiculous when I think about it now but self doubt is a weird and persistent beast.

Master Justin has coached literally thousands of beginners all the way to Black Belt level so in hindsight, pretty sure he’s used to working with students who are just starting out – even uncoordinated over 40 ones!

The other students are busy doing their own thing and could care less how wonky my early kicking attempts were.

And finally, the other parents are busy watching their own kids (of course!) and had next to no interest in critiquing my efforts.

Despite all my early irrational fears, I kept going back for more. I had a fierce new training buddy in Juliani Wayan who I didn’t want to let down and I sure as heck did not want to give Lucas the impression his mum was a quitter.

On top of that, bit by bit and to my astonishment, I began to realise I was actually loving it.

Kristy Hitchens with training partner Juliani Wayans - www.tkdcentral.com

Kristy Hitchens with training partner Juliana Wayan after successfully passing their belt examination


Fast forward a little to now and I have added a couple more stripes to my belt and in the process, some other really incredible things have happened:

  • I discovered I really (like REALLY) love punching and kicking. Who knew that in your 40s you could discover a whole other thing that you would just find to be so much fun? That’s heartening don’t you think?
  • Turns out I’m WAY more determined than I had ever suspected. That’s code for stubborn. Yep, I’m really, REALLY stubborn but it actually helps when you’re learning a new skill.
  • Setting regular goals (like a belt level per term) that don’t come easily, that you HAVE to work towards, is so bloomin’ fulfilling. Don’t tell anyone but I really am so chuffed with myself.
  • When you try something new that not many other people are doing, you create an instant connection with a whole bunch of amazing new people because you’re sharing an experience that’s totally unique. I really love my new Taekwondo Central tribe and am so grateful to have found them.

Above all else, I think I may look back on this as one of the most significant things I have done as a parent for Lucas.

It is staggeringly joyous to be sharing a common interest with him like this. We set goals together, motivate and encourage each other and he gives me a hiding in sparring practice, bruised shins (It’s supposed to be non contact Lucas!) and all! We love training together.

Believe me when I say this kind of bond is not something you can achieve with even the most committed support from the sidelines. You actually have to get in there, bare feet and all, and do it WITH THEM.

Don’t get me wrong, I probably HAVE had a few goose-like moments in my taekwondo journey so far.

I suspect there’ll be quite a few more…I’m talking about you spin hook kick!

 But being a bit goosy matters little now when I consider everything Lucas and I have gained as a result.

It’s been a million times worth it.

So take it from me.  If you have entered 2018 and the vaguely middle part (I said VAGUELY!) of your expectant life with a desire to make things better AND an inkling that taekwondo classes might be the answer, here are my Top 5 Tips for starting taekwondo in your 40s.

  1. Work on flexibility.

To me, this guy is NUMERO UNO in importance. Head-height kicks are the signature taekwondo move and unless you work on flexibility, you won’t be kicking anyone above the toenail.  Much to my initial disgust, flexibility is just not something you can fake. But what I happily discovered is that you really can do stuff to improve it and you WILL notice the difference – pretty quickly even!

Flexibility decreases naturally as we age but working to improve it (stretching exercises every day if you can but at least three times a week) comes with a whole raft of associated health and wellness benefits like improved bloodflow, less aches and pains and greater ability to complete everyday tasks without discomfort.

You can Google up a bunch of ideas for increasing your flexibility. I’ve done two things.

The stretches we do before the start of every class, I do at home too on non-training days.

Also I found these dynamic stretches which seem to improve flexibility AND strength.

Stand on one leg. Lift the other leg to your imaginary opponent’s knee height and then put it down again but only very lightly touching your big toe on the ground. Repeat 12 times. Both legs.

Now do a similar action but lift your leg out to the side. 12 times, both legs.

And do the same again, but lifting your leg our behind you.

As you get better and stronger, work towards lifting your leg to stomach, chest and then head height.

The tip is not to be swinging your leg to get height and momentum. You should be relying ONLY on leg strength. Also, you shouldn’t find it really exhausting. You can feel the muscles working but it’s not like you’re gasping for breath or anything.

  1. Practice 

Training once or twice a week is not going to cut the mustard when you’re in your 40s. If you want to see real improvement in those kicks, you’re going to need to put in some time at home as well to build up that muscle memory in time for your next grading.

  1. It will hurt. Deal with it Princess. 

Your body is working in ways it has NEVER had to work before. Say HELLO to your Hip Flexors! During that first term I could not believe how sore I felt. My entire legs would ache and twitch after every session. Don’t get me wrong! It wasn’t excruciating or anything but yeah, it hurts. I’m telling you this now so you don’t have to be scared when it happens to you. It’s totally normal and not going to cause you any long-lasting damage. And guess what? After a while, it gets better!

 You don’t always hurt like you do in those first few months. It’s one aspect of ALL of this that just makes each little achievement that bit sweeter. Nobody is going to serve up a new belt to you on a silver platter. Ya gotta work for it baby!

In the meantime though, all those home remedies you’ve heard about really do help – hot baths, Epsom salts, massage, foam rolling, anti-inflammatory creams.

  1. Listen to your body 

Having said that, you get used to ignoring the groans and murmurs from your newly-discovered leg muscles, but listen up if that murmur turns into a SHOUT or worse, a SCREAM. You really do come to understand which pains are the ones you should be taking seriously as a sign to slow down or stop.

You don’t want to compromise your progress altogether by ignoring symptoms that need attention. The good thing about doing this in your 40s is that there is no real sense of urgency to reach your goals. You’re not working to a deadline. Take some time off if you need to. Heal properly and start again.

  1. Celebrate the journey 

Did you know that only 1 in 20,000 people who take up martial arts, actually ever make it to Black Belt? One day I hope to be one of them. I can’t actually visualise it yet. “I will need to be able to do wharrrrrrt???”

For now though, I’m just happy taking baby steps in that general direction. Every little improvement I can see and feel, every stripe on my belt. I take a moment to acknowledge the wins, no matter how small. Sounds kinda cheesey I guess but here’s where my awesome new tribe comes in. They understand the significance of the baby steps where others might not so much. They’ll join you in celebrating them, just as you will take joy in helping celebrate theirs.

So there you have it, my Top 5 Tips. But here my patient (if you made it this far) friend, is the REAL kicker These tips are actually equally relevant no matter what your age!

I know right??!!

So what are you waiting for? Age really has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. If you want it, get out there and (just) do it. I’ll see you on the floor.

Kristy x

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Kristy Hitchens is “Main Mouse” of Brown Mouse Communication specialising in email newsletters to help better communicate with your group, business or club.
Taekwondo Central have been using her service for some time now and the difference in our communications with our members has been astounding. Click the above link to see how she can help you.
We recommend her.
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Womens Martial Arts Classes – Taekwondo Central

Taekwondo Centrals Head Instructor 4th Dan Black Belt … [Read More…]


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Counterstrike – Womens Self Defence Course – 6 Week Course

The South Wests Longest Running Women’s Self Defence … [Read More…]



Assistant Instructor Luke Crane with Remy - www.tkdcentral.com

What Is Taekwondo To Me – Luke Crane

What is Taekwondo to me? By Taekwondo Central … [Read More…]


Justin Warren excecutes a jump back kick at 43 years of age - B & W

5 Crucial Age Defying Factors To Keep In Mind When Starting Martial Arts For Better Health – Master Justin Warren – Taekwondo Central

Pictured here at 43, Master Justin Warren Focuses On … [Read More…]


Kelly Rowe - www.tkdcentral.com

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should – Kelly Rowe

Why I Love Martial Arts and Why all Women Should As … [Read More…]

Why You NEED to get your kids into Martial Arts.

Benefits Of Martial Arts

By Kelly Platts

ANXIETY. It seems to be a problem suffered by more and more people these days. The worrying part, a lot of these people are actually our kids.

Why, whose to know exactly why. Lifestyle? Diet? Our Education system? Who knows, but it’s here and we need to develop ways to overcome it. Especially for our little ones. The earlier we can teach our kids how to handle the stresses and worries of life, the better off they will be.

We’ve seen it time and time again, parents have read about the benefits of martial arts and they decide to bring their kids along to try a class. Many will love it from the word go and will continue with it for years. Some last a few terms, others only a few lessons. It’s just not their thing, but they tried it!

But then there’s a small number of kids who just won’t give it a go, I suspect they want to, kids are naturally curious. But fear, shyness and anxiety are just too overwhelming and despite all efforts from Mum/Dad and Instructors it just ends in tears.

It is these kids that could actually really benefit the most from what Martial Arts and what Master Justin has to offer them.

 Double Dragon Logo - Full Detail

Hence the introduction of the “Double Dragons Program”.

A programme specifically designed for these little guys who just need that bit of extra support and attention. In this class Mum or Dad are 100% involved. They’re not sitting on the sidelines. With a parent by their side, often this is all that’s needed to get them going, and what a great bonding opportunity!

Class numbers are capped at a maximum of six, so not only do you get a more personal experience with Head Instructor Master Justin, the overall class feeling becomes a lot less intimidating for the kids.

The Program Is Designed To Improve & Develop

Childs Personal Safety Skills Great For Coordination Give Them A Confident Start Be There To Help Them Progress All Important, An Activity For Both Parent & Child Light to Moderate Exercise For Parent Increase Bonding

We’re really excited to see what this special class can achieve. Master Justin has a truly unique skill with little ones. His kind and gentle manner really gels with our all students, but his gift is without a doubt, best applied to the youngest members. We know there will be some really positive outcomes for the students in this class.

Kid in fighting stance


But don’t stop there, after experiencing some real successes with the Double Dragons, your child should have the courage and the confidence to take the next step, and by now you will have seen first hand the amazing energy and enthusiasm from Master Justin and the incredible benefits of training in Martial Arts.

Have a think about some of the qualities and skills you want your children to have as they transition from childhood into young adults. We all want them to be successful and in good health, to live long and rewarding lives, yes? In Mind, Body and Spirit!


What are some of the skills that successful people hold, how do they achieve success?

Mental determination: The drive and desire to push for more.

Perseverance: The ability to continue to walk forward in the face of defeat or disappointments that come along the way.

Confidence: A belief in themselves and their ability to achieve what they want.

Self Control: Understanding success involves some sacrifice.

Problem Solving & Adaptation: An Extremely important skill that is needed across all areas of life!

Patience, Integrity and humility. Traits that are invaluable to a successful and well rounded individual.


But there are two aspects to overall health.

One is your physical Health; the other is your mental health.  Without each other in unison, things just don’t run well.

A strong, healthy and fit body will undoubtable help carry them through a successful life.

Balance: Without it we are pretty much buggered. What’s the one of the first things we lose into our elderly years? Balance! Utilise your muscles, exercise when you’re young and really strengthen your body and core. Your balance will remain with you for A LOT longer than the average person.

Flexibility: Can you touch your toes? No? Why not? Age is no excuse! But starting early will make the transition into the golden years much easier!

Muscle tone & Endurance: Good muscle tone promotes good posture, and having the strength to perform many daily activities are vital. Use it or lose it. There is no truer saying. Don’t move, and in years you will have trouble moving. Move more consistently through your life and in years to come you will still be moving!

So now you’ve read it, the benefits of Martial Arts are incredible! Why WOULDN’T you want to give this amazing opportunity and start in life to your kids?


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